Last weekend was the best. Friday was warm, so we let Jackson play in the sprinkler (pictures in the last post). That night Curt grilled steaks and we ate on the patio furniture that my parents gave us as a housewarming gift. On Saturday morning we were inspired by the amazing weather (no humidity and actually cool) to head out to Chappell Hill, Texas, for the Bluebonnet Festival. It was not a far drive, but it took for-stinking-ever to get into a parking spot. Oh my word. The first thing we did was hunt down some corn dogs and eat them in the shade of a beautiful white chapel. They were good, but we decided that we'd have to make the pilgrimage to Dallas next fall and enjoy a Fletcher's Cornydog. You cannot beat Fletcher's. Our corn dogs were washed down by the best lemonade known to man. I will never pass up a "fresh-squeezed lemonade" stand again. Ever.
The bluebonnet festival had tons of booths with crafts and some antiquish things. Curt was feeling really generous and he let me shop to my heart's content. I got a really cool red, brown, and white cross that you will see pictured below. Jackson got a pop gun, or whatever you call it. It bought us some time and he was so happy about his new toy. I also got a little sign that says "Mothers of boys work from son up to son down." Too cute. Curtis didn't see anything he wanted, but he got some lasting memories with his family. Isn't that great?
Now, only the Jones family would drive all the way out to this festival and not take any bluebonnet pictures. We had tickets to that night's Astros game, so we were on a tight schedule. This weekend, if the weather's nice, we will drive out to the Dilorio Farms Stand in Hempstead for some good fruit and then find a spot for some pictures. I cannot imagine them turning out well since my son is like a Mexican jumping bean. We'll just have to see.
The Astros game was so much fun. Some dear friends of the family are season ticket holders and they let us have their seats for the night. We were a few rows behind the visitors dugout. It was amazing. We literally had to pay attention at all times because we could have easily been hit by a foul ball. In fact, someone was hit who was sitting in the same seats we were in, on the opposite side. Our team won and we had a great time. We even got to see Lance Berkman hit a home run. Thank you, Weir family! What a treat!
This has got to be one of the most beautiful properties in Texas. I could only capture a small part of it. They have a pond, hills, a red barn, a white fence, and tons of bluebonnets.

We had never seen anything like this before.

Jackson enjoyed an apple while we waited in traffic.

My cross drew a lot of oohs and ahhs while we walked through the crowds.

These ladies were getting their groove on.

*While I was posting these two pictures, I heard a little voice say, "Hello?" One of the neighbor boys came over to tell me that Beckham was IN HIS HOUSE! Help me, Jesus! I forgot to lock the door behind the contractor and it must have popped open, letting the beast escape. What if it had been my child? I am horrified! Well, I guess I'm gonna be making some butterscotch haystacks.
Minute Maid Park

Kay and Jerrell

Here's Lance Berkman. We'll pretend this was a shot of his home run. We like Berkman because he is a man of God and his wife is precious. I probably only know two other players' names.

His nickname is apparently "The Big Puma," which reminds me of Jim being called "The Big Tuna" on the office.

This is the train that moves along the track whenever someone hits a home run. Notice the steam. I could not convince my eyes that it was hauling oranges. They look exactly like pumpkins.

Game over. Peace out.
Awww, it's snowing here! I'll post pics. tonight. Thanks for posting pretty green pictures and flowers :)
The cross will be so perfect with your new furniture!
And the haystacks? P.R.I.C.E.L.E.S.S!
I love this time of year with all the pretty flowers. I understand being disgusted with a toilet in your bedroom. I recently had to remodel my bathroom and my toilet was in my room for a week! I camouflaged it with laundry baskets and anything else I could think of. The end result was worth it. Welcome back to Houston!
What an awesome time!!!
That cross is gorgeous and cool and fun!
I am jealous over the MLB game...we are kinda freaky about them at our house. My boys love baseball. I may have to show them your pix.
I'm glad you are settling in. Dying for the pix of the new house.
How fun!! Sounds like the absolute perfect outing. I went to a craft fair with my friend this weekend and managed to snag a few treasures for myself. I LOVE the cross--too cool!
l love the look on Curtis' face as he is holding your amazing red cross.
Fun day! I love H town...sounds like you are settling in just fine! love to you my friend ...oh and by the way you can definitely steel that pic you mentioned...i thought it was cute too!
We sure are missing hanging out with you guys! I can't wait to plan our next trip to Houston and see the Jones family. Glad to see that you are loving your new home and time in Houston!
That looks like so much fun!
Can't wait to see pics of your new house! Did you get that awesome PB couch you were wanting? I bet it would look great in your family room!
Your dog is oh so friendly! He just warms the hearts of all your neighbors wherever he goes. So sweet!
Sounds like a really great family day! I love the cross you bought. I read your blog often but I must have missed that your dog was named Beckham. My sister has two dogs, their names are becks and posh.
Great update, Amanda! The bluebonnets are gorgeous. Oh, how I wish we had bluebonnets here. Sounds like you are getting settled in your old hometown. How wonderful.
And, you get voted Mom of the Year for even having a jumping gym in your dining room. My girls would totally love you!
That cross is WAY cool!
Oh man, Ava would love that choo choo.
So jealous of your lemonade.
I just finished "Marley & Me" and I thought of Beckham the entire book!
If you guys come back to Dallas for the Fair next fall we HAVE to get a group together and meet ya'll. That would be fun! Your weekend looks amazing!
You crack me up with haystacks. What better way to get to know your neighbors than and introduction by your dog, followed by treats? :-)
Thanks for the pics. Makes me miss home. My family was actually there on Sat. but did they send me any pics? Nada! So, thanks for the pics. I love TX! But, I sure have gotten used to milder summers here in Seattle. Thanks for sharing! Go Astros!
I had cousins in Houston when we lived in College Station and I remember ALWAYS stopping at the Dilorio Farmers Market - its awesome. Enjoy some great fruits and veggies!
What a fun day! I can't wait to go to a game this season. I'm with you about the pumpkins on the train...too weird if you ask me!
Good luck on neighbor relations repair!
The cross is beautiful! That farm is gorgeous! I lived in KY for 5 years and that picture reminds me of the horse farms there. I have to be honest, I didn't know what a Bluebonnet festival was and all I could think of was Bluebonnet butter. I think I need to get out more.
I love evenings when we grill out. You have made me hungry for steaks!
Have a great day!
What a beautiful cross and sweet family time! :)
Fun doing stuff like that! I love Big Tuna~
In the picture where you are standing behind the stroller, Jackson looks exactly like you. And I love your striped top.
I'll take that cross please..shoot, it's not my colors! DANG.
I laughed outloud about your haystacks comment and your for-freaking-ever comment. I'm not sure why. haha..maybe becuase it's just now 9 in the morning and I'm already blogging.
Yea that's it.
Very nice! I love that cross! It was a good size too. The pics were great-you gotta love that pic of Jackson eating the apple! Too funny-random bite marks all over it:):) I'll bet your happy to be back in Houston. Can you believe that I have never seen a genuine Texas bluebonnet?
That cross IS cool, Amanda! It would look great in my home! HA HA
Love the cute little train too - how fun is that?
Oh no! I just knew that our new Miesta would be a CARDINALS fan! Not a LASTRO fan (as Hubs would say) My heart breaks! (lol)
We just made our reservations for our annual trek to St. Louis this summer. But...this former Texan won't get any bluebonnets...
To make you feel better, my impish daughter that really needs to be watched at all times - got out the front door of my house and we didn't notice she was missing for a long time. We looked for her all through the house then I saw a shadow and she was sobbing on the front porch in only her diaper. She was 15 months old. You know that I sent some serious mama deep felt prayers of praise up to heaven!!! After that, i had an obnoxious beep thing put on all the doors AND I had locks put on the doors that are out of her reach, even now at 3 1/2.
You have a beautiful family! Congratulations on being back in Houston! Enjoy your little boy!
Mmmm. Butterscotch haystacks.
And, wait a minute, did you just end with "peace out?"
It's so funny that you say that, everytime I go to an Astros game with my parents we always say that it looks like pumpkins in that train!
I am moving back to Houston too! We are heading back May 2, craziness! It will be nice to be back in my "hometown" though.
Have a great weekend Amanda!
did I seriously miss the bluebonnet festival???? Looks like yall had fun! I really want to get CC and Jackson together, I think they'd have too much fun.
What a beautiful day and great time with your sweet family. I love the bluebonnets and your new cross.
The haystacks are sure to get a smile out of your new neighbors.
Thanks for sharing your day with us.
Spring is so beautiful. The bluebonnet festival looks like fun! And it's even better when the weather is so perfect! Funny thing about that cross. I have the same one with one more layer of the wood cross on the back. I LOVE it! Mine is black and light gold and it hangs in my dining room. It will be a wonderful addition to your home! It's so fun to shop at those places. If you've never been to Canton, you've got to go! Looks like y'all had a wonderful day together!
Amy in OK
Those pics make me want to move to TX! And how fabulous of Curtis to be so generous. I got a good chuckle out of the haystacks...let us know how your neighbors like them!
I think Beckham must have the spiritual gift of "meeting the new neighbors." (Paul had that in one of his lists, right?)
Loved the bluebonnet pictures. They encouraged my heart. Spring is taking forever to get to Minnesota this year. How long, O Lord? How long?
When I got to the Beckham part of this blog I laughed inside thinking about how he helped you meet your neighbors in Irving by running into their home!
Spring in Texas is my favorite time of the year...I just love the bluebonnets!
What a fun weekend! We almost went to the game on Saturday night as well, but ended up passing on the tickets passed to us. :) Glad you had a great time!
Amen on the pumpkins! I have to remind myself all the time those are supposed to be oranges.
Love the pictures! Glad you guys had a good weekend. It was a little chilly here in Richmond, VA but we look forward to warmer temps this week!
Oh come on, Becks just wants to have a little fun... :)
And it cracks me up that you thought of Big Tuna.
LOL LOL LOL LOL!! When I read "Bluebonnet Festival" I pictured women walking around in blue bonnets. You see, the furthest south I have ever lived in my 38 years is Boise, ID. To say I'm a Pacific Northwest girl is, well, shockingly true. The whole bluebonnet being flowers became clear to me as I was looking at your pictures.
My dog ended up in someone's house after we first moved here. We were temporarily living in condos that all looked alike. She was only 8 months old and terribly confused. Thankfully the neighborhood kids knew where she belonged and sought me out. The woman in the house was freaked out by this little six pound dog who was howling under a table.
Best be going. I'm going to Google bluebonnet and see what they look like close up!!
What fun! I just learned what a Blue Bonnet is recently. We don't have them here in Michigan. They are beautiful! Thanks for sharing your fun times with us! Jackson keeps getting cuter and cuter!
Angie xoxo
that cross is amazing!!
and the name of that festival just makes me smile :)
Thanks for the bluebonnet pics - I'll be looking forward to more. I miss bluebonnets SO much and wish we were still in Texas to have my baby boy's pictures taken in them.
Sounds like a fabulous weekend! And Brant is actually in Houston all day today and is going to the Astros game tonight!
Not that this comment applies AT ALL (except that you DID mention Jim in this post), but wasn't the Office so much funnier last night than on its debut night last week? What a relief. Oh, and while I'm posting, I want to say that I'm so happy for you and your sweet family to have moved back near your family...we're moments from ours, and I wouldn't trade it for the world--especially for Asher and his grandma!!
Love the cross!! My house has a space that needs something equally funky and faithful. No impossibly cute blueobnnet festival here though so I'll have to figure something out!
Love that my two-year-old has the same carseat yours does!
Love the bluebonnets in bloom! The poppies and lupine are in bloom here in California and we'll have to appreciate them quickly before it's all just brown again.
Love that I'm not the only mommy who leaves gates and doors unattended, but without a pet at our house, it's the girlies who go a'wandering and I look like Mom of the Year! Oh well... ;)
Have a great weekend!
Chapel Hill Bluebonnet Festival is a blast! When we went though it was a blue norther in April and we just about froze in the cold wind. But their kettle corn is to die for!!
But I'm with you. . . nothing beats a corn dog at the Texas State Fair!!
Is it wrong to covet a cross?
Because I'm thinking it probably is.
But still.
Funny you ask because I am getting ready to blog about it.
I actually just took a job at my church, Cypress Bible Church, as the Girls Ministry Director! I am SO excited! It is seriously a dream come true of mine!
I really prayed about it because teaching is something I also love to do, and getting a job with Cy-Fair was basically handed to me. (Since I student taught there!) But, like I always tell myself, I can always teach, but this opportunity will not always be available! I don't know how long I'll be there or what the future holds with this job, but I am thrilled to say the least.
So, if you know of any GMD in the Houston area send them my way! I would love all the advice/encouragement I can get! :)
Hope y'all have a great weekend!
Oh, and wasn't the Bluebonnet Festival just wonderful! We wrote about it in our journals at school this week! Saturday was gorgeous for a day like that. And, I love the cross! Gorgeous!
P.S. Sorry for the LONG comment. You don't have to post this! :)
LOL! Curtis looks THRILLED to be carrying a huge cross and the center of the oohs and ahs. :) That picture cracked me up.
The farm is so beautiful- amazing!!
We just rode Thomas the Train around Tavares, Florida- there's a whole Thomas-centered festival that visits every few months, do you guys get that? If so, you have to take Jackson! My Jack was SO thrilled- in Heaven- (as my husband says, Sodor is like some sort of cultish community started by Sir Toppom Hat. :) )
We vacayed in Chappell Hill not long ago, and we can't WAIT to go back! We'd totally move there. :0)
LOVE it Amanda!! It looks like such a great time! That field is beautiful!! I'll have you know that I am doubled over laughing at that picture of the women "getting their groove on!" For whatever reason, it got me all tickled! Jackson is just too cute and I love that cross!! I know I would have a great time if we went, maybe I can talk Matt into it!! And wouldn't you know, you posted that on April 16th, a year ago today, so weird!! Thank you for sharing this!!!!
Ok, I'm just now catching up with your blog and I laughed out loud about the oranges!! I thought the same thing!! I'm glad I'm not the only one!!!
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