Friday, November 13, 2009

Using Up Some of My Words

I am very bored. It's not for lack of activity (there is never a still moment in the presence of Jackson Jones) as much as it is a deficit of adult conversation. Curtis has been in Atlanta since early yesterday morning. He's coming home this evening and all day I've been looking forward to the moment when he walks in the door and brings a festival of interesting conversation with him. But we just talked and I can tell he's exhausted. He's probably already used up his words for the day.

This is how our day went. I woke up and thanked God I was still alive. I usually only do that when Curtis is out of town. It's weird how a house can be so scary at night but then so happy and peaceful in the morning. Then I realized I'd left Beckham - my guard dog - in the back yard all night. Bless his heart. He usually sleeps on the floor right next to me. I step on some part of his body every morning when I get out of bed. He must think it's worth it if he can lay his head on one of the pillows that has fallen off the bed.

The kids weren't up yet, so I took some time to experiment with my hair. I normally wouldn't have cared but we had to go somewhere this morning. Last night I washed it, put it in a bun, and slept on it. This morning most of it was still wet, so then I dried it with a round brush as usual. At first I was really excited because I thought it could be a new routine, but it looked painfully flat. It looks like second day hair and I guess technically it is. Nevertheless, it could have some worth as an emergency option.

Later in the morning I had to take the kids to the doctor, which I can't believe I can now do without having a meltdown. It's amazing how human beings can adapt. There was an older kid sitting with us in the well child waiting area wrapped in a blanket. My eyes immediately zoomed in on her and my mental alarm was yelling "Danger! Danger!" Who comes to the doctor wrapped in a blanket unless they're sick? Her mom told the front desk people that she wasn't contagious. Still, we stayed out of her breathing space. I'm pretty sure I walked into a sick lady's germ cloud at HEB yesterday, so it could just be a matter of time. CAN YOU TELL THIS H1N1 FLU STUFF IS MAKING ME NUTS?

Anywho, on the way home my car suddenly turned right into the parking lot of a local park. It was totally unplanned, as I was wearing my ridiculous spike heel boots. They didn't prove to be a problem until Jackson wanted me to push him on the swings and I sank four inches down into whatever soft, organic, germ-infested (kidding, but not really) filler was beneath us. The true test came when Annabeth became unhappy sitting in the baby swing and I had to push Jackson while holding her on my left hip. In my heels. I'm every woman... And every woman needs some park-friendly boots.

This brings me to my recent fury toward the fashion industry.

I love clothes and shoes just as much as the next woman - possibly more - but I find it manipulative that every year they have us swinging to and from dramatically opposing trends. Do they not think we know why two years ago the must-have pants were the widest of wide flares and this year it is all about the skinny jean? (That most people do not even look cute in?!?!) I want to be in style but oh my word, it is so obvious that they want us to have to buy entirely new wardrobes every year. It irritates me.

Maybe I need some Midol.

Oh my, is it six o'clock yet?

No, it's not even four.

In other news, I am cooking tonight. Yes, that is newsworthy. Will it be vegetable soup and corn bread or spaghetti casserole? Both are comforting but one is much more sinful than the other. Which one will cause my husband to walk in the door and suddenly be revived and ready to talk to me all evening? I'm thinking the soup because my husband is on a health kick. And, yes, I'll post the recipe later.

*When I was re-reading this I realized what a hypocrite I was at the doctor's office. We were at the doc for Jackson and he wasn't sick, so we sat in the well child area. But Annabeth has a cold and a terribly runny nose. I didn't even think about that! Clueless Me was probably getting the evil eye from everyone in there!


Allison said...

OK, Curtis is on a health kick, but I want the sinful recipe...PLEASE!

Marc and Charity said...

Fashion, a funny thing. Since the styles here usually hit the US later, I feel like I get a sneek peak. It's all ugly.

Susan Wyatt said...


I've been home alone for 2 days too because my husband is in Atlanta as well, (possibly for the same reason your husband is in Atlanta.I only say that because when I mention that I read your blog my husband says he knows or has met yours before) anyway... I'm with you! Need to be around an adult! Hopefully he'll be home soon and ready for good soup and lots of conversation! Have a good evening.


Emily :) said...

Okay, I feel like a stalker b/c I usually never comment, but I totally know what you are talking about being proud of yourself for taking the kids to the dr. without a meltdown. I remember when my oldest was a baby and my mom or somebody had to go with me everytime. Now, I have 3 kids and live hours away from family. I called my mom from Sears portrait studio one day to brag to her I had ALL 3 of my kids by myself getting pictures. It wasn't pretty, but I did it!

I also feel your fashion issues. You should check out my fashion rundown here:

Hope you get some meaningful conversation tonight!

AKat said...

I, too, was at the doctor today, getting Neil's second half of the flu shot! He started coughing in the well child waiting room, probably from all that drool from teething...I instantly felt eyes on me and I got scared I was going to get kicked out of the elite well child club!
I quickly explained, "Oh, he's not sick, y'all. It's just spit!"

But, yes, it's crazy how someone will cough at the store and I immediately turn my buggy in the opposite direction to avoid those germ clouds!

Fashion is so unpredictable. I'm going to have to start hanging on to everything.

Brittney said...

I agree with Allison - sinful recipe PLEASE :)

Lauren said...

Oh, Amanda, you crack me up. And I definitely want that recipe!! Yum :)

Marla Taviano said...

Oh, I love you.

Colleen said...

Crack me up! At our pediatrician's office, there is a fantastic climbing corner with portholes and a slide. It's in the sick area. The poor pathetic children that are well have to sit and look at the fish!

Moose Mama said... ARE every woman. Thank-you for being our voice.

And you can talk to us anytime Curtis is out of time...or even if he's not. We understand.


Dionna said...

I hate it when my husband goes away. I hear every crick in the house and always sleep horribly!

I know you will rejoice to see your beloved again and I'm betting that he will love whatever food you make him.

Deidre said...

Healthy soup? Yes, I need the recipe since the soups I make are loaded with butter and cheese :)

I with you on the fashion trends. Frustrating!

My hubby is almost home after traveling all week long and I'm home with sick kids. I'm afraid he'll want to talk and all I want to do is go straight to bed once he gets here.

Amanda said...

Y'all need to read the link that Emily left. It's so funny!

Bobbie said...

You ARE every women and I'm glad you are!!

I'm sure Curtis was more than ready to be home with y'all, hearing familiar voices and all about the new adventures at the park--even in your spiked heels! You're an awesome Mom and your kiddos will not forget it! They probably won't remember the boots, but you swinging them will be there for a lifetime.

Your soup recipe would be greatly appreciated! We usually start having soup on Tuesday and Thursday nights through April. It's fun and we tend to eat a little lighter!

Have a fun weekend!

Rhonda said...

Would love to have a pic of the spike heeled mom with baby on hip- you are every woman. I am the same way at the house when mine leaves also. Makes for long nights - but I do get a lot of stuff done:)

Rachel said...

girl, you *are* every woman and how nice of you to use up your "words" on the blog world!!

What did you end up cooking? sounds delish!

And I'm totally with you on the skinny jean. No. One. can. wear. those. Is the industry *insane?!?!*

Ok, my rant is over.
Sleep much tighter with your man home. I know I do!

Missy said...

I am cracking up at you in heels with baby on hip pushing the swing and sinking in the gravel! I should have come by to give you some adult conversation today! :)

Nicole said...

Ok, you are funny! I am in the same boat. My man has been gone since Tuesday morning and wont be home til Sunday night...LATE! So, the need for adult conversation is quite necessary at this point. I fear that I am getting a little edgy. Jesus, please pour out your grace!

Skinny jean confession: I tried them. I asked the hubs to be real. He was. Said they weren't the most flattering jeans. I love that he speaks the truth. The name "skinny jeans" even bothers me. I mean my 11 yr old looks adorable in them which should've clued me in, right??

I also hate the fashion conspiracy! I bought some really cute UGGs and am just not real sure how to wear them. Most people wear them with the skinny/straight jeans and we all know that I cannot wear those now dont we?! :)

Sorry, getting words out!
Have a wonderful night with your man :)

Emily said...

Girl, I am totally with you on the skinny jeans! I would look like a complete carrot!!!

Big Mama said...

Your conspiracy theory about the fashion industry is dead on. They can't just leave well enough alone.

Also, I have a trick for sleeping in a bun and having good hair the next day. Remind me to share it with you at some point.

Unknown said...

You are so funny Amanda! I always feel so grimy after sitting in the doctor office waiting room. Seriously, I don't care if it's the well child waiting room or not--it's like the germs are breeding on every single surface. Sorry, I know I probably haven't helped your h1n1 issues, but I just wanted you to know that I understand!
My kids are all school aged and going into their schools in the fall/winter isn't much better. I feel like I'm entering a petri dish.

And for the record, I'm sure nobody thought Annabeth was ill. I mean, a runny nose is one thing, but wrapped in a blanket is a whole different level of "she's not sick"! :) Nobody probably notices little Annabeths nose because they were to concerned with the very healthy mummy girl.

:) Happy weekend to you, and here's to you getting in all of YOUR words!

Julie Marler (Mammy) said...

As a "ahem" older woman that has three married children and 8 glorious grands - I would like to encourage you to .... just not care so much about what everyone thinks about your jeans, etc. Like you, I liked certain kinds of jeans and other clothes and would get so disturbed at the frequent changes the clothing gurus make upon us. Then as I got older - I just said, "you know - I'm going to wear what looks good on me and feels good on me". Now if you can just find it! ha! Oh and on the heels at the park thing.... just kick off your shoes next time and go barefoot! It's terribly liberating! That dirt won't hurt you at all - I promise! As a kid "back in the day!" we all went barefoot all summer and I don't think I ever got sick or had any bad diseases!! ha!

My hubby is also out of town right now. He's actually the cook for all the men in my son-in-law's small group from church that went hunting together and he always LOVES doing this for them. Can't tell you how many times he's called me asking, "now how long do I cook this" or "what do I put the oven on for this"!! But he's an excellent cook and the guys all love being pampered! But anyway...I can't wait for him to get home cause I long for adult conversation too!! I miss him- even after 37+years!

Can't wait to see your soup recipe! I really don't have a recipe for most of my soups. I just get chicken or beef broth and throw either noodles or lots of veggies in and spice it all up! Always yummy too!

Hang in there sweetie! It is so worth it all and then one day you'll look back and think "why did I let that bother me so much?" I do that all the time!! A good friend's granny told us young moms once, "unless it involves fire, knives, or blood don't let it worry you too much!" Good advice!!
Loving you and your family, Mammy

fuzzytop said...

I have decided not to go inside the mall until the skinny-jean season/fad/delirium is over, and they have all been purged from every shelf, rack, and stick-thin mannequin.... I'm with you; NO-ONE looks cute in those! I'm especially peeved since just this spring I finally found a pair of nice trouser jeans I love, with wide cuffed hems. They fit wonderfully so I'm wearing them, even if they are now officially out of style.

Congrats on handling the doctor visit sans meltdown!

Much love,

P.S. I'd love to try your soup recipe once you get it posted.

k and c's mom said...

Skinny jeans: evil plot. Causes you to have to buy a second pair of normal jeans; doubles profits.
Loved this post.

Lauren said...

Life is always harder when Daddy's away. :) Sounds like you are doing great with two kids, though, and have adapted well, as you say.

Beth said...

ok...I love you! I totally agree about the skinny jeans.

Melanie said...

I have curly/wavy hair and sometimes I go to sleep with it in a bun.

This is what I do: when I wake up in the morning, I take it out of the bun and scrunch some mousse in it (or whatever you would put in wavy hair).

Then when it dries it kind of has that wavy/messy look, but it doesn't get too pouf-y!

You know how when you blow-dried it, it was flatter? Well the same thing will happen when you let it dry naturally. it will be wavy, but flatter (which is a good thing when you have wavy hair :)

I don't know how you feel about wearing your hair wavy, but you could try it one day when you're just going to be hanging around the house.

Kelly @ Love Well said...

I have thought the exact same thing about the fashion industry. They have to keep us buying. Evil world manipulators.

And yes, I blog so I can use up some of my words. But sometimes, I'm not sure it helps as much as it hurts.

Ashton said...

Hi Amanda,

How neat to run into you guys...small world. I've heard that men use up all their words in the 8 hours at the office and women on the other hand has yet to use them up when the husband comes home. He's done and she still has words left to use...funny.

Clothes like graphic programs are always updating...that is one area you have to keep up with or your left like a dinosaur.

Look forward to the recipe! I love to cook.


katiegfromtennessee said...

Little Momma,

I've heard there are times that a momma needs her some adult conversation! Love your heart. I've had to try not to get phobic about the H1N1 flu too, but I still have to figure out if I want to get the vaccine cause I'm pregnant. Your story about heels in the park makes me smile:):) Wearing what is comfortable and cute to me (and modest) has been what I've finally decided to do, enough is enough with the fashion industry:) BTW, pregnancy leggings under long tops are da bomb! Frees up growing belly space. Love them.

((HUGS)), blessings to you, love in HIM,


bethany said...

Hey Amanda...
Loved your post. Sounds like life at the Jones' is exciting! Glad that Curtis got home safely and hope that you all had a nice conversation at some point over the weekend :)
About the H1N1...I'm scared too. So scared that when we got a case of it in my classroom (I teach preschool autism class with 8 kids and 4 adults...lots of germs!) I about went ballistic. But experiencing exposure to it and protection from it so far has been a blessing and has given me a new experience in my faith. I think that this H1N1 fear will be a faith test for me...I struggle with lots of fears but this has been a big one this year.
God just keeps saying "trust me girl, trust me". Just had to share :)

Deirdre said...

I got too irritated with the fashion industry years ago. I just go for classic stuff that looks good on me. Some updated stuff, but mostly classics. It works and it saves me tons of money.

and no you didn't sound shallow. You sounded like an adult who wants to talk to other grown ups. Especially her chosen grown up. Been there. Done that.

hope he got home safe and that the soup worked.

Lisa @ The Preacher's Wife said...

Ha! I read somewhere that men speak 10,000 words per day and women use 20,000. By the time they get home from work they are done and we've not even started hence my begging for Luke to tell me something - anything! - about his day. He doesn't understand why I care who came into the church office or the status of the projection system. Maybe one day he'll get that it's about the conversation, not the content. :)

Rachel Cox said...

I was at Lifeway's Women's National Leadership Conference this past week and we got the GREAT news that your hubby, mom, and sister will be our keynote speakers next year. So very exciting!

Hope you are able to join them. This year's conference was beyond phenomenal. I am already counting the days until next year! :-)

Bev Brandon @ The Fray said...

Thanks Amanda for the bday wish--- kind words. This post made me smile! You are absolutely precious! You have a precious way of expressing everyday life from fashion to flu that is so delightful.

Unknown said...

My dear friend, you absolutely crack me up!!!!

And I'll tell you what else cracks me up...your mother! I am in the middle of the Stepping Up study, and I laugh everytime she talks about you and Jackson!!!

Hope all is well in Houston!

Love you dear!