We're at that point where it seems like every day she does something new. Annabeth has always been a very chilled out baby, the benefits of which are not wasted on me. As a result of her laid back personality, she only started rolling from her back to her front about a month ago. She would roll onto her stomach when we put her to bed. At first she cried, but then she resorted to regularly sleeping on her belly. That led to much more voluntary tummy time, which in turn led to my baby girl becoming an active little wiggle worm. Sister is all over the floor nowadays.
I think it's hilarious that when I sit her hiney down on the floor, it takes her half a second to zero in on whatever little thing may be sitting within her reach and grab at it. Even if it's a fuzz ball from the rug, which is why I usually have a blanket covering the thing.
I expected Annabeth to be a late crawler, but I think she may be right on target to crawl at the same age as Jackson. That will be so if it happens within the next week. Right now she will lunge forward, but her feet and ankles stay under her bum. I've also seen her do lots of splits recently. The new development today is that gets in the push-up position and head bangs. I think this is the pre-cursor to rocking on all fours. We shall see what tomorrow brings!
I swore I wouldn't encourage this development. It changes everything. Relaxation? Gone. Beautiful home without baby gates? Gone. Normal naps? Temporarily gone as she practices her moves. I'm a little stressed about what our slate floors are going to do to her knees. But seeing her make all these physical strides is so exciting. I swore I wouldn't put her toys out of reach and encourage her to crawl to them, but I lied! I totally lied!

So cute, even with a little boog. I tried to edit it out, but I'm a Photoshop imbecile.

See that laundry basket back there? And the toy basket? And the rolled up diaper? Just making sure. What you don't see is ten mutilated little dinosaur toys that Beckham chewed up while we were on a Chickfila run. And he pulled out the trash. Why does he hate me so?

Any day now... Little sweetie is getting ready for take-off!! Get ready Jones fam!! How adorable her pics are!
She's way beyond 'absolutely adorable'! You're right about all the changes that are coming for you & Curt when she goes mobile, but they're fun changes! It will be fun to see her independence develop further and how different she'll be from Jackson. She looks so determined to get whatever is placed in front of her--and no that's not mean, just encouraging development!
Are all of Annabeth's ribbons on separate bands or can you change them. Our DIL loves those and when we find out 'boy or girl' we'll start collecting them-perfect stocking stuffers! I think we'll pass if our little BJ is a boy tho!
She'll surprise you with something new on your birthday! Enjoy the next couple of days...
She is such a cutie pie! Can't believe how is growing. Enjoy every minute!
love, Sister Lynn
Life is a changin! Gone are the days where you actually accomplish something.
I love the bow on top of her head.
They need to come up with more synonyms for "precious" and "adorable," because I think we're all running out of them (!).
For someone who's hoping to have a little miracle of her own, it's so much fun to see how Annabeth is growing.
(Oh -- and I totally can't see the booger on the non-edited photo. Precious!)
Too cute! And if you're really worried about knees on floors I have seen such things as baby knee pads! Also pants with extra padding in the knees! I don't remember where, but I'm sure they wouldn't be hard to find!
with a face like that one honey, she does NOT need you to have any photoshop skilz.
what a blessing little girls are.
Where did you get that onsie? It is ADORABLE!! I want one! :-)
Thank you for sharing your husband with 13,000 ladies this weekend in Memphis! It was too fun that he was there, and of course your mom did an amazing job. We took 50 ladies from Conway, Arkansas --- and we were all blessed!
It is so crazy how big she is... I feel like it was just yesterday she was so small in her bouncer sleeping while we ate yummy fajitas.
P.S. I love her shirt, it just looks so sweet on her.
The side lunge will come in very handy when she attempts crawling in dresses! Way to go Annabeth!
Ohmygoodness. She is just darling. She's gonna be up and moving all over the place SOON!!!
I so badly wanted to go up to Curtis this past weekend and say "something" but didn't. We sat right behind him and your family. What a beautiful prayer he prayed over your momma. I almost lost it when your mom was so complimentary to his mom over raising such a Godly man. Oh, my hearts desire.
Love your precious family.
Wow, look at her go! I'm trying not to covet that "a" onesie. That must be from your friend- Noodles and Milk? Or something. So cute!
she's SO cute, i don't know how you stand it!
What a cutie patootie. :D
She is so cute!!!! I can't believe she is about to start crawling.
Oh how precious!!!
YAY for sitting up, annabeth! i think seeing all those crazy kids running around last night must have motivated her to try something new! she is so close to crawling! the "a" shirt is too cute. it was so fun hanging out with y'all last night!
Baby Legs! I would leave a link but I am a Blogger imbecile. ;)
1. It won't be long before Miss Annabeth will be in ballet lessons. Wait, is it too early to pray that she'll wanna take ballet?
2. Do you know if it's possible to get Annabeth's onesie in an adult t-shirt? Or just an adult onesie? (It's cute enough to warrant an adult wearing a onesie, obvs.)
3. Also, the bow in her hair: an adult could wear that too, right? Like, I don't know, maybe a 25 year old girl? (I'm asking for a friend, of course.)
4. I think we need to know about these slate floors. I've never heard of such a thing!
Amanda! How crazy is it that we both wrote about this today!?? I am going to be childproofing the house tomorrow! Oh my goodness.
I would recommend some baby leg warmers to help with the slate floors. They are just made from girl's and women's knee high socks. If you search Etsy for "baby leg warmers" there are tons. Hope that helps! : )
You're brilliant, Annabeth! And so pretty! I LOVE your onesie!!
They grow too fast! She is prescious!
You crack me up. And she makes me smile. She looks like she is ready to take off here in a few weeks.
Propelling her bow alone might give her some extra added crawling fuel :)
Hi, stumbled on your blog and love it. You baby girl is precious! I am a first time Momma of a 7month old baby boy an he keeps me on my toes. We are going through the beginning signs of crawling and have 2 teeth appearing. Love motherhood and your blog is great to look at after the little guy is down for the night!
Oh wow! She looks like she is going to take off any moment! Her little rolls on her legs are the most adorable things I have ever seen. She is a doll!!
It is time to update the family picture on the left... don't you think?? Your family is so precious Amanda!! Your Mom really "brought it" this weekend in Memphis. Wish you could have been there!!
Annabeth is just beautiful! Your pics brought back sweet memories of my little ones. Enjoy every day!
SO CUTE!!! I love her in that onesie and matching bow! All those milestones are just so bittersweet!
She is really close!
When our youngest learned to pull herself up this spring, she'd just stand and cry because she didn't know what to do next!
Annabeth is as darling as her name!
And, in response to your other post, I think the 30s are great (except the other day when I saw deeper laugh lines around the corners of my eyes!). It's been a season of enjoying who God made me, feeling secure in that, and not needing to force myself into a mold that isn't mine. Refreshing to be free of that and just be taught. Loving my kids- it's hard, but it's precious, precious time! Happy Birthday, Amanda!
way to go beautiful girl! such excitement for you!
Your little Annabeth is just adorable! May I recommend that you get her some "baby legs" to wear when she is down on your slate floors. They are like really long socks, but they are open toed. They will help cover her knees so she won't hurt them. I know you can find them at Target and I'm sure they have them elsewhere. I've gotten them from babysteals.com at a great price too. Thanks for sharing these darling pictures!
YAY Annabeth, you go girl!!! I'm totally loving that outfit she is in :)
so cool! so fun!!!
How adorable. I never realized how much one can miss having babies around. I have no "baby" grandchildren anymore.
When my friend's little girl started crawling she bought a big pack of tube socks from Target and put those on her little girl (they will go all the way up to their little thighs) and it protected her knees on their hard wood floor.
Jackson and Annabeth are both just precious!
Love the "a" onesie and the little starfish.
I don't believe in editing stuff out of pictures. To me, that makes them false. I say leave the trash and the stuff out because that's how it was! Some day you will be fascinated by what's in the background of all of your pictures. I know I look back at some of my baby pictures and am like "oh I remember that toy!"
I can't even stand how cute that little girl is! I love coming to your blog just to see pictures of the kids. I have a boy the same age as Jackson and my baby boy is a few months older than Annabeth so, I'm on the same page with you most days. And so many days it's such a comfort knowing that I ain't doing this alone. Thanks for your sweet spirit and your funny ways of telling the story of your life!!!
Our dog destroys mail, toliet paper or the trash when we leave the house without him. He was fine before our baby boy was born!
She is just darling!!! I love this stage!
I could seriously just pinch those little legs. So perfect! Loving the pictures and loving the onsie.
Annabeth seems so animated! What a cutie! You should be very proud of that man of yours. It was such a delight to hear him pray over your mom this past wknd. And your mom was most excellent, too. Love the anointing God has placed on her life. Sure has helped me grow closer to Jesus by leaps and bounds. Can't wait to meet all the Moores, etc. one day in heaven.
Happy Birthday to you tomorrow sister! Love and miss you..and those cute kiddos.
she is so precious
but I must confess when your momma said she was 8 months I gasped and thought "no way she can't be that old YET!"
And I was like you with the 2nd baby except I seriously did not encourage the crawling or the walking
everytime cole tried to crawl or walk I would pick him up - I knew what was coming and I was delaying it as long as possible :)
Much love
Such a big girl....and life changing things for the Jones family!
Mac is doing the rocking on all fours now...I know I will miss the days of an immobile child, but I'm so excited to see him crawl!
she has cutie toes.
Go, Annabeth! It's amazing how babies get to a point where they're learning something new almost every day. I experienced that for the first time with Brennan 5-6 weeks ago, and I'm still picking my jaw up from the floor. It's so cool! You have some cuties on your hands, Amanda.
Oh, I could eat her up! Love the "a" shirt! I have fallen in love with pink and chocolate for my little one!
I love it when they start "getting around", and are able to play more. Can't wait for Ann Claire to enjoy life a little more than swinging and hanging out in her bouncy seat.
Happy Birthday! Enjoy your 30s!
That first picture is cracking me up!! She looks like she could be in a baby ad :)
Also, the suggestion above about baby leg warmers had me rolling. How CUTE does that sound!!!!!!
But you're dust bunny free! Yay! =)
Wow, she is a cutie! Love the bow--haven't seen one like that (even on Harper, the princess of bows!!!) :) AB is soooo adorable...Jackson needs to get ready to share his toys or put them up...because they will be "fair game" when Miss AB gets completely mobile. I don't think there is anything wrong with motivating her to move to get toys--it's encouraging "gross motor skills" (as my bro the doc says) and in layspeak, development! Fun (yes, crazy!) times!! Enjoy! Thanks for making my day with these pics of your sweet girl. :)
Aww, she's learning to crawl! The hobble leg crawl is coming!:) That makes me smile:) That's funny, I didn't notice the diaper and stuff in the background right away either, you make me smile, Little Momma:)
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