Wednesday, May 05, 2010

She's Her Father's Daughter

I am overwhelmed by all of your kind words, encouragement, and prayers. Thank you. It means so much. The update is that there isn't an update yet. Annabeth's doctor will not get to see the x-rays until this afternoon due to her schedule, so we won't know anything until later. Thank you again for entering in with us!

Dear Father in Heaven
On this day, May 17, 2009,
We ask You to set apart our beloved
Annabeth Ellen Jones
To Your great glory.
Grant her a heart to love You,
To love Your Word,
And to love Your people.
With grateful hearts
For this precious gift of life,
We pray in Jesus' Name,

Blessed is she who has believed that what the Lord has said to her will be accomplished! Luke 1:45

These are the words I saw tonight - displayed in a beautiful frame in Annabeth's room - when Curtis and I knelt down with her at the soft pink ottoman. We were about to ask something really big of God - a request we are desperate for Him to grant.

I saw those words and remembered that we had dedicated our Annabeth Ellen to Him one year ago in front of friends and family.

She is Yours, Lord. Use her for Your glory. Let her know and love You.

My daughter has a purpose and it has nothing to do with me. It extends beyond the five years she'll be in my constant care, beyond the 18 years she will live in my home, beyond my own lifetime and into eternity. God has a plan for her.

As we knelt down to pray and I held her squishy little hands, He reminded me that my baby belongs to Him. My child, who delights me to no end, is the apple of her Father's eye.

Yesterday I took Annabeth to her 15 month check-up. She had to get three shots and it wasn't very pleasant. But the most unpleasant part was when I had to remind the doctor of what she'd said a while back about the asymmetrical creases on Annabeth's thighs. She'd suggested that AB might be favoring one side, which could indicate hip problems. At that time Annabeth wasn't walking yet, so we'd hoped it would even out. Now she's walking 100% of the time and there's been no change.

I did not want to bring this up. I don't want to face the possibility of Annabeth having hip problems. We'd already had a hip ultrasound done when she was two weeks old and everything turned out to be normal. But if I avoided this and found a problem farther down the road, I would never forgive myself. The older a child is when he or she starts treatment for hip dysplasia, the worse it is for them.

So this afternoon I took my daughter to have her sweet little hips X-rayed. The results will either rule out the problem or send us down a long and ugly path of treatment (surgery and a body cast, from what I can tell). To say that I have been a wreck is an understatement. The films were sent to her doctor's office and we were supposed to get a call an hour later. Unfortunately, it was late in the day and it just didn't happen.

We're waiting, fervently praying that this will not be, and rededicating our daughter to her Father as often as we have to. But if this physical challenge in His plan, we will resolve to believe God.

I do hope to be writing less dramatic posts in the near future.

Thanks in advance for your prayers for our girl.


shana said...

I'll be praying too Amanda, hang in there!

Nicole said...

Oh my goodness! Will be praying!!!!!!!

Rhonda said...

Of course we will pray for her and all of you. With much love in the Body and from one siesta to another.

Donna @ Way More Homemade said...


Both of my kids had to be in multiple diapers at a time as newborns because of hip issues. Praying that if there is a problem, it can easily be addressed.

Lisa @ The Preacher's Wife said...

There's nothing more difficult than having to give our little ones back to God. Can't tell you the number of times I have and then promptly tried to take them back again.

Praying Psalm 121 for your family..

Spicy Magnolia said...

Dearest Amanda, You all have been walking through one difficult thing after another. May God give you extra strength and endurance (as well as a good night's sleep tonight) as you wait upon Him. I'll be standing with you all in prayer for precious Annabeth.

These couple of verses just popped into my mind for you: Psalm 27:13-14

13 I am still confident of this:
I will see the goodness of the LORD
in the land of the living.

14 Wait for the LORD;
be strong and take heart
and wait for the LORD.

Love to you, dear sister.

Holly said...

You know what? I am praying with hope for your girl...for your family.

With tears and love,

Rachel said...

joining in prayer, asking the Father to be near. I can only imagine how difficult this is for you and Curtis.

selah said...

Oh Amanda, I will be praying!

Brie said...

Praying! My second born is 15 months old and we had her well check on Monday. I also avoided bringing up an issue. At her two month well check, our pedi found a heart murmur. It was so hard to hear that our baby wasn't perfect. She is fine on all accounts and God has already used her issue to help others that needed to know about our amazing cardiologist.

Laura said...

My son who is now 14 months old had the same test a while back. Tests came back negative .....I'm praying y'all have the same results.

Erica said...

Sweet friend, I am praying right along with you. He has a great purpose for your precious baby girl, and we can be assured that he has heard the cries of your heart!

Charity said...

Oh how my heart aches and the familar pain I feel. A couple of years ago we had a diagnosis that our daughter had a ear problem that would leave er deaf at some point during childhood----completely deaf. Our hearts broke I was angry and then I relized God has a plan in everything and He had a plan for her, when we had to tell her my heart burst and I could show her my pain I had to trust God to give me the strength in that moment and He did and then I knew He would take care of every moment, He had all the strenth I and she and my husband needed and we were not only going to get through this but we were going to praise Him through it. And we did for two week until our meeting with the super duper specialist would redid test and suddenly her ear was no longer misshaped and there was no reason to believe she had this condition. She still has some hearing problems but not life altering and we are praising God through this. You guys will be fine no matter because you have a God that is bigger than all of this. But I am praying for you to have a perfect x ray reading and I will continue to pray.

Cha Cha

Amber said...

Will be praying for your sweet girl! Our God is great and in control!

Melanie said...

Praying for your sweet baby girl and peace for you and your husband. Please keep us posted. We serve an all-powerful God, and I am blessed tonight by your sweet reminder of giving our babies back to the One who allowed us to be their mommies... He knows their every need and can meet each one.

with love,

Wifeof1Momof4 said...


There is SO much I want to share with you, but I will be brief.
My family will be praying for your precious baby girl and your family. I know all too well about "Trusting God" in life, but especially when it comes to our children. My family has just gone through a 7yr journey with my son (non-cancerous brain tumor which caused seizures)and after 7yrs using doctors hands, God completely healed my son this past February by removing the tumor.
We will pray that Jehovah Rophe, the God who heals will provide healing to your baby girl and that God will bring you peace through this time.

Katie said...

Y'all have my prayers. :o)

Tiffani said...

My daughter went through the.very.same.thing. Hip dysplasia...asymmetrical folds, etc. We had the x-rays, ultrasounds and everything came back normal. I am praying for the very same result with you and Sweet AB.

I know it's such a scary thought when you read the info about that condition. But, more often than not, it turns out to be nothing.

Praying over your Mama-heart and your sweet girl.

Tiffani in GA

Smelling Coffee said...

She is so precious! I am praying right now for your family and sweet AB. When we dedicate our children to the Lord, there is such peace that rules our mother-minds, because we know just what you said... They are His. For His purpose. For His glory. And we will believe Him for their lives.

May the Lord overflow you with peace as you wait...


bethany said...

I am so sorry that you guys have to deal with this! We'll be praying for sweet little Annabeth!!

Smith Family said...

Amanda, we will be praying for sweet Annabeth and the whole family. We had a similar situation with Cameron and her soft spot. -(involving multiple surgeries too and a long road to recovery.) We fully believe the Lord has healed her and that the Lord will heal Annabeth as well! Daniel 10:12 beloved. Do not be afraid Amanda. Since the first day you set your mind to gain understanding and to humble yourself before your God, your words were heard and I have come in response to them. :~)

Angela said...

Amanda, I will be praying for sweet AB! I pray that God strengths her sweet hips. (Praying for you too!)
Lots of love your way!

Heather said...

Saying a prayer for sweet AB and her sweet momma!

Kelly @ Love Well said...

Praying Amanda - for your sweet girl and your tender momma heart. I pray, first, that the results come back normal. Second, I pray for peace and faith. Third, I pray for a good night's sleep and a call from the doctor first-thing in the morning.

Anonymous said...

praying for beautiful annabeth and for peace for you and curtis.

Elizabeth said...

I'm praying for your sweet girl tonight.

Anonymous said...

Praying for you all.

KR said...

I'm so sorry you have to endure this. The waiting to hear is hideous. I'll be praying for all of you tonight and specifically praying that AB's 'crooked creases' are not indicative of ANYTHING serious. Much love to all of you.

Everything by the Son said...

Praying for your sweet girl right now.

Colleen said...


Know that I am praying for Annabeth, the doctors, Curtis and you. I will also pray that they get back to you in the morning. I will be waiting in expectation (Psalm 5:3).

Unknown said...

Your perspective is inspiring, convicting and beautiful. I will pray for Annabeth tonight as if she were my own. We love the Joneses, and will pray with you until the Lord gives us great news.

Alyson said...

Long time lurker!

This is going to sound really wierd, but have you thought about gentle chiropractic? My daughter had the same issue as well beginning around 8 weeks. We found a pediatric chiropractor and they are amazing! 2 adjustments and her leg creases were even.

Every once in a while I'll notice them uneven again and a simple adjustment usually corrects the problem. It sounds crazy, but it is *super* gentle and very effective. I don't think we realize how much trauma birth and rapid growth can have on our itty bitties!

Will be praying!!!
Please feel free to email me with any questions: azwing(at)hotmail(dot)com

Jessica and Steve Otto said...

Praying for you.

Marla Taviano said...

Oh, Amanda. I love her so much! Praying for God's perfect healing in that gorgeous little body!

God, love on Annabeth right now. On her mommy and daddy and big brother and all the people that love her so much. Please touch those beautiful little hip sockets, make them whole and perfect. If it's your will, I ask that you spare this little girl from surgeries and trauma and body casts. Thank you for creating her so wonderfully and beautifully! In Jesus' name, Amen.

I love you, Amanda. I'll be praying and praying.

Bourg Family said...

Praying for your sweet baby girl. We took Hadley in for an ultrasound of her head @ 9 months & CT scan at 10 months because her head was growing at an extremely rapid rate. They thought she may have a brain tumor or hydrocephalus. I was scared to death, but everything turned out fine. Praying the same results for you & your sweet family.

Kristen @ Moms Sharpening Moms said...

Praying for your sweet baby, Amanda. In Jesus name, may God heal her hips and make treatment unnecessary. If it is His will, may Annabeth be healed completely.

Mary said...

Praying :)

Lauren said...

Your little family has certainly been through it lately, Amanda. I will pray for Annabeth right now.

Michelle said...

Amanda, meet my friend Robin. She is waiting for test results on her little girl (who happens to be in her 20s and pregnant).

Her post about Emma is so right on for you.

lavonda said...

praying for your girl!!

Anonymous said...

Lifting up Annabeth and the rest of you! Please let us know what they say about the x-rays!

Jennifer - Texarkana, AR

3girlsmom said...

Definitely praying! My middle child has a multitude of (minor) health issues that require a ton of (annoying and nerve wracking) tests. It's never easy, it's never fun, but it makes - FORCES - me to step back and remember that she is His and He loves her even more than I do. And in the middle of it all, I always find time for one more hug or a longer snuggle or a few more books to read. So it's a win win.

Praying for your sweet girl. She has a special place in all of our hearts, too!

Messy Mosaic said...

Covering your sweet little one in prayers and praying for peace for you.


Tara said...

As a mom, I know how anxious your heart must be. Please know that I am praying for your peace and comfort as you await the results. Please keep us updated as how we can pray.


Finally an Abrigg..... said...

OH Sweet Amanda...and Annabeth! We WILL be praying fervently that there are no problems and the x-rays will be clear!

Kristi said...

I will be praying, Amanda. It is one thing if something is wrong with us, but when it is our children, it is so hard. Please take comfort that God has gone before you on this path and He will never leave any of you, especially sweet AnnaBeth.

Michelle said...


valerie said...

I'm praying too Amanda.
God is faithful to all His promises!
What a darling picture. :)
Love & hugs,

Heather said...

Praying for you friend. It's one of the toughest things to go through as a mom, in my opinion, when there might be something not right with your child. I stressed something awful over MK's kidneys', and PTL she was ok.

Lifting you guys up tonight and asking God for complete healing and nothing to show up on the x-rays!! If you need anything, we are here.

Heather's House said...

Will be praying for you and your family....


Ashley said...

She is just beautiful...and almost exactly my daughter's age! I can't imagine how stressful this must be. We are praying for sweet, sweet Annabeth!

Lindsee said...

Praying with you and praying for each of y'all.

O Mom said...

Praying and sending you a hug from one Mom to another.

Beth Herring said...

Amanda - I am praying for your precious little girl. Sweet Annabeth.

Precious Father, you who breathed the stars into existence with the very breath of your mouth, are the one who formed Annabeth in your mighty Hands. Cover her and minister to her little body and her hips at this very moment. Lord, touch and heal what needs to be healed. According to your will, work mightily in Annabeth even now. Grant her parents peace. In the mighty name of Jesus, Amen

In Him,

Wonder Woman said...

I will be praying for your sweet girl!

Anonymous said...

Carolina (my 19mo old) and I will be praying for her all day tomorrow. I will tonight!
Squeeze yourself and Annabeth for us.
Kim Vest

NeverEnoughTime said...

praying for your family.

Cindy- My Life HIS Story said...

I'm praying for all of you- I pray you find out wonderful news first thing in the morning! Even knowing that He loves our children more than we do, while comforting, doesn't take away our own worry and concern.
Love and blessings to you all!

Tabaitha said...

Praying for all of you tonight. God is the best doctor around!

bethany said...

Praying for your sweet Annabeth :)

Tara G. said...

just prayed.

Emily said...

Absolutely praying. God is good. Babies are strong and incredible resilient. His plans are good. And this is all just part of Annabeth Ellen Jones' story for His glory.

Still, I'm a mama who's face a surgical suite twice and I know that feeling in your gut. Praying there's another way. For both of you. ;)

Leah Adams said...

Praying for Annabeth, you, Curtis, the fam and the doctors.


Fran said...

Will keep on praying over you and Curtis and AB. I'm happy to pray over that child! And, I always need reminding that they are His and not mine and He has a plan for them and it's probably not mine. ;)

Love you all. Praying without ceasing.

Hugs and blessings,

Kim said...

I will be praying for you today and in the days to come. Thank you for sharing the needs for prayer in your life - for always being real.

Unknown said...

I am praying for you, AB and your entire family. I just feel prompted to tell you that nothing is too difficult for our Great God! Believing with you in prayer. With love, Melissa

Myriam said...

God will keep,. guard, and protect your dearest child that you have dedicated and entrusted to Him.

Praying with everyone else.


AugsburgDaisy said...

Praying for you and your sweet family. :) She is precious - she is set apart. Praying HIS peace in your home as you wait. Love, Heather

Heather said...

Praying for her and you! Praying that God will reach in and touch her body and that he reaches down and comforts your hearts!

Kathy Cubley said...

Nothing in this world brings you to the Throne faster than the concerns of your child! We will pray with you for healing and mercy and grace and strength and peace and all of God's goodness on you and your family this day!

Beth said...

You know we are standing with you, Darling. We love our girl so much and pray that we will receive great news today.

The Wootens said...

Praying for your sweet girl! And for a flood of God's perfect peace in the hearts of her parents and grandparents.

Mary H. said...

I am praying for you. Times of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord. Acts 3:19

I pray the results come early Thursday morning.

java girl said...

I'm praying for your sweet little family...

Love Being A Nonny said...

That baby girl is nothing less than perfect. Stopping right now to pray.

Jeannie (HAPPY HEART) said...

Soo true Amanda! I love my kids more than life itself. The Lord reminded me that he would and could care for my babies when I was waiting on a heart. It was one of the few times that I felt the Lord was tenderly laughing at me. As he reminded me that He did make them. I wanted so badly to leave the hospital and just be mom. His peace instantly flooded my soul and I was able to let go and let him take totally take care of them.

Your family has been through alot lately. Praying right now for your sweet Annabeth, continued healing for your hubby, and peace of mind for you.

Rebecca said...

lifting you and yours up in prayer!

Kelli said...

Praying for those x-rays to say that everything is all clear. Praying that God continues to reward you for your faithfulness and your full trust in His plan for your sweet sweet Annabeth!

Lauren said...

Praying hard!!!!!

Lisa said...

Prayers have already been sent up for precious Annabeth!!

Sunni said...

I'll be praying for your family, sweet girl.

Casi said...

Praying for Annabeth and your sweet family, Amanda! May His peace shower you until you get the call with the "all clear." :-)

Sarah said...

I'm praying for you, Amanda! The waiting is so hard!! I'm praying for good news soon, and for peace while you're waiting.

Alice said...

I'll be praying for you. As someone who went through hip dysplasia as an infant (waste no sympathy on me, give it all to my mom who had to change cloth diapers with a body cast in place!), I can say I am so, so, so thankful for doctors and surgeons who can correct this potentially big problem. In fact, I ran into the orthopedic surgeon who fixed my hip a couple years ago at a wedding--he's an older gentleman now, and I almost cried, thanking him.

Your family is in my prayers...

Patty said...

Praying Psalm 121 for your sweet little girl!
Love you,

Forever His said...

Praying earnestly for great favor and healing!!

Amanda said...

Hi Amanda! I've been reading your blog for while but I've never commented!! My daughter (now 2 years old) was born with hip dysplasia. Thankfully, we had a very conservative doctor who wanted to brace for as long as possbile before resorting to surgery! My daughter is finally out of her brace and so far we have not had to face surgery. My daughter is not "out of the woods" yet, as she has to be followed and x-rayed until she stops growing. But we have faith that God is in complete control! I will praying for you and your sweet Annabeth. I would love to share more and offer support and encouragement if you would like! My email is awise28 at hotmail dot com!!

Talley Family said...

Praying for you sweet Annabeth! We have prayed that prayer over our oldest daughter more times than I can even remember. God just kept telling me and still does to dependent on Him and Him alone!!!!

The Reeves bunch said...


We will be praying for you during the season of your life. I pray that the results come back and are negative. My son was born with club feet and club hands, so I know a little bit about what you are going through right now. God will carry you through it. Just remember the poem Footprints in the Sand. Please let me know if I can be of any support to you. I know actually what it all feels like.

Siesta in Christ,


Kiki said...

Praying for you friend. Love you.

Bobbie said...

I'm praying for your sweet Annabeth and for you & Curtis! God is our Great Physician, He's watching over her.

I'm also praying your report will be in early this morning.
Many Blessings,

McClure Family said...

Praying for your sweet girl and for you. Love you so.

Molly said...

Will be praying! She is a doll! Peace to you and your family right now! In Jesus name, Amen

trinna said...

Oh Amanda. I will pray for her and for all of you.

Deirdre said...

praying. and loving you from afar.


Crystal Edwards said...

thanks for sharing and allowing us all to join you in prayer for your little girl! praying that the Lord will surround you with abundant peace as you await your results. praying, praying, praying!!!

Unknown said...

I love the prayer you shared - it's so simple and so profound.

Praying specifically for you all.

Angela Sartain said...

What do they say? "Long time reader, first time commenter"? :-D

I love reading about your sweet babies and have tucked away your precious thoughts/prayers/advice for when I'm a momma someday!

I have to tell you that I'm praying and the words "be encouraged!" came to mind. One of my cousins had to go through this when she was very close to Annabeth's age; I don't remember it, just have seen the pictures. She is 18 years old today and is perfectly healthy! God has given us some great modern medicine treatments to help in this area....if this treatment is even needed (and we're praying it's not!), Miss Annabeth will be in good hands for sure.

I'm praying for peace and NO TREATMENT NEEDED for Miss Annabeth!

Tiffani said...

Just saw your tweet! I don't think if I reply you can see it since only followers see my tweets...but anyway, YAYAYAYAYAYAYAY!!

I am so excited that sweet AB is perfectly normal (as I thought it would be). What is up with the girlies and their squishy, non-compliant leg rolls?! ;)

Enjoy the rest of your day, Amanda!

Tiffani in GA

Kristin said...

Hi Amanda,
Praying for Annabeth and your sweet family today! I was born with this hip condition (34 years ago) and went through surgery and a body cast. I was about AB's age, and I don't remember any of it. I know it was much harder on my parents. I have no problems today. Praying for great results for AB and Dr's wisdom.

Love, Kristin

Unknown said...

Julia is napping, but Lydia and I just said a prayer for your family. We hope the drama dissipates soon!

Unknown said...

Praising God for the normal x-rays! Big hugs for all of you - it's these blessings He gives us that allow us to continue on.
