These are just some random pictures from late October.
Here we are just getting a few pumpkins at a pumpkin patch.

This was such a gorgeous day. We blew up Jackson's little bounce house and let him play. Curtis can't jump in it or it will break, but he can hang out in there.

Annabeth wasn't sure what to think.

No one is happier than Beckham when the weather finally turns cooler. We had him shaved in late August and his hair is starting to come back nicely. He's naughty but so handsome.

And he loves our kids.

Chinch bugs ate up a lot of our backyard grass this summer and made it look ugly, but this one side is still like a green carpet.
Here we are just getting a few pumpkins at a pumpkin patch.

This was such a gorgeous day. We blew up Jackson's little bounce house and let him play. Curtis can't jump in it or it will break, but he can hang out in there.

Annabeth wasn't sure what to think.

No one is happier than Beckham when the weather finally turns cooler. We had him shaved in late August and his hair is starting to come back nicely. He's naughty but so handsome.

And he loves our kids.

Chinch bugs ate up a lot of our backyard grass this summer and made it look ugly, but this one side is still like a green carpet.

A friend invited us to her church's fall festival one weekend and we had a lot of fun there. This was the Samson Smash.

My pretty girl with our fall display.

All my flowers died last week. How pathetic is it that I can't keep potted mums alive? Seriously. We did have some crazy storms that knocked them all over the porch. Maybe that had something to do with it. Yeah, I'll stick with that.

The metal words on the big pumpkin say "Autumn Blessings." Isn't that cute? They were a gift from a friend. They're in rough shape after two years, but I've really enjoyed them.

I noticed as we were driving to Kemah and back that the leaves are starting to change now. It's always hard to believe that cool weather will ever arrive, but it does! At least for a brief moment.
It looks like your dog is smiling in the picture with Annabeth!:)
Oooh...they are sooooo adorable!!! :) Love the pic of AB in her pink long-john style pink outfit in the grass looking up at you--SO PRECIOUS!!! :)
Love the pics, Amanda! Especially the close-up of Annabeth in the grass.
I kill just about every plant I look at. And have NO idea what I'm doing wrong.
That is the cutest little orange dress.
What in the world is a chinch bug!? Haha!
Stick with blaming the bad weather for the demise of your mums! That's what I said about mine. They were so pretty when I brought them home and now...they don't look so good!! We went to Koppe Bridge tonight for a burger and noticed the RED leaves on many of the trees lining the road. It was so pretty. I'm lovin' Fall in Texas!
Our daughter and her family always do 'pumpkin patch' pictures and they're always a favorite of mine. Your's are great...the kids seem to be enjoying themselves!
Fall Blessings!!
Great pictures! Don't you just love fall? And golden retriever/lab dogs that are wonderful with our kiddos (yes, trouble, but wonderful)? I've also killed a number of potted mums this fall season, 2 to be exact. They lasted well for our company and then, kaput. As is the rest of our yard...I lack some serious motivation. Happy Fall!
These pictures are SOOOO cute!!!
Cute pictures! Wow...Annabeth sure looks like you in these!
I'm so glad to hear some cooler weather has finally drifted y'alls way :)
You are looking like a beautiful happy mama :)
WAY too adorable for words.
Girl I can almost look at a plant and it will shrivel up and die...seriously!
Those babies are precious!!
The pics are fabulous. Such adorable kids. And, Amanda, take heart, darling--when I was about your age I had a plastic rubber plant and I even killed that--all the leaves fell off and it was plastic!!!! Quit being so hard on yourself.
okay, I'm gonna totally join the crowd and ask HOW do you get the bows to STAY in AnnaBeth's hair?
And don't worry about the plants. I kill every plant I've ever had. We have to regularly go out and remind our lawn that it belongs to Martin and to God. If it thinks for one second that it belongs to will keel over and die.
Beautiful pictures, Amanda!!!!! :)
lovely pictures
Such cutie pies! And I'm with you on the dead flowers. I can't keep things alive for anything.
I get them.
I care for them.
They die.
I question my lack of plant skills.
It's an every season battle.
Girl, you make cute kids!!! That sweet pumpkin of yours gets prettier all the time. I don't know what it is, but I LOVE little girls in black. It's so striking! That big bow makes it all the better.
I love the pic of her and Beckham, so sweet! And her pillowcase dress is precious. I'm about to order one from Etsy for Addison to wear on her 1st B-day in February.
Hope you are doing well.
Baby weight? Girl, you are tiny.
This is so random but I'm wondering if you shave Beckham because he gets so hot or because of the crazy shedding? We have a golden who just started living inside with us and I am just dying from allThe horror of the hair everywhere but my husband doesn't want to shave him because he is worried his hair won't grow back soft. Do yall do it or does the vet?
Your mums lasted longer than mine. I killed mine after two weeks and I was taking such good care of them.... if only I knew the secret!
LOVE the first picture of you and the kids! So beautiful--all of you! P.S. We haven't talked about how Annabeth & Clara were Halloween bee twins!
The October Assortment was delightful! I just love that little pumpkin dress. Darling.
Annabeth, that darling.
And what a handsome little man, too.
Annabeth and that PRECIOUS outfit and the pumpkins, not that is the stuff magazine covers are made of!
Great pictures! I may have missed an update, but I was wondering about the man who was missing. What ever happened with him? I've been praying.
VERY PRECIOUS KIDDOS...where did you get that adorable gray ruffle shirt you had on in the previous post....looks great on you! BTW exactly what baby fat are you referring look wonderful!
Way to bring it in the photo department! Such adorable pictures - all of them!
I am getting caught up on blogs after a non-bloggy week (And yes, don't I have an exciting life to be reading blogs on Friday night? ha!) and these are great pics! I love the one of you with your kiddos! Adorable!
I have quit buying those mums, because every year I kill them too. They look so pretty at the store and within two weeks they are brown and nasty.
So, either it's the flowers, or you and I are equally adept in our mum killing skilz.
Precious, just precious. Mums never make it at my house, I finally gave up and don't buy them anymore.
The Park Wife
Hey Little Momma:)
You bless me, Little Momma:)
I like your October assortment of pictures:):) Makes me smile to see your cuteness kiddles:) Still growing! Fun, fun:)
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