These are some GOOD cupcakes. I got a box of four - 2 vanilla, 1 milk chocolate, and 1 strawberry. I was amazed by the vanilla. The other two flavors were fine. But the vanilla. Oh the vanilla! Not your run of the mill, civilian vanilla - Madagascar bourbon vanilla cake with creamy vanilla frosting. The cake part was delicious and the icing was magnificent. My favorite part was the thick layer of white sprinkles that gave it a little crust. There was crisp in the crust. If you are an out of control fan of icing, you can get an icing shot for 75 cents.
I have documented our Sprinkles experience for those of you who are considering going and also for those of you who may never make it to Dallas for this special opportunity.
I love how they just really felt led to put "Beverly Hills" on the signage.

Sunni and Ava going through the line. You can see the cupcakes displayed behind them.

Brown box, pink on the inside, sitting on a cool counter. It's almost too much.

A better view of the cupcakes.

I loved the wooden knives and forks! They're kind of like the wooden spoons you get with tiny cups of ice cream, but much fancier. Now we know why the cupcakes are so expensive.

Jackson got to share my vanilla. A mother's love...

Take it all in, baby boy.

The babies were entertained by the school children playing nearby in their little plaid uniforms. Notice how Little Missy is sitting like a lady and The Mister is sitting like a man.

Ava enjoyed the red velvet cupcake.

Jackson got frosting on his leather shoes. They came off pretty quick after that.

The line out the door as we were leaving.

I've eaten at the one in Beverly Hills and all I can say is YUMMY! The chocolate cocount and red velvet are out of this world. I had heard it was coming to Dallas and I've considered driving the 5 hours just to go there!
Amazing.... I am so Jealous that you have already been able to taste that peice of Magic!
I love the one with Ava and Red Velvet on her face! She is adorable!
Glad to hear that you are in Big D! I thought you were in H. I commented on your friend's site with Laney, because our daughter is from China. I live just south of D and am moving to the North of it in the next few weeks to L-ville for my hubby to be the children's min. at a church up there. Maybe our paths can cross at Sprinkles! I am sooo there with my little one! Thanks for the info! ; )
Um, I can still taste the red velvet & the creamy cream cheese icing. Yummy!
by the guests on Tuesday night loved the vanilla one the best! it almost tastes like a pound cake!
Oh, Amanda...I'm SO glad I stopped by your blog today! I LIVE for icing. :0) I can't wait to try this place!!!
Looks like a great place!
Ummmm...can I admit that I have a touch of jealousy? Cupcakes? Famous people? It's all too much for me to take in! Could Jackson me any cuter?
No've inspired me, I'm off to make some sprinkles of my own...-kat
I've been to the BH Sprinkles too---YUMMY is right! They would have lines a half a block long and if you needed them for a party, you would need to give your credit card information over the phone otherwise you might have to wait an hour when you picked them up.
Williams Sonoma sells their mix now--I have it in my pantry but haven't tried it.
my mouth is watering right now...please come to Houston!!! we need you...BAD!!!
"Take it all in, baby boy..."
HA! That's my favorite. (Ever since reading your post this morning, I have been thinking about Sprinkles cupcakes. I had to come back to the site, just to gaze upon those cupcakes one more time. They look divine.)
You know she's a lady when she can sit politely even while wearing camo pants. :-)
I've never heard of Sprinkles, but as a die-hard sugar lover, you can be I'll be checking it out!
And thanks for the nursing strike encouragement--I'm about to lose my mind!! How long did you end up nursing him?
I see you stuck with the same picture day outfit! Good choice...dying to pride and walking in...well...walking in something.
He is a cutie!
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