He has never been more precious, and I have never loved him more, but we are at a very interesting stage. I'm feeling a little weepy. Possibly from hormones. Possibly from the flake of soap that got under my eyelid this morning. So this is all I can come up with today.
*Update* I found some chocolate in my pantry and am feeling much better now.
Our nephew Gavin at his Army-themed birthday party. He was joining in on his Happy Birthday song. Gavin just turned 6 and is starting kindergarten this year!

Cousin Mindy, Cousin Erin, Sister Lindsay, and me.

I'm loving this picture of my boy.

Curt and Sister Lindsay

Because baseball bats are cuddly.

Jesse a.k.a. Fweets, Curt, Beckham, Jackson, and Grandma Cozy checking out progress on the new house. This is such a happy picture. I love my mother-in-law.

Bless you sweet sister!! Life is so different once we have children :)
I often feel so tired and think about all those times in college when I could come home and just take a nap - oh the days!!
Anyway, I love the pictures!! The one of Jackson holding the bat is precious and truly captures a boy's heart - all they want is some sports!!
*I love that picture of Jackson in pebbles also!
*Love Curtis' parent's new house, at least the front door. That is so exciting for them.
*Hysterically laughing at the picture with Jackson and the bat! He is all boy and it's so fun!
We quit using the phrase 'when things calm down' many moons ago...because they just don't!
Now, we are always on to Number Next...
Sounds like you can relate..:)
Go to bed Girlfriend and enjoy you some Jesus tomorrow!
Oh, chocolate will make it feel all better!! :)
So, how much does Jackson's daddy just LOVE that bat picture? My little boy had a baby doll, much to my hubs dismay. Now he's five and he loves little babies and he is so gentle with them. He's traded in the doll for bats, footballs and baseballs, so it's all good!;)
Jackson and his bat crack me up, I love it!
And, the very last picture is a happy pictures. So fun!
Loving the pictures :)
And I hope you get some rest soon!
And I myself am so tired right now I could cuddle with a base-bat too I'm afraid!
I'm sorry you are WOM, I am so right there with you. My almost 3 yr old is back talking something awful right now and my 14 month can't let me out of her sight. Sweet, but very annoying.
This too shall pass...
You sweet thing...I am cracking up. I keep reading all the "lovey dovey" words in all of the young mom blogs (oops, I almost typed blobs...that wouldn't have been good) and asking myself..."Gee, I wonder when they're going to get tired?". I'm gonna shoot up a prayer for you right now!
I've been a W.O.M. for about four of the last six years. :-)
It gets slightly better as they reach the age of four -- but by then, you often have another toddler to chase after. Oy!
No one said being the mother of young children was for the faint of heart. Or body, for that matter.
Wow, I can relate! My youngest, a boy , is 16 months and I always feel about two steps behind him! He moves constantly and has such curiosity, aka, loves to get into everything!
these are so cute! I am loving the baseball bat!!!
Oh Amanda,
I remember those days. Hang in there, kiddo. It'll get better. Come to think of it maybe better isn't the right word. How about "different?" My advice is to get some sleep when you can, learn some deep breathing techniques, and enjoy every moment of motherhood. Jackson will be grown before you know it.
From one W.O.M to another,
Oh, that baby boy is toooooo cute!!
That picture of Jackson and his bat is just the sweetest thing I've laid eyes on!
Amanda..you were in Springfield and we didn't get together!!! I know time is precious with your family especially when you don't see them very often! Where are your in-laws building? Jackson is getting so big. Can you believe they are going to be 18 months? I hear you on being worn out. I just love the hitting and especially the pulling of the hair. You would think I would have no hair by now! :-)
Your son is so cute...as I say around here, I could just eat him!
But chocolate is much better!
Oh my goodness...I just checked your facts, and yes, Curtis IS in fact wearing the same shirt in every picture. At least it's a Schweet Shirt.
And...I can relate...that's all I can say. Today at Anamia's I'm sure people were losing their lunch watching Ava wear, eat, spit, and chew her's. And if she stood up ONE MORE TIME in her highchair...well, I just don't know.
I think Jackson is actually just guarding you and the car with the bat... I have a guy friend who sleeps with his bat close by as well... maybe it stemed from car rides like this! He is SO adorable!
That picture of Jackson in the sand--he looks so much like his daddy I can't stand it!
I can sooo relate!
BTW, I wish the Wog would cuddle with his plastic bat rather than destroy my coffee table & possibly inflict serious brain damage on ME! I think Betty Rubble did well to hide the pain!
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