Monday, October 31, 2011

Dewberry Farm 2011

We had a wonderful weekend complete with a visit from Curt's parents, field day at Jackson's school, a legit cold front, lots of good food, a trip to Dewberry farm, fall baking day with my girlfriends, church and a block party.

This was our fourth year to visit Dewberry Farm. The first time we went, Jackson was Annabeth's age. It has gotten bigger every year and I think this time the extra attractions helped spread the crowd out nicely. This giant slide was one of the new things.

The kids were so cute climbing the hill together.

This is Jackson shooting corn cobs at targets.

This beast of gun shot mini water bottles at targets.

He was very successful with some help from his dad.

Annabeth wanted to sit on this horse, which made me happy.

Annabeth and Nana

We went out to the pumpkin patch on the farmer's wagon. Apparently they had tried to plant pumpkins but with the drought, they just didn't grow. So the pumpkins they had were imported from out of state. Let's just say the heat had not been kind to a lot of them. It was like a pumpkin graveyard.

Here's my future horsewoman on a noble steed.

I thought she had nice form. She had no fear whatsoever.

Jackson's favorite attraction has always been these bouncy things. Annabeth loved them too.

Here's the Mister on the zip lines. This looks so fun to me.

The last thing we did was pan for arrowheads.

Look at this face! So funny!

On the way home, my people dropped me off at fall baking day with my girlfriends, AKA The Blogging Barbies. These baking days are out of control awesome, thanks to Missy.

Here are Lindsee and Jen, sampling what was left behind from candy apple decorating.

You can't believe how good this was.

And this is why my post-birthday detox was totally wrecked and I get to start over today.

I love these girls (and all the ones we were missing (including the one in Tennesee!)) so much.

Lindsee, Jen, me, Missy, Ashley, Kristy and Erin.


Lauren said...

Sooooo fun!!!! And adorable pictures!!!!! :)

Dionna said...

Great pictures, Amanda! I went ziplining in Guatamala last June. i was sooo scared but it was amazing flying over the jungle! Maybe you'll get to try in Ecuador??? :)

Katie said...

Love the pictures of your babes, they truly are precious!

Shellie Paparazzo said...

Looks like a blast! And what can I say! Girls and horses just go together. My dad, the professional horse trainer, has witnessed this over and over again, not only professionally, but in his own family. He still has a hard time getting my brother's to show much interest. He always says, "I don't know what it is about girls and horses, but I've never met a little girl that didn't love them!"

katiegfromtennessee said...

Your pictures make me smile Amanda:)

valerie said...

What fun! I love all of the pictures!

Barbara Head said...

I so love looking at the pictures. What a great family you have. Keep 'em comin' sweet one!!

Anonymous said...

How cool! Your baking party is downright inspiring. But I cannot get over that water bottle shooting contraption. Amazing!!

JayCee said...

You got some great action shots!

Shelli Littleton said...

The climb up to the slide looks ... scary! I felt butterflies in my tummy just from the picture. ;-)

Kara Akins said...


Heather said...

This makes me smile and cry at the same time. Miss you friend. Love you so much!!!