Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Kindergarten Superstar

Jackson had a great first day of kindergarten. Thank You, Lord! Here's the recap.

On Friday morning we went to Meet the Teacher at his school.

He was nervous and didn't want his picture taken. As we walked inside the school he told me his teeth were chattering. Bless his heart. I love his innocence in that he wasn't embarrassed to tell me.

He looked like he was about to cry when his teacher greeted him. But finding his seat and seeing the room made him more comfortable. Plus, there was a little trinket on his desk from the teacher and that totally put him at ease.

We walked back to the car and he yelled, "Mommy! I'm not scared anymore!" He was all smiles.

The date I've had on my mind for a very long time finally came.

I woke him up and whispered "Good morning, kindergartner!" We snuggled for a few minutes and he was already at Level 10 excitement about the day.

Jackson's signature was required on one of the forms, which I thought was hilarious. He signed it right before he left. So very official!

First day pic inside.

First day pic outside. My camera fogged up and failed me on its most crucial day!

We walked Jackson to school as a family. It was crazy and fun to see all the other families doing the same thing. Curt and Annabeth waited outside while I walked Jackson into his classroom. The teacher greeted him at his seat, I said, "I love you, buddy. Have fun," and walked out. But of course I stopped and watched him for a few seconds from the corner of the room. He was having a lot of trouble hanging up his backpack on the back of his chair, so I went back and showed him what to do. Then I left!

We went back home and there was a truck in front of our house delivering two new mattresses - one for Annabeth's big girl bed. What a day! You can see in this pic that our hair succumbed to the humidity. Thank God Curtis is taking Jackson to school from now on.

Curtis sang to Annabeth to make it less traumatic for her that she wasn't also going to school. She was bummed at first.

Then I went to the BooHoo/Yahoo Breakfast put on by the PTO. These were the decorations (party horns and Kleenex) and they made me laugh. I did not cry, by the way. :)

My mom spent the whole day with us and we had a blast together. We went to Memorial City Mall and had lunch at California Pizza Kitchen. (Their Chinese chicken salad is amazing.) My sister was able to join us and we got to celebrate her first day of class at Rice University. She is starting her doctoral program. We call her Aunt Sassa Smartypants.

Soon I got a text from my dear friend who works at Jackson's school and she reported that she'd seen him with big smiles and he seemed to be doing great. That was a huge blessing. The day might have seemed 10 times longer if I hadn't heard that.

Annabeth scored a Tinkerbell dress and some princess shoes from Bibby. Here she is holding the shoes and having a snooze.

Since AB was asleep in the car, we drove through my mom's old stomping grounds in Spring Branch. This is her old house.

Here's Abey as Tink! She loved her dress. She did not love the wings.

We walked to the school to pick up Jackson in the blazing heat of the day. Mom was such a trooper. Jackson walked out the door with a smile on his face and gave me a huge hug. He was thrilled to see Bibby there. He told us he loved everything about kindergarten and his teacher. He said, "Bibby, you should have seen it!" He also told me he loved it more than recess at his preschool, which was a big statement for him. Our favorite thing he said was this: "My teacher asked who wanted to be a kindergarten superstar and I raised my hand!"

You can see that Annabeth is wearing her Cinderella shoes. That's because she really, really wanted to wear her Tinkerbell dress to pick up Jackson and I wouldn't let her. The shoes were a compromise (she rode in the stroller). If we were a month in I would have let her but, have mercy, people, not on the first day.

We were a bit overheated so I got an ice pack out of the freezer. It was a ministry.

The kids were ready for the traditional first day of school treat - ice cream cake!


Mom gifted the kids with gummy lizards and some other, um, unique candy that was a huge hit.

Y'all, I was absolutely exhausted by dinner time. The adrenaline wore off and I hit a wall. I can't imagine what the evening was like for the kids and especially for the teachers. I managed to make breakfast tacos for us and then God gave me grace for the rest of the evening. We put the new mattresses on the kids' beds (Jackson's was at least 15 years old), took down the crib, rearranged some furniture, and said goodnight to the kids. They pretty much grew up overnight. I probably would have emoted excessively about Annabeth being in a big girl bed if it hadn't been overshadowed by kindergarten. But I liked it that way. It was like ripping off the band aid.

Here's my little Tink before sleep. In true Jones family fashion, she has on Christmas pajamas.

Her bed has some random stuff on it right now because I plan to have a quilt made out of her baby bedding. Knowing me, it probably won't happen any time soon. The box spring won't be delivered until tomorrow.

I was grateful that Jackson woke up excited about day two. He got to open a card from his old babysitter, Miss Sara. She is so sweet!

Second day pic outside.

I was much less frazzled during picture taking time and anticipating the camera issues.

When I started this blog five and a half years ago, I could not imagine the day I would take Jackson to kindergarten. I can't believe we have come this far. Thanks for taking this journey with us.


Missy said...

Lord have mercy, I bet your mom squealed with delight when she saw the "hair legacy" evident in that picture of Annabeth dancing while Curtis is playing the guitar! Such beautiful, thick tresses and oh the volume!

Congrats on making it through the first day!

Becky Kiser said...

What a special day! Love how you made it special for your kiddos and you!

Tara G. said...

I enjoyed the recap- such wonderful memories!! The Cinderella shoes are the best- she just needed a Bible in her hands and she'd be a mini-Bibby! Just precious! My mom quilts like it's going out of style and has made both my girls one for their beds(matching)- except one is a toddler size...good thing these are the grandkids as I'll be asking for new ones when the little one graduates to her twin size when we return next summer! :)

From the Bumpy Road said...

Thanks so much for sharing your journey. We start kindergarten in two years and it really helps to look ahead. Praying for BCF as you kick off!

Marc and Charity said...

I'm sorry, you're probably sick of me by now. Just wanted to say it sounded like a great day to me! He sure looks happy and I'm so impressed you didn't cry.

Laura SanchezQuan said...

I love it! So sweet! You handled Kindergarten so well! I was thinking on Sunday night about all the first time kids going to school the next day and how hard it will be when my kiddos are that age. But by Monday morning and my two year old was being very two year oldish, I was kind of wishing I could send him off to Kindergarten. ;)

Meghann said...

I'm so glad he had a great first day!

I know you don't want to think about this now, but I was WAY more emotional when my second child started school. This year I'm a total mess because my youngest is now a kindergartener, and my oldest is starting junior high! It goes by way too fast.

I wish we still lived in Houston, all my friends have all these adorable kids I'd love for my kids to be able to play with at HFBC, but alas, that is not where my path lead. :)

Sara said...

Yay for a great first day of Kindergarten! Jackson looks beyond excited, and it sounds like you had a great day of celebration all around! My oldest started Kindergarten yesterday as well -- what a range of emotions to experience! We let him ride the bus home from school, and that just might have been his favorite part of the day. I am so excited for these new beginnings and school days to come, but I have a feeling it's all going to go at lightning speed... much like the last 5 1/2 years!

Ashley said...

Your family makes me smile and want to move to TX...sort of, then I wouldn't be near my family. BUT y'all are all so precious together. One of mine started kindergarten a couple of weeks ago...crazy how the time flies! And on another note, CPK also has a BBQ chicken salad that is soooooooo good. If you haven't had it, try it.

MEGAN said...

Thanks for sharing the journey! I love that the girls got to spend the day together. And how does AB wear Christmas pj's if it's so hot???? Isn't she sweltering in those things?

jenmom said...

Is that a Lego thingy I see on the table with Jackson in the second morning picture? My Bentley, same age as Jackson, LOVES Legos!!! He plays with them before school also.

Jennifer said...

So glad that the first day went well. I can't believe I have a kindergartener either. They grow up way too fast!

Erin Ward said...

So excited to read all about the Jones' first day. Tell Jackson we love him and are so proud of him!

Meggie said...

Great recap of the first day! I love the ice cream cake tradition. Maybe that's one I'll start doing every year. =) You handled the first day of Kindergarten great... I hope in a few years when my oldest has his first day that I do as well as you! Thanks for sharing. =)

Heather's House said...

I sent one of my babies to high school and the other to 4th grade! sniff, sniff. It never gets easy. Although, the quiet during the day is nice. haha!

Enjoy every minute. :)

Shannon said...

Ok, Your kids remind me so much of my own. (Mine still insist on wearing those very Christmas pjs!)

I'm so glad Jackson had a great first day.

Anonymous said...

I love all your traditions. I hope you will link this post to my Back to School Traditions link up.!

Dedra@dfw said...


Shelli Littleton said...

So sweet! I will never forget Karalee's first "big-girl bed" ... I went to check on her after she was supposed to be asleep. She had been up digging through her chest-of-drawers ... had on nothing but a ballet tu-tu and so proudly said, "Look, Momma!" Gracious!

Deidre said...

Whoa - a big girl bed and first day of Kindergarten? Girl, you are brave. Yes, Jackson is a Kindergarten superstar. He looks so precious sitting at his desk. What a special day for all of you!

Mari Bryant- Marks said...

I love that you took a 2nd day of school picture!

Anonymous said...

I love the name of the breakfast from the PTO. Thanks for sharing your special day with us. That was definitely one that needed to be documented!

Dionna said...

That is so precious that Jackson raised his hand to be a kindergarten superstar and told you. It's also precious how Annabeth fell asleep holding her Tinkerbell shoes. I love those moments in time. Hold onto them with your heart. :)

Also - what are breakfast tacos? They sound delicious! I've made breakfast burritos and am wondering if they are similiar just maybe with a hard shell instead of a tortilla?

connorcolesmom said...

WOW - times sure flies!
I feel like my oldest should be Jackson's age but he is in SIXTH grade already - WHAT?? How did that happen....
Jackson is adorable! What a blessing to be able to walk Jackson to school and know that he is loving every minute of it!
Enjoy this time b/c it is so precious!

Much love

Mary H. said...

Love reading out Jackson's first day! You are a gifted mother! Best wishes to all of you!

Connie Hughey said...

Thanks for sharing this, Amanda! Loved it!

Marla Taviano said...

I loved this post so much. My baby starts kindergarten tomorrow. And just lost her first tooth an hour ago. :)

My sister made me a quilt with a bunch of my girls' baby clothes, and it's one of my most favorite possessions.

And you look so pretty in that pic. Love you, friend!

Heather said...

Mollie "tate" says she misses her friends Annabeth! :( So glad Jackson had a great 1st day!! :) Here's to many more great days this year!

Allison said...

yay! What a special day! Congrats on surving it! Can't believe I will be there next year. When did AB's hair turn blonde? I love that she is following in the tradition of Moore Big Hair! Remeber Benders from elementary school (is that what they were called?) I think she needs a set!

Unknown said...

Your life is about to fast forward. Enjoy every moment.

Spicy Magnolia said...

What a special, special day, graced by Jesus. You are a wonderful momma, Amanda, and I'm blessed to follow you on this journey! I wish I could give you a hug in person, but this will have to do: !

JayCee said...

It has been fun taking the journey with you!

Melissa F. said...

Glad you had such a great first day! (and Jackson too!!) Thanks for sharing.

Molly said...

First of all, can I say I love Jackson's haircut...
I am so thrilled, I loved it when he said, 'I'm not afraid anymore.'
also, 'Bibby, you should have seen it,' Who does that sound like?
Great fun! Thank you for sharing.

Btw tell your mom, she is looking great, I love her hair!!!

Kelly @ Love Well said...

I remember when Natalie was one. We had just moved from San Diego to small town Minnesota. A friendly woman asked me, "Which kindergarten will your daughter attend?" And I was AGHAST! I had never imagined my baby attending school, nor had I considered that we'd live in Tiny Town that long. I was almost offended. How dare she insinuate my Natalie would leave me one day?

And now Natalie is 10. I have been reading your blog since Jackson was an infant. I can't believe time flies as fast as it does. (And his missing tooth smile is priceless! Money can't buy that.)

Kelli said...

I can't think of a more fabulous first day of school! Great job mom!

Marlos ACE said...

You did good, I cried when my son started K, and teared up a bit on Monday when he started his senior year of HS. I too LOVE the traditions you all do for certain occasions, I wish I had done that with my kiddos..thinking of things I can start now with 21, 19, 18 and a 15 year old :)

Kim ~ Kay Kay said...

Very nicely done, mom! What a perfect memory. Happy first school year!

Suzi K said...

So precious. You're so brave!

I have been following the blog for about 5 years now...can't believe it hasreally been that long! My 5 1/2 year old will be going into K this year too, in September.

Josh and Jill said...

You are making me cry!!! My litle girl starts Pre-K the day after labor day. I love seeing the traditions of others for the 1st day, and am excited about making some of our own. Thanks for sharing your life here!

Shauna said...

Wow. I can't believe it. Our son is getting ready to go to kindergarten too (day after labor day). I remember when Jackson was born thinking that my son and Jackson would be in the same grade...even though they don't know each other and probably never will - there's something special about going through milestones with someone else. After reading this post I will add Jackson to my morning prayers...when I pray for Jonah (our son) to be blessed by God during his time away from home.

Katie said...

Loved your recap. It seemes hardly possible in just a couple of weeks my oldest will be starting 2nd grade and my sweet Emma Kate will be entering kindergarten. Looking back it goes by in a blink. LPM ministry has meant the world to me! Thanks for opening your heart and home to blog world! Enjoy every minute of this school year! Christmas vaction will be here before you know it! :)

Shellie Paparazzo said...

Oh, joy! I loved the ice pack! It is most definitely a ministry! I realize compared to your hot, our version of hot here in Idaho is nothing, but we're not used to ANY version of hot, and I have the original bed buddy, which can be heated or cooled. We keep it in the freezer during the summer months, and me and the kids were fighting over it the one day it almost reached 100 degrees. It might have actually, but I didn't check. I figure maybe it won't seem as hot if I don't know:) We usually have a couple of weeks of triple degree heat, so it probably has been all week and I refuse to look. We couldn't stand to stay home, so while Jeremiah's been at football practice in the afternoon (in football pads, poor thing!!!) we've been hanging out at the mall and other places with air conditioning!!! That day I told you about, I caught my eight year old emptying out half the freezer and sticking her entire upper body inside! I think she was planning to climb in and stay awhile! LOL Can't say that I blame her!

Sarah said...

So excited about BCF and Jackson in K and AB in her school. They are getting so big. My cousin went to BCF with her family and loved it. Her husband, son and her have been going to another Houston-area church for years and decided to try it and loved it! Go, God, Go! :) Thanks for being obedient to His call!