Friday, January 23, 2009

Girls Night Out

I think this is my last post on the purple blog as I know it. I'm excited but it's a little bittersweet!

Last night was the KSBJ/Proverbs 31 Ministries Girls Night Out. It was such a great night. There were a handful of bloggers there and we all managed to find each other. We had Melanie, Missy, Missy, Linda, Sandy, Lindsee, Claire, and even Lisa, who flew in from out of state! It was really neat to visit with everyone. I find it very enjoyable to be in the company of other bloggers. It's such a weird little hobby that people do not really get unless they do it too. It's fun to talk shop.

There were three speakers for the event - Lysa TerKeurst, Renee Swope, and Kate Gosselin from Jon and Kate + 8. They were all delightful to hear. They each gave testimonies about what happens when a woman says yes to God. Ayiesha Woods performed in between speakers and she was awesome. And adorable. We laughed a ton and cried a little - the perfect girls night out. (Have y'all seen this abbreviated as GNO? I don't really like it. Makes me think of gyno.) Also? Kate was a total hottie last night with her heels and very cool hair.

Today we got to have lunch at the Nordstrom Bistro with the Altics and our friend Ralph from India. Ralph is the man who hosted Jerrell and Curt when they went to India last September. He is an awesome guy. During lunch Jackson was being really calm and still and basically not acting like himself. By the end of the meal, I knew something was up. Sure enough, we got home and I took his temperature - 102. Bless his heart. So he's been laying on the couch with a blanket and watching cartoons. I think he has a sinus infection from the cold he had last week. We'll see when we take him to the doctor in the morning. I'm super bummed because we were supposed to have dinner over at our friends Kristy and Drew's house tonight. When I called her she was already baking an apple pie for us. Big, huge bummer. I'm consoling myself with some Valentine's cookies that Melanie brought me from a bakery in San Antonio. Y'all know I love me a worthy cookie and these are so very, very worthy. Isn't it pathetic when you know where to go for the most excellent baked goods in every major city in Texas?

While we were at the Galleria, I ran into Gap and exchanged a hideously huge sweater that I'd ordered online for one that fits a little better. It was like a stinking dress, which shows you how poorly sized it was since it swallowed me up in my ninth month. I also got some maternity sweat pants that are already making me so happy as I type this. There's room for the belly but they aren't baggy in the bum. Ladies, hubbies don't really like to see us in pants that sag in the back. Just thought I'd let y'all know that in case your man doesn't know how to vocalize his distaste for your sweat pants.

Finally, I feel the need to do a little PSI for anyone living here in the Houston area. After the event last night I was dying for something to drink and some ice to crunch, so I pulled into a Sonic that was close to the church where the event was held. I had the cherry limeade of my life. It was absolutely incredible. It was so good that I forgot to be mad that they didn't actually put a cherry in it. I might even want to reward whoever made it with five minutes of uninterrupted eye contact. I am now going to reveal this anointed Sonic's location - Cypresswood and 249. Well done, Cypresswood Sonic! You complete me.


Erica said...

Sounds like a great time.
Gotta love those cherry limeades. We are so excited to have Sonic close by once again!

Lauren said...

Too funny!!!! I love cherry limeades. Glad you had such a wonderful girls night out :) :)

Holly said...

I wanted to see the picture of your blessed yellow purse! :0)

Have a comfortable and restful weekend, Amanda! Soon and very soon...

Immeasurably More Mama said...

I miss our closed recently. They have the BEST drink menu! It sounds like a lot of fun was had at the Girl's Night Out.

Heather said...

I am eating cereal as I read this and I nearly spit out my bite (too much info, I know, sorry!) when I read "reward them with uninterrupted eye contact!!!" That movie has so many funny lines! You know I am a Sonic girl, too! Every time I read a post of yours, I pray a little harder that one of us will move so we can be friends in real life and go to Sonic and let our little girls (and boys!) play together! Oh, let it be, Lord!! :) Have a great weekend!

R said...

oh, please do tell more about the maternity sweatpants!! i can't find anything that fits!

and i'm totally with you on the cherry limeade. that, the cherry coke, and the starbucks peppermint mocha are always so touch and go for me because they're mixed onsite! it's such a spiritual thing when you get one that's just the "right" blend. :0)

Alana said...

I am laughing so hard right now...Eric and i have had the whole sweat pant conversation...and it does make mad when there is no cherry in the cherry limeade!!!!

Kiki said...

Sage kept telling me I should go see Kate. He loves that show.

We are bummed y'all couldn't come but we'll do it a different day.

Beth said...

I can't wait to see your new blog background. I have to do that next. I don't really know how yet, haven't spent that much time on it yet. Where do I go to find new backgrounds??? Bethany

boomama said...

Oh, I do love me some Baby Mama.

Wish you were going to be in the ATL this weekend - we will miss you! But we'll give the Lord a handclap of praise for you. Oh yes we will.

Big Mama said...

I am so glad that the cookies are some comfort after the disappointment of no homemade apple pie.

Had a great time!

Gran Jan said...

Amanda: Girl - you are so good, and I want to give a word of witness to the cherry limeaid...for if it is not mixed just right and is a CHERRYlimeaid or a cherryLIMEAID it is not right, but when you can get one that is just PERFECT and is a CHERRY-LIMEAID, it is DIVINE.

Thank you - I get it -
love you - praying for you and these last few weeks of your pregnancy.

May God bless you with rest and then a speedy and easy delivery, and a peaceful and content babygirl, and a happy big brother who will always have his little sister's best interest at heart - for he will be her hero...

Love much,
Georgia Jan

Sandy @ The Scoop on Balance said...


So fun to meet you. You are simply beautiful and radiant.

Have a great weekend!


Lauren said...

Ha! That 5 minutes of uninterrupted eye contact thing just made me laugh so hard. That is the funniest thing in that movie!

Ruth said...

Oh my goodness, I am laughing out loud at the uninterrupted eye contact! Thanks for the Sonic tip -- I will pass it along to my sister-in-law who lives nearby there. Even though we have never met, I am praying for you in these last few weeks, and can't wait to see pictures of your sweet baby girl. May God bless you with peace and rest in these last few days before she arrives!

Sister Lynn said...

You make me laugh! I love that you use the word "bum" - my folks are from Indian and grew up under British rule - so "bum" was the standard in our house

Thanks for the smile!

Sister Lynn

Nancy Mon said...

My last comment on your purple blog. :)

I think I am finally going to do a blog redo.

Ralph is an amazing man isn't he. He has spoke in our Sunday School class a couple of times.

Jessie said...

Sounds like a great night - and I too love Sonic and Lysa Terkeurst - what a great combo in one evening :o)

Gayle @ thewestiecrew said...

I hear you about Kate's awesome hair. I wish I could pull it off, but I'd look like Tinkerbell because I'm so short.
Glad y'all had a nice time... we'll miss you in Atlanta. :(

Haley said...

How funny! I just finished "Multiple Blessings" Kate's new book! It was really good! And about the Cherry Limeades...that was probably because you are so pregnant! My thing was Chocolate Chocolate Chip icecream in a waffle cone at a little icecream shop here in TN. I told my husband that "you never really understand how good something can taste until you are the vvpg, crave something and GET it!" haha...wish you were able to be in GA this weekend so that I could introduce myself in person!

Christy said...

Oh you just had to go there...Sonic. Ok as a Midwest girl who LOVES Sonic, but is living in Germany where Sonic is just some unknown wonder....I drool at the word. When I went back to the states this summer for the first time in 3 yrs...I had to have Sonic and my children LOVED it! My 7 yr old declared "it's the best food ever" I felt just a slight bit of shame, knowning we've taken this boy to some very wonderful resturants here in Europe...but well you can't argue with facts! LOL

So I say go have Sonic again for this Kansas girl in Germany!

Marla Taviano said...

Okay, I'm glad ^Heather^ clued me in that "the uninterrupted eye contact" is a movie line. I was starting to wonder about you...

Glad you had such a great time!!

beckyjomama said...

I just had dinner with my man at the very first MI Sonic that just opened! Had to sit in the car in the street for over a half hour before making it into the parking lot ... SO worth it!!! I HEART me some Sonic!

Anonymous said...

OH MAN! I can't believe I missed that- blame it on the move. I wanted to go sooooo bad. Thanks for the recap! -Emily

twinkle said...

That would have been fun to go to! I love Kate Gosselin. I CANNOT imagine what life is like for her!
My husband is hooked on their show! We have so much fun speaking like those little angels. We have "Maddy" moments and we say "unnerwears" like Leah. My favorite is the time when Alexis was jealous of anyone touching Aaden and she proclaimed "He will throw up on you!" Aaden was sick and Alexis was petting him *so cute*! My husband's favorite is Collin when he gets his jive on after Kate tries her best to find out which of the boys had disobeyed! Guilty but not caught red-handed!
And Amanda, God has been putting Kate on my heart here lately to pray for her. Don't know why but what an impact for Christ she is making through her family's fishbowl life. Keep her in your prayers, too.
Hope the Little Mister gets better pronto! Give him lots of fluids and cartoons :)
Wish you could be here in Atl this weekend. I'll be there and so will so many of the siestas! You know you will be in our thoughts and prayers this weekend...

Keri said...

I had several friends go last night and they all loved it! It would have been fun to see Kate.....I'm a big fan of the show.

I do fully appreciate a really well done Cherry Limeade.....there is nothing like it.....except the Route 44 Diet Coke with lime. That's some good stuff!

Kelly @ Love Well said...


No, I'd say knowing the best bakeries in every town is a spiritual gift. I'm SURE Paul meant to include it on one of his lists.

(Excited to see the new blog design. Good-bye purple. You've been good to us.)

The Reardon's said...

Hey Amanda! You crack me up girl!! I've been out of the blogger scene while adjusting to life with 2. It's wonderful and you will love it. Thanks for your encouraging comment when I was in labor with Uriah, i told Amber I'm your secret blogger friend. I'm a faithful reader and your posts always leave me with tears from laughter! Your honesty is a refreshment to my soul. I pray you have a wonderful delivery with baby girl Jones! And AMEN to the sonic ice. Yum.

Your bedding is absolutely beautiful - along with the room. BEAUTIFUL! Wish I lived closer so I could join in on all the girls night outs!

Love and blessings to you!

The Johnsons said...

I got to see Kate, too! It was a fun night - you didn't happen to wait in the really long line to meet her did you?! I had a sweet baby and husband to get home to - I'm sure Kate would understand my running home to see them! Glad you enjoyed it. And I agree - she looked great! A girl after my own heart - a love for the Lord and some good shoes!

Missy said...

Amanda when I got home I had to move Shepherd from his bed so Linda could sleep in it, and he was on fire. I felt the other kids and sure enough - 3/4ths were burning with fever.

Poor babes. Prayers they all feel better soon.

Andreea said...

I am so thirsty for a cherry limade right now...heehee!!!

barbara head said...

It is so much fun to live vicariously through you wonderful young mothers. I am so excited for you to have a new look to your blog. Hallelujah!!!

Unknown said...

What movie??? :) :)

I, too, love a good cherry limeade. As I get further along in my pregnancy and as the temps start rising, I'm sure it will become more and more of a staple for me! Especially if it comes with a good chili cheese dog! hahaha Can you tell I'm still in my second trimester? Chili cheese dogs won't be sounding so good closer to delivery!

Jenna said...

Please fill us other preggos in on where you got such great sweat pants! They are always either too big and give us a lovely diaper butt look, or they are too small and don't fit our tummies!

And just like everyone else, I love me some cherry limeade and am very happy that you got such a yummy one!

Lisa @ The Preacher's Wife said...

It was such a treat seeing all of you girls Thursday night!

My food shout out goes to the green sauce at Gringo's. It was some sort of avocado-y concoction that was nothing if not divine.

Wish you were going to be in Atlanta tomorrow..:((

Holly said...

I had a dream about you and your baby last night. And I had just had a baby, too! It was a lovely dream and made this Mama's heart glad.

Praying for you today!

Mocha with Linda said...

It was such fun to meet you and talk to you in real life Thursday night! I've posted my pics, and if you want to email me at mochawithlinda at gmail dot com I'll send you the link to my online storage so you can copy whichever ones you want. The one of you and Melanie is darling!

Emily said...

I had to laugh because my third child is made of sonic cherry limeade. I'd pretend to make trips to the bank during work so I could sneak one in!

My older two are also battling the icky sinus infection. It's no fun for anyone!

Becca said...

I hope Jackson feels better soon! It sounds like you had a great Girls Night Out Weekend. How cool is it that you got to hear Kate Gosselin speak? She is so hilarious... I love her show and her book. What a great witness for Christ she is!

FitzandMolly said...

I've had to switch from vanilla dr. pepper to cherry limeades since caffeine is out for PGs. I actually crave them now.

bethany said...

How neat that you got to hear Kate Gosselin! I love their show and think that they are a neat couple...those kids are just too funny! Can't imagine what her life is like!
I got to see Ayiesha Woods here in CA at a concert festival called Spirit West Coast and just loved her...She's got the gift!

Brian, Steph, Jada, Kiva, and Judson said...

Hi Amanda!
Great to hear a bit from you and I am glad to read a bit about your life as well. Congrats and much grace as your family grows! I am sure you are a very cute prego :) Thank you for your encouragement and prayers. - Steph

The Brannan Brief! said...

Amanda! How fun!!!!! I would have loved to have been there. I love Kate. So when is the baby coming???

Wrinkled Shirts said...

Okay, I must admit I am a Girl's Night Out abbreviator - GNO. Oh the shame!

I was sitting with Sandy behind you Thursday night. I think I was out kissing up to Holly when Sandy was talking to you. She told me about the big butt story. Sorry about me that I'm not even pregnant and I look as pregnant as you at 37 weeks! Once again, oh the shame!

Paula G. <><
Beaumont, TX

Betsy said...

hey amanda! i don't know your email address so i'll leave my comment here...i am also due feb. 12th with my second and i am SO jealous that my sister was at travis cottrell's concert sister rain into big mama and boomama and saw your sister....i SO wanted to go, but obviously couldn't!! i'm sure you felt the same way :)

good luck in the coming weeks!
i'll be thinking of you!

Lindsee Lou said...

"I find it very enjoyable to be in the company of other bloggers. It's such a weird little hobby that people do not really get unless they do it too. It's fun to talk shop."

True that, sister. Other folks don't understand it. Well said!

And, can we pay huge respects to that Sonic, please? They kept me sane while working at the YMCA right across the street for 2 summers. Outside. BLESS THEM!

Michele Helms said...

Man we sure did enjoy your mama here in Woodstock. Travis did an amazing job. I know that you guys were really proud of him and excited for him. I posted a few pictures on my blog but they are so blurry??

Lisa Smith said...


Although, we've never officially "met" at all...secretly, I just think you're so stinkin' cute!!! And, what better time to tell a girlfriend that than when she's a VVPG??

You're a doll and Baby Girl is gonna be such a sweet and beee--uuuu-ti-fulll southern belle and I can't wait to "meet" her here!! I'll be praying for you BBPG!

Bev Brandon @ The Fray said...

Some well-loved blogger owns a those fresh fruit drinks----they freeze my insides but they sure taste scrumptious. My kids are hooked on cherry limeade like you. Praying for you to welcome those contractions, intruders, as one is one thought closer to your meeting your sweet girl...praying for your labor to go smooth and for sonic speed...

Anonymous said...

Ooooo, the bloggy jealousy!

I can't wait for the day that I can meet some of these awesome women.

Perhaps I'll have the opportunity to meet you when your mom comes to New Orleans this April.

And the blog....lovin' it.

Just posted Desperately Seeking Blog Makeover....

And I seem to be getting the start of donations.

Not sure if it's bloggy love or "this blog needs some serious help!"

Sharon said...


Love the new blog!! Awesome!!

Much love,
Sharon, NC

Allison said...

Love your new background! It's great!

Kris Schneider said...

Cute new blog! I love it!


Rachel said...

Love!!!! the new design!!! FAB!!!

Anonymous said...

oh- i love the new design!
so fun and pretty!
the layout reads well, too.
i'm getting a redo in a few weeks as well..can't wait!

connorcolesmom said...

Oh that sounds like a GREAT night
and you made me laugh when you said GNO made you think of gyno
My friends and I always used the GNO abbreviation and now I am going to think of the GYNO instead - thanks a lot :)

Hope little man is feeling better - been praying for you!

Renee Swope said...

Love, love, love your new look. So cute and fun!!

I was sitting here reading your sweet note and then your moms and bawling and thanking Jesus for His tender ways that reach through a computer screen and love on me! My eleven year old, Andrew, just looked at me and asked if I was crying because I am happy or because I am sad. I assured him these are happy tears.

I would love to one day hear your story of God's redeeming love capturing your heart, how you found your own faith, and tell you just how much your love and strength in Christ mean to me. One of the reasons I said no to ministry for years (until 1999) was because I was afraid it would cost me the most precious thing I had ever been given - my family - because I didnt' have one growing up. I had to lay it down and trust HIM to love them and protect them more than I could. So, if you have any advice for a mom in ministry with two sons who I love more than life itself, who is learning along the way, I welcome it girl!

You blessed me so today! Thank you beautiful one.

Becky said...

I think we stopped at the same Sonic to get some drinks for the ride home. I also very much enjoyed my cherry limeade - too funny!