Friday, January 02, 2009


Oh my. Where do I even begin after a week of being gone? I'll start off by saying that from now on when you see the letters VPG on this blog, please know that it means Very Pregnant Girl. When I reach the nine month mark in, oh, ten days, I'll add another V to become Very Very Pregnant Girl. So yeah, I'm having a baby this year - a daughter, in fact - and this little event is going to take place next month. It is almost baby time, y'all. I'm at that point where I can't stop thinking about it every other waking minute. I'm also at the point of continually intensifying acid reflux, delightful stomach pains after eating (not even overeating!), very light sleep, super strong braxton hicks contractions that don't feel very good, and a little bum that's flipped upside down and likes to hang out - or poke out - on my right side. That last one's actually kind of amusing.

Christmas for me was like a baby shower, which I suppose is fitting since the holiday is all about a very important baby's birth. Oh, and have I mentioned that Jackson was getting a little confused with all the baby talk? Baby Jesus, Baby Girl Jones, Baby Cael...he's had a little trouble keeping them straight. At one point he told me that Baby Jesus was in my tummy. Poor thing.

I've found it to be a huge blessing, especially the second time around, to be pregnant over Christmas. I was given a new pink Boppy pillow, a stand-on tandem stroller, some SwaddleMe blankets, a girly diaper bag, a new playmat, a new bouncer, some very sweet headbands and bows, painfully adorable socks, a big pink teddy bear, some room decorations, hanger dividers for the closet, and of course some adorable clothes. Superficially, I'll say that my favorite gift moment of Christmas Day was opening the baby's crib bedding, which I didn't think was going to be finished in time. It was a complete surprise. Oh my word, it is so incredibly gorgeous! That night I put it on Jackson's crib just to get the vision and I loved it even more than I thought I would. When her new crib comes I promise I'll share pictures. Curt's mom and dad are graciously going to treat us to a new swing. I've been wanting that Fisher Price rainforest one that goes both ways. Other than that we just need to clean some of Jackson's things off and get a new Diaper Champ. We threw Jackson's out long, long ago.

Being around Baby Cael (our four-week-old nephew) while we were in Missouri was so great. I had almost forgotten how to hold a baby that small! Of course, when I hold my own I won't have this big tummy to contend with. Cael is the sweetest little thing. We hardly heard him cry and he was still so sleepy during the day. It pains me to know how much bigger he'll be when we get to see him again. Curt's sister Lindsay is doing a great job with him, just taking it all in stride. I wish I'd had it that together when Jackson came. She had an errand to run one day and I got to help watch Cael for a bit. Two observations: One, when I put a real diaper on Jackson at night it's a size 7 in Pampers. So those little newborn diapers? Teeny stinking tiny! They're actually not that stinky in comparison. Also, I had forgotten how fast infants go through diapers. It's astounding. I'm very thankful that we're already well into potty training.

We also got to meet another baby in the family for the first time - cousin Andy and Mindy's seven-month-old son, Eli. He was super cute and such a happy boy. Curt's extended family has been extremely blessed this year. I'll have you know that Eli's DAD (who is very much a man's man) sewed his boy a felt Christmas stocking all by himself. What? I know! He's every man?!?! That is very impressive.

I'll have to save the rest about our Missouri trip for another post. We are dropping the boy off at Bibby and Pappaw's house and going out for a nice dinner for Curt's birthday. VPG has to get ready and it's taking a little longer than usual to make this woman look presentable! I told Jackson a few days ago that I needed to put on my makeup so I didn't look so tired and he said, "Too scary, Mommy!"


Nicki said...

I've been reading your blog for awhile now, and I just thought I'd finally say hi! I love your posts... what a precious family you have!! I always enjoy reading what you have to say. May God continue to bless you and keep you both happy and healthy through these last few weeks of pregnancy! :)

Jessie said...

so glad you had a safe trip - folks in MO are sooo nice (must say I'm a little biased there :o) and it looks like I you've got left to do is wait - which is the hardest! and that swing that goes both ways - the best baby buy ever...ours was loved by all 4. have a great celebration with your hubby - and walk, and walk, and walk everywhere :o)

Laura said...

Too funny, VPG!!!

Erica said...

Your Christmas must have been wonderful. I love getting little pink things. You certainly are blessed, and I hope you had a wonderful night out!

Holly said...

Enjoy your wonderful time together! WHAT a BLESSING!!!

I have to tell you, seriously, I cannot wait to see this little girl and to know her name--to pray for her and smile at the days ahead. OH, may they be so blessed for your family!

Missy said...

She will be here SO soon!!!! It's gonna be so much fun!!!

ocean mommy said...

Praying for you these last few days! Your doing great, hang in there!


Gran Jan said...

Amanda - So good to hear from you! I am so happy about all your Christmas gifts. As a new grandmother (Gran Jan is my name) I am learning about all the "products" that were not available when I was raising my boys back in the 80's.

I love the boppy pillow - wow!

So glad your travels were safe and that you are all well.

Much love,
Georgia Jan

Mindy said...

Andy thanks you for the man comment.

Anyways... I was so in love with your dress after Sunday that I took myself to a couple of Gaps to find the dress. I could not find it in the regular gap so I bought it in the maternity gap in a small. I am absolutly in love.. and no one will ever know that it's maternity, until the next time. I hope mine is as beutiful on me as it was on you. However I can't compete with a pregnant person. Pregnancy is such a beautiful thing!

I can't wait to see that girl, maybe we can make it down their some time this summer to visit. That would be wonderful!

Becca said...

I'm so glad to hear that you had such a wonderful Christmas and trip to Missouri! I bet you still look so cute with your baby belly! Tell Curtis Happy Late Birthday from the Calverts!

Haley said...

I remember being the VPG all too well! Hang in there, girl, and enjoy these last few weeks with Jackson!

His Doorkeeper said...

From one VPG to another.........I'm laughing because Harper's little booty is sticking out of my right side too and it's so weird!!!!
Can't wait to see pictures of the nursery!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a great Christmas all the way around! I was pregnant and not-quite-as-pregnant over Christmas with both my girls. It was so much fun! The second time around is a lot easier on all fronts. Not only do you have more of an idea what to expect at the hospital and so forth, but your body realizes "Hey! We've done htis before!" and, for me at least, everything from delivery to nursing to just taking care of baby was much easier. Believe it or not, I actually found the first two weeks easier with a two year old and a newborn than I did with the first newborn! I was a wreck the first time around! You'll do just great! Praying for all the Joneses in this exciting time! It's sucha blessing!

Fran said...

Hey Amanda!!
I'm so glad y'all had such a great time and a wonderful trip. And happy belated birthday to Curtis. Hope your dinner tonight was extra special!

Guess where I have been for a few days?? Do you know how badly I wanted to text you and say "Amanda....I'm dying heart is beating so fast....I can't take it all in!" Well, we have been in Dallas for the Cotton bowl and went to the Galleria on Thursday. I seriously had heart palpatations when I walked in. TOO MUCH TO ABSORB!!!!

Welcome home. 2009 is going to be one incredible year!!

Tara said...

What a fun Christmas! And I just love all the girly pink stuff that you received. What a blessing!

Hope you and Curt had a nice dinner out- I'm sure that you looked beautiful!

Leslie said...

Just wanted to tell you about the cutest socks ever that my daughter wore for the first 6 months of her life! Trumpette mary jane socks are too cute, as well as Dimples socks. You have probably seen them in boutiques, but you can find them on ebay or Good luck with the last few weeks of your pregnancy, I can empathize with you!

Michelle said...

Such sweetness! Yes, I think that those last few weeks of waiting for the baby are so exciting, it's all you can think about; and I always thought of actually going into labor as feeling like Christmas morning, right before you get to open the presents; life doesn't get much more exciting then knowing you are about to hold your brand new baby for the first time! I'm praying it all goes well.

Anonymous said...

i remember the last month of my took seven pillows situated all around me to get comfortable at night.
or i'd move to the couch and sleep half upright...just so i could breathe!
my babies always pushed up into my lungs!

and here's a tip my MIL told me...and it worked for the acid reflux/heartburn...
cinnamon gum.
(as in Big Red)
it sounds counterintuitive, but it works! keep some in your purse.

hope you ate some cake for me today:)
i have a recipe for that banana one. i've been waiting to have bananas ripe enough to make it...

Anonymous said...

I have used a Diaper Dekor, and they are amazing! The liner is one continuous piece with a little edge to cut it off, so you don't have to waste any of the liner if you want to throw it away after one "bad" diaper.

Can't wait to see pics of the nursery, and especially of that sweet new baby girl!

Lauren said...

Baby girl will be here so soon! I know you must be tired, as very pregnant you are, but you seem to be holding up so well!

Your mention of the little butt sticking out reminded me of something. Noah's little butt was sticking out the top front of my belly up until the 9th month, when I didn't notice it any more. Turns out he had flipped over, and his legs were now in front. Then he got too big to flip back, and Mommy ended up with back labor because he was face up rather than face down. My labor instructor mentioned this website called, I think, and it tells you what positions you can sit in during the day to get your baby to "spin" into the right position for birth. I don't know if you actually need to do that, but I thought I'd throw it out there.

Have a good week!

R said...

that is too funny! both of my girls stuck their little rumpies up outside my right rib too, and even this little boy is doing the same at 21 weeks! it's amazing how all three pregnancies were exactly the same for me, and all three of them are/were positioned the same way.

i remember that you were pregnant over Christmas. baby boy's my first pregnancy spanning two calendar years, and it's been so weird! our girls were born in the fall, so i was pregnant and gave birth to them in the same year. it's taken some adjusting! (not to mention i have NO winter maternity wardrobe! ack!)

bethany said...

Can't wait till that little girl is born!
Have to say that I cracked up at Jackson's thought of you having the baby Jesus in your tummy! How sweet!
I have a gift for you and little girl coming in the mail at LPM checking for it!

Alana said...

I feel your pain! I'll be 34 weeks tomorrow and I think the "fun" part of pregnancy has officialy ended. I would be really happy to meet him at 37 weeks =). By the way, we went to Peek a Baby 3 times because he kept being so uncooperaive, but finally got a few decent pictures...thanks for the coupon! Where are you having your little one?

Kelly said...

OH goodness - I just realized that once again I left you a comment as a pregnant 60 year old.......I was signed in as my mom when I told you Harper's booty was sticking out of the side of this VPG! :-)
I just may have to go get that pedicure! ;-)

Mary said...

Amen to the rainforest swing. It is a jewel! One of mine only liked swinging side to side and the other only liked front to back. Great swing!

katiegfromtennessee said...

Oh, Very Pregnant Girl, funny!:) Nine months, wow! That's all I can say about that:)...Ha, that is amusing:)...Whoa, lots of baby girl stuff, babies require a whole bunch of stuff, don't they?...all the little babies:)...the man sewed something!? I need to teach my man, he's got a crafty side, I think;)...Aw, you are not a scary mommy, you are cuteness and a half pregnant girl, I'm sure:)

Love in CHRIST,


Anonymous said...

We have that rainforest swing and I love it!! Your little puddin' will too.....hang in there! Time to go get a pedi and pick out "hospital clothes!" -Em

Sunni at The Flying Mum said...

Glad y'all made it back, and had a great time!

MamaCass said...

Tobey understands Jackson's confusion. He got hung up on Christmas day being his birthday instead of Jesus' birthday. It sounds like you are about ready for baby girl. So exciting!!