I tooted! I tooted! I tooted! It's stinky in there! Shew! It's stinking a long time.
I just opened up this page to write whatever came to my mind and was immediately given inspiration in the form of my son's toot announcement. Thank you, Jackson.
A couple of weeks ago he kept interrupting me while I was trying to write in my prayer journal, and I thought if I tried to explain what I was doing it would make him stop. Basically, I told him I was writing a letter to God and then I asked him if he wanted to write one. He said yes, so I set out to transcribe his little prayer. This is roughly how it went. Certain sentences were edited for clarity.
Dear God, I love You. Thank You for Jesus. Thank You for my airplanes and my Christmas tree. And my house. And my window. And me. I love me. My mommy. And for my dog. And my baby sister. Keep the firemen safe today and help them put out fires. Thank you for Daddy. Amen.
I attended Jackson's Thanksgiving feast at his school last week and his teacher told me a gem of a story. On the second week of school, my son was playing on the tire swing when he looked at his teacher and said, "Do you know Jesus?" She told him that she did indeed know Jesus and he replied, "Good, because if not, we'd need to talk."
No words. I have no words.
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Oh my word, Amanda. I LOVE HIM!!
Given his gene pool, I'd say he comes by that comment honestly.
To clarify, I mean the one about Jesus, not the stinky toot.
"Do you know Jesus?" She told him that she did indeed know Jesus and he replied, "Good, because if not, we'd need to talk." ...Priceless!
Ya gotta love that little man! Those stories make my heart smile great BIG!!!
he is too much wonderful. absolutely love it!
ps- why is it just not as cute for a girl to announce her toots? yesterday akm told us, "i tooted. i feel better," with a big ol' grin on her face. i about died.
I have a hard time not busting out in laughter when my son tilts and toots on his plastic booster at the table, sheepishly looking up to see if anyone heard it slip out!
I love children's prayers! That is precious and I'm sure you'll be so thankful you took the time to write it down in years to come!
Amanda, you and your mom are beaming! I just know it!
lol - that's awesome!
Too precious...Happy Thanksgiving!
There are NO words for something that cute! What a sweetheart!
Jackson didn't fall far from the apple cart. I think this is one of those moments where God has given you a priceless gift from heaven. Oh how I love those gifts and still treasure them as I see my children live out their own faith in the world. Amanda, this is just the beginning of what is to come.
I like it. :D
We never know, do we. How they can go from the profound and heart warming to stuff that makes us shake our head and wonder "really"? Love them to pieces either way;)
The last lines made me laugh out loud...and tear up! Isn't that exactly what we want for our children?!? Fabulous!
Precious! Absolutely precious!
That is a classic- funny and yet so sweet too. Happy Thanksgiving!
That is wonderful Amanda!! Think of all the other amazing and funny things you will be writing for years to come with that little man and the princess!! They grow up so fast!!!
That's precious!!!
Laughing my head off...
I have the biggest smile ever on my face!!! Good Bless Jackson!!!
Happy Thanksgiving!!!
Incredible. I think I'm sending my boys to your house for you and Curtis to raise. God is good. ♥
There is no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth. III John 4
Amen. God is so good! Precious story!!
Happy Thanksgiving.
Oh my word, what he said to his teacher had to make your mother heart sooooooooooooo proud. How incredibly bold and awesome of him, haha!! :)
Such wisdom! At least he wants to talk about Jesus. My daughter warns her friends about Satan.
The last story is, hands down, the BEST yet!! Love love love it! Happy Thanksgiving to you and your precious family!
How great a ministry slogon would that be! Great one Jackson, great one!
That is the sweetest thing ever! I just had to comment and tell you that your son is precious.
So funny!!!!
It's all that Praise Dancin' with Bibby rubbing off, I am sure!
Have a great week with your family!
Jackson is precious!
Okay, I hope y'all can tell that I thought these were hilarious and I wasn't trying to say that Jackson is especially pious. I'm still in shock about what he said to his teacher!
That is great! Kids are the best evangelists because they have no fear. My 7 year old daughter had a conversation with one of our Methodist friends and wanted to know if she and her daughters are baptized! I promise, I had only left her alone with her 10 minutes!
I know it made you laugh, but I also know it does your heart good to know he is talking about Jesus! :)
There's not a pious bone in your body, girl! We're moms and know right where you're coming from!
BUT, you know that someday Jackson will understand what it means to say "Do you know Jesus" and you will understand that all the positive he's been hearing all his life has "Truth" written all over it!
You're an awesome mom!
...out of the mouth of babes....
Your boy is precious! You are teaching him well....keep it up mama! My nephew Cole (who is 3 also) likes to pray before we eat. It is so precious and I love hearing his sweet little words to God. You've given me a great idea...I'll write down his prayer next time he is over so that I can remember it forever.
Happy Thanksgiving :)
Train up a child
The Lord blessed you with a delightful glimpse into what you and your family are doing for you precious children. Thank You Lord, thank You.
How precious! Seeing that you mentioned toots and Jesus, I have to tell you that my just barely two year old baby girl was singing "Jesus Loves Me" on the phone to my mom. And she proudly changed the words to the chorus as she sang "Yes, Jesus Loves Me" then excitedly declared "Mommy, Mommy I pooped!" Stinkin' hilarious!!!!! Pardon the pun. We are working on potty training.
Prayers and blessings,
LOVE IT! LOVE IT!!! So precious...esp. about the 'talk' about Jesus! :)
Have a great Tgiving!!! :)
I have no clever comment because that is stinkin' hilarious! Oh my word. That is one of the main things I miss about working with children, they truly say the darnedest things.
Oh, that cracks me up!
Oh my heavens! That is too funny. Jackson is a hoot, you just can't make that up. I love it! It was fun too see you guys today. Makes me miss you more:(
unbelievably precious!
Love all these Jackson stories :)
Have a Happy Thanksgiving :)
That is so sweet about his prayer to Jesus and also him asking his teacher if she knows Jesus. Sounds like he's not going to be bashful when it comes to sharing Jesus!
Marilyn...in Mississippi
No words - but I bett your Mama did!!! All I can invision is a hearty laugh and sincere high five from that Bibby - "Yes sir!"
I love it...thank yo so much for sharing! Kids truly are amazing...oh that we all would have such chld-like faith and wonder and honesty! I love him! :) Happy THanksgiving!
That is incredibly sweet. I know this isn't why you posted that story, but it really is a testament to the kind of parents you are!
When our oldest, Joseph (now 7), was a little guy, he was in his booster seat at the dining room table and he suddenly had the most concerned look on his face. "I'm going: Pop pop pop", he said. We just laughed and laughed until we thought WE would pop!
Anyway, we calling it "popping" at our house!
I think he has a future as a street evangelist. "If you don't know my Jesus, then mister, we have some talking to do."
Yeah, he's a keeper!! I can see many many funny stories over the years, coming your way. Make sure you write them down.
What sweet and stinky memories :)
And I agree with Annalee.... it just doesn't come out as cute when a girl says it. Caroline loudly giggled and announced that she tooted to all the neighbors!
What a sweet story! One for the books!! You are doing good by training him like that!
Will you send Jax to talk to my mom and dad?? :)) What a fabulous kid..
I love it!! It doesn't get much better than that!!
Awesome! Happy Thanksgiving!Amy@balmingilead.typepad.com
That's fantastic. Kids could teach us a thing or two couldn't they?
oh Amanda! that is wonderful. I know you told your mom and the she must have cried tears of joy.
what a priceless gift.
thank you for sharing it with us.
Oh boys.....
I love it (both comments)! I hope someday my child will have a heart for God and will want to tell his/her teacher about Christ. Very cool, I think!
Don't you love the honesty of children in sharing Christ! Oh, if we could be that brave as well!!
Aw, he is little evangelist!! A little boy after God's own heart!:)
Oh, man. Boys.
That is awesome!
I just found your blog and my husband and I are laughing so hard about the precious comments of a 3 year old....you 3 year old that is! Hope you had a great weekend! :)
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