Now that it is hot enough to fry an egg on the sidewalk, I want to shake some sense into the Gap and Anthropologie for displaying all the cute sweaters and wool skirts and rubbing it in. I have my eye on a yummy patent leather purse at Gap. Hopefully the stars will align soon and I will miraculously find myself in Anthropologie with my mom. I got to commune with their fall line last Friday and lets just say I was abundantly blessed.
Now that it's 105 degrees outside and I have dedicated myself to becoming a household object, I am done slathering sunscreen on my face. Thank You, Lord, because I have had some high octane acne from my SPF 45 Neutrogena moisturizer. These things just shouldn't be!
Now that my makeup melts off before I even get Jackson buckled into his carseat, I really shouldn't be making soup. But I'm craving winter white chili! Tonight's the night!
Now that stepping outside makes me wonder where my oxygen mask is, I am no longer jealous of prego ladies I see in their cute summer maternity tops. My maternity wardrobe consisted of sweaters, so naturally I've been wondering if the grass is greener on the other side. Note to self, look out the front door and see that the grass is brown - very brown - on the other side. They must be miserable. I can't imagine lugging around Jackson in this heat with a sizable bun in the oven. Although my prego girlfriends make it look so easy! (Just in case I have led anyone astray by my talk of maternity clothes, I am not expecting.)
Now that it is 105 degrees outside, I keep thinking, "Lord Jesus, come quickly!"
Just for fun, here's a pic of my baby one year ago.

October, October...I can't wait until October. It's just plain miserable to step outside unless your stepping straight into a pool. Soon and very soon we'll have cooler air. Oh Texas, you gotta love it.
check out
I just found some amazing PICTURES with step by step directions for some deliciousnessssss!
I went by North Park this weekend and I felt the SAME way. Mom??? Where are you? :)
yes...we are baking with you here in Houston. I went to walk to get the mail (about 3 houses down) and I SWEAR I have a sun burn from it. I felt like i had 3rd degree burns from walking down the street. It is apparent by the massive numbers at the gym lately that NO ONE in their right mind is exercising outside these days. I am not sure if I am still wanting to VOLUNTARILY sweat. I am thinking maybe just hang under the fan and do "video yoga" stretching counts- right???
Have a good day and stay cool... I am counting the days until the "regular" temp is in the 70's...that is sweater weather round here!! :)
We live in Oklahoma and it is HOT here too. I was pregnant with my first two during the winter months and gave birth in the early spring - LOVED being pregnant...then I got pregnant and we moved to Oklahoma and the majority of my pregnancy was in the HOT summer(the heavy misreable months)and it was AWFUL! I was misreable - but then my precious little baby was born so it was DEFINETLY worth it! Your little guy is precious! Sunshine
I went into Hobby Lobby the other day and they were selling Christmas decorations. Who's buying for Christmas when it's 103 outside?
Oh boy, do I feel you on the baking thing. It is what I like to call absolutely ridiculous, not to mention humanly miserable!
Please, heat, leave us soon?!
Atlanta, GA is not my best weather companion right now either. Amanda...I am gross within 5 seconds of being outside. I mean straight up gross.
I will be home (at the beach in St. Simons Island, GA) for about a week as of tomorrow before I head off to who knows where with Jesus. And I do intend to plop myself in the pool or ocean each day that I can. B/c clearly that is the only way to survive it! At least survive it and still look like you do shower :)
Last year at this time I was overdue and walking the streets trying to GET THE BABY OUT! Every night we walked after supper when the temp was a little cooler. One night we over heard a neighbor comment. "There goes that healthy family. They walk every night." Healthy?! Hah!! Just trying to encourage the baby to LEAVE the womb! I think the best time to birth a baby is February. You miss the whole miserable summer thing and by the time you feel like leaving the house again it's getting warm. = )
I have an October birthday, which I have always taken as a sign of the Lord's faithfulness and mercy in my life. He is good and worthy to be praised.
I am currently coveting a sweater coat from the Anthropologie fall line. It is just a little wool piece of heaven and I want it badly, even though there is no way I'd put it on my body for the next 4 months.
Stay inside, it's the only sane choice.
I am ALWAYS ready for fall right after July 4th!! I blame it on the stores because that is when they bring out all the new winter stuff. But, chili? Oh, I just couldn't. It's 102 here today.
It's hotter than hatti outside!
We have been inside all day today! Since I was born and and in NY I have never experienced heat like this! The heat is seeping into the house even with the air on!
Hope your chili turned out and that it didn't make you sweat:)
That's a great recipe...a new favorite here at the Smith home!
I'm sorry it's hot there...pretty hot here this week, too! But fall will happen in September...come on and move here anytime :)
Your word "prego" reminded me of an old Cary Grant movie called Houseboat, where Sophia Loren sings a song that is called Prego--of you haven't seen it, it's a great one!
Praying for cooler weather for you!
I live in Michigan where you can see your breath from October until I love everything summer. I know it is probably because when we blink here, summer is gone, but I am seriously longing to move someplace warm!!!
Yes we are baking in the south as well!! My oldest had baseball tryouts today in the 105 degree heat. I literally could not breathe!!
Oh and I so sympathize with the acne from the sunscreen. I have them all over my chin and forehead - yuck!
I love the picture of Jackson from a year ago. They grow up fast don't they? My oldest baby just started 2nd grade today!! Be still my heart!
Love ya siesta,
I know. I feel you. My mood instantly turns sour when I get in the hot car.
You will never hear a complain from this girl in Michigan! I LOVE the heat we've been having and I want to bottle these days up and bring them out in October, November, December, January, February, March...
You are too funny... I loved how you said the grass is brown on the other side! ;)
About Anthropologie... Is a 45 year old woman too old to wear their clothes? I need the truth! I think they are very cute... but I just wonder???
I have gone sans make-up for the past few days. Applying is just a waste of time in 100+ heat. It melts at the speed of light. I'm using SPF moisturizer & a dab of bronzing highlighter, just to give a hint of color. Oh, and eyeliner. It's my BFF.
As for Anthropologie, my sister and I were just talking about it! We love that place. Sigh. :) I can't think "fall wardrobe" just's just too hot.
Sarah, TN
I just got home at 10pm in Orlando, FL and my car told me it was 90 degrees outside temp. It's 10:00 at NIGHT for crying out loud. If I take your approach I will be indoors until December, maybe January. So make-up is just powder no base and my tanks and flip flops are about worn out, AC is a must everywhere I go. I was prego last year this time and I swear it wasn't this HOT. I dread my electric bill...
Hey Amanda...
I think we can all agree that we are melting in the South. I have to believe that relief is near....b/c it is gettin ugly!
Ok...and give us 37 yr olds some advice on we???don't we???? Because i still think in my mind (not body) that it is 1998. Hmmmmm......
can we say pool party?
It is my belief that Anthopologie is an option for women of all ages. At least two of the Dallas area stores seem to be run by ladies around my mom's age and they are fabulous!
Girl, yes. We're in Georgia, so I stay inside (where I can BREATHE) as much as possible (unless I am in the pool). When we walk out, my son says, "Hot!" I was very pregnant during a hot, Georgia summer in 2005, and I do not miss that. Pregnancy adds, what, 20 degrees to the internal body temperature?! That put me upwards of 140 degrees.
girl, i am with you on this heat. the bun in my oven is doing me in this time around. maybe because i have 25 pounds of heat hanging around me at all times. i don't think i am the one making it look easy. i decided today as well that i was done with being outside for a while. fans are my friend.
I hate Houston summers. It is a virtual sauna outside. I bought some fabulous fall clothing at the Nord during the anniversary sale, and I won't be able to wear any of it until possibly October. sad.
i'd say i'd send you some cool north carolina air...but being on the coast for the summer i don't have much help.
every time we have walked outside in the past week it has felt like somebody just beat you with a wet towel, and left you soggy and stinging!!
That comment about prego ladies in their cute summer tops...isn't that the truth!?! As a side note...I was VERY IMPRESSED at how CLEAN Jackson's carseat was in that picture of him with the baseball bat in one of your previous posts. It looked newly washed! I swear there was a whole bag of McDonald's french fries hidden in the back of my daughter's carseat fabric often - so many years ago!
HeyPrinces! Was thinking and praying for you so I thought I would stop and check on ya.
I am not a lover of high temps, and even in PA we have had heat index's of 103, and I am staying in too! But white chili sounds good! Praying for you and yours, Princss to princess
Sister you don't lie. We go out long enough to make it from the house to the car and into whatever air conditioned establishment we can find. Sometimes I wonder...Why Texas? Here's lookin' at you, October.~Amy
When this Upper Midwest girl moved to Southern California, I was shocked that autumn didn't automatically begin the day after Labor Day, as it always seems to in Minnesota.
No, in fact October is often the hottest month in San Diego, thanks to wicked Santa Ana winds. It was usually 95+ right when my internal clock was craving sweatshirts, football, chili and hot chocolate.
But at least we weren't humid. :-)
Amanda, I was just catching up on your blog, and noticed where you've been...Missouri! You weren't too far from us, we're in Branson, and I've spent many a night at Lighthouse Lanes. How fun it was to see a connection! I also just wanted to say, that you must have brought that Texas heat with you, and left some of it here! It's CRAZY hot, like 105, and by the time my 3 are buckled into their carseats, I am a dripping mess!
anthropologie...gotta love it. Especially the little closet in the back - a.k.a. sale items!
Oh Amanda, Take it from this very preggo sister in FLA...cute maternity tops are not so cute when all the perspiration makes them stick to the bun in the oven. All the maternity tops here are sleeveless---AS IF I would show these blooming sausages in public. I am now doing what I swore I wouldn't and wearing husbands shirts. Lord help all us preggos in the heat. You give me great hope that the bod will be back to normal--you look major Miss Amanda!
As a prego due in Nov. who has a 21-month-old, I can say that you're spot-on in this blog. I'm not someone to envy, for sure! :0)
We're totally out of milk, it's 2PM, and I'm avoiding going to the store till sweet hubby gets home this evening and we can all go together. And I can sit in the air-conditioned car while HE wrestles with the car seat! So bad, right?!
Did you have tons of sunscreen on at the pool today? It was nice meeting you and your sweet son. Hope to see you guys again!!
Keri Campbell
Tobey has a new word. Everytime we get in the car, he scrunches up his face and sais "hooot". At least that is what it sounds like. We too have been staying inside lately. Even the pool is too warm these days. I went into an Anthropologie for the first time about a month ago. They do have the coolest clothes. So many cute tops.
Just in case you're still wondering if the grass is greener, it's not. It's brown and wilted. I had Caiden August 30th, and not only did I not look cute in my maternity swimsuit, but I was hot, and miserable, and grouchy. I got to wear winter clothes when pregnant with Addison, and believe me, when it comes to pregnancy, the more covered up I am, the better :)
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