Thursday, August 23, 2012

Unglued Giveaway Winners

BloggerCongrats to the winners of the Unglued giveaway! 

Jana @ From the Fowlers
Jana said...
Thank you for this post. It is such an encouragement to know that there are other moms coming "unglued" out there! I am a mom to 2 girls and a third girl due in December. We recently moved to begin church planting and unglued seems to be the norm for me lately! I'd love a chance to win this book!

Mandie @ Been Blessed Studio 
Mandie said...
I've been hearing such wonderful things about this book...I too live in either the explode or stuff-it mode far too frequently. Can't wait for some Godly wisdom in this area.

Thanks to everyone who entered. This has become a sleepy little blog and it was fun to see so much activity this week! It's clear that Lysa TerKeurst has hit a nerve with this message. For more info or to buy Unglued, visit


Shelli Littleton said...

Amanda, I have never laughed so hard over your post and others' posts. We are just an unglued people. So thankful for grace. Listen ... thanks for being so real. Your family is such a blessing to all.

Shelli Littleton said...

Oh, wanted to tell you that we finally moved to the country over the summer ... and have a pool. I love it, but as silly as it sounds, was getting tired (unglued) of wet towels and bathing suits. Finally bought four "Command" hooks and hung them in my shower ... one for each of our bathing suits! We really have to plan ahead for ourselves (be deliberate)... find out what makes us come unglued and try to make it easier. And I will never forget your mom making me laugh so hard ... said something like she was upset at one of you girls ... told you to run upstairs and lock your door so that she couldn't get to you and yank you bald-headed. Do you remember her saying that? I always tell my mom that I love your family so much because you aren't afraid to share life ... and everyone can certainly relate. Thanks again.

DgsandBjsParents said...

Her need to go to the bathroom once in the pool is due to the change in pressure that occurs when you get are submerged in water. Hence, why if you are constipated they will suggest to take a sitz bath. I am a mother with a child that has major constipation problems so I am totally opposite of you. I stand up and applaud every time my child gets in the pool and then has to go. It is the difference between taking adult doses of laxatives and not having to.

Crystal said...

Thanks so much for your honestly about coming unglued...I am the same way. Letting it all hang out to my fam and stuffing it in front of others. I will need to get this book...thanks for sharing!

Love your blog...thanks for sharing your mothering journey...even for those of us who only know you through your site:-)

Blessings to you!