Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Five Months Old

Let's see, five months ago at this moment I was in a hospital bed trying to sleep after the most physically and emotionally intense day of my life. I had a terrible backache and felt like I had been hit by a truck, but my little boy was finally here! Throughout the night the nurses brought Jackson in to eat and we began a two month crash course on "nighttime parenting." My biggest challenge at night for the first couple of weeks was getting Jackson to wake up and eat. I had to undress him and change his diaper to rouse him from his deep sleep. It's incredible to think about what he was like as a newborn - so small and still curled up in the fetal position. He couldn't really do anything. His physical accomplishments included sleeping, eating, crying, relieving himself, spitting up, and laying down. He's come so far since February. It's hard to imagine that my bouncing baby boy is the same little person the nurses wheeled into my room that night all swaddled in a white cotton blanket. I wish I could go back to that night and experience those moments with the emotional bond I now have with him. With five months under my belt I'm much more relaxed. But that night I was so nervous that I would hurt him or do something wrong. I look forward to being able to enjoy those moments with my second child one day without battling the fear I had at first when Jackson was born.

This past weekend my family was in town for a taping my mom had at Life Today. Here are some pictures from our time together. I can't seem to load more than these three, but I'll try again later.

Jackson (a.k.a. Mr. Diaper Pants) and Pabies

Come on baby, let's do the twist!

Playing around in the green room.

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