Monday, September 01, 2008

Nekked Baby

Labor day. How appropriate. Jackson's twelve waking hours felt like waiting on a woman in labor. Only we were waiting on a two-year-old to deliver his first poopy into the potty. We tried the nakedness method all day. It totally worked when it came to Number One (which he has been doing pretty great with anyway), but he is having some stage fright when it comes to The Other. Bless his heart, by noon he was asking me for a diaper. I knew he would go as soon as I put it on his body and I didn't want to give in. I held out until 1:30, fully prepared to let him skip his nap for the sake of hastening this whole process. By then he was lying on the couch, with Tonka truck stickers covering his whole body and my whole living room, saying, "I sleep. I sleep." Isn't that tragic? So we diapered him and put him to bed. I was shocked when he woke up with a clean diaper and encouraged that we might have some hope for the poopy. (I know, y'all. I'm so sorry.)

Curt grilled hot dogs and burgers in the backyard for dinner, so Jackson had a ton of opportunity to run around nekked outside and do his thing. He played in his baby pool and kicked a ball around the yard like a pro. We brought the potty outside just in case. We all tried so hard. Him more than us, but the mental focus this is taking is crazy! Oh, and we were under siege by a swarm of love bugs. There's no telling how many of them died at Jackson's hand. One even drowned in the jar of relish.

We ended the day with a diapered, bathed, good-smelling, however constipated child in cute jammies. It was a sight for sore eyes. I'm telling you, I saw more behind today than I ever dreamed. I kept thinking, "I see Christmas with no cakes a bakin'," which is an old saying passed down in my mom's family. Don't think too hard about it. I really don't know what most of those Arkansas sayings mean. I just say them.

Also, lest you think that we are not covering our nekked child's behind in prayer, we definitely are. In fact, at night we ask Jackson what he wants to talk to God about and he says, "Tee tee and poo poo!" I am definitely praying, but I'm not so sure the Lord likes my motives. I want to get this thing d-o-n-e. But I have a suspicion that He might take His time so we can work on some of my issues like impatience, perfectionism, and being easily frustrated. Dern! I hope I learn quick!


Lindsee Lou said...

I don't know why, but this post made me laugh so hard! Glad y'all enjoyed your Labor Day!

Praying for a "poopy in the potty" soon. :)

Big Mama said...

Girl. You have all my sympathy and prayers.

Also, bribery in the form of Skittles may work.

Michelle said...

I feel for you so, so much on this one. Both of my boys, hardest battle ever known to parenting. I will pray yours is much, much easier and over soon!

jennyhope said...

Girl, I had to do the nekked thing and she would ask for a diaper to go poo poo. Also, I did the bribery thing and set up a huge dry erase board for her to draw on and put stickers on every time she went to the potty. She loved that but maybe because she is a girl.
As far as talking to God about bathroom issues you know Him and His disciples set around the camp fire pulling each others fingers...I mean full God...but fully man!! LOL

Anonymous said...

I have said many times that the reason the Lord gave me my daughter, Rebecca was to have me work out many issues in my own life. If I didn't have her it would probably take me much longer to refine some areas. When I see those things in my daughter that I know I need to work on it makes me want to work on it so it won't be duplicated in her life. Praise God for these little gifts!

Colored With Memories said...

Stick with it...and watch out for the constipation. It can really wreak havoc on a potty training program.

Our almost 4 year old STILL has issues that we are working through with getting her to poo on the pot. Glad to know the Lord is hearing prayers from multiple people on this very trying and tiring issue!

Heather said...

Try putting a diaper IN the potty you are trying to get him to go in. That worked for a friend of mine who had the same issues with her daughter. she would hold it until she made herself physically hurt.

Hope it gets better. I'll send up some prayers :)

Karen said...

I love God's sense of humor. I can only imagine what He's saying to Himself as He waits for each of you to learn your lesson during this season!

I am praying that this day would be THE one...


Anonymous said...

Amanda... I love your posts... he is young as I think that most boys take a bit longer to potty train. From my own experience I have found that they will usually "tee tee" without a problem, but the poo part is difficult for some.

We are working on sarting potty training with our grandson who turned 2 in July. I think that he is a bit young... but his Momma wants to start it. So, she wen out and bought him some Mickey underwear... he is doing "tee tee" sometimes, but the other night with his new underwear on he "tee teed" all over his Granmda's lap.

My best advice don't stress over it or make too big a deal out of it or it could become a battle. It will happen.I promise Jackson will not go to Kindergarten in diapers.

Anonymous said...

Hi Amanda,

I feel your pain right now. After reading your blog a rush of memories came flooding through my memory bank. My children are 17 and 14. I am sure so many people have given you sooo much advice on potty training. I want to share one story that worked for my daughter. She was quite the sneaky one when it came to putting the poop in the potty.

We begin to notice a pattern with her. Anytime she needed to do the doo, she would leave the room which the rest of us where in, and come back quite smelly. We devoted a whole day like ya'll to getting her to put her stuff in the potty. Sure enough on Father's Day we were playing games with our children and she quietly left the room. We gently picked her up and placed her on the potty. All I have to say is plop, plop in to the potty it went. Bingo, we had success! She never had another problem from then on. To this day, my husband says it is the best Father's Day gift he has ever received.

Good luck girl! I will be praying that the Lord with have favor and mercy on you.

Terrie in Florida

PS I read your blog, but never post until now.

Kim said...

Oh, this brought SUCH a smile to my face to start this new week! Thank you!!! I know this season will pass ~ sooner or later. But, for now, humor is a great way to handle it! :)

Amanda said...

My twin boys are 3 months younger than your J. They're not potty-trained either. But we're hoping to start soon. Does he pee standing or sitting on the potty? Mine like to sit down on it (nothing happens), but lately one of them wants to stand up "like Daddy." So I'm curious how it goes for you.

Anonymous said...

I know how all encompassing potty training can be. And I’m about to have to do it again with my little one. My oldest took forever to #2 train. Wouldn’t he love me telling this?! Anyway I don’t know if that is discouraging or encouraging, but I think boys just might take a while with that one.
Best of luck to you- it really will happen eventually. :)

Speaking Thru Me Ministries said...

Hang in there my friend!! This too shall pass - hee hee.

Stay with it - be strong and promise lots of rewards!! always works with me and my hubby!! ha ha

Praying through the days I am not that too far away from!! I do remember!! Love, Leigh

Anonymous said...

I hear you on the #2! Just know that once you get past the first one you are usually on the home stretch! My daughters were amazingly able to switch their "time" to go #2 to naptime so I finally had to boycott naps for a day or two, hoping to catch them!

I remember seeing this odd little knee bend with my oldest daughter - running over at full speed and scooping her up and practically throwing her on the toilet - oh that's another tip of mine...try to get them to go on the big potty for poop cause I'm sorry it's about as gross as diaper changing to have to clean out a potty! :)

She was so proud of herself after she "accidentally" went! Thankfully my whole family was nearby for a standing ovation...even my 18 year old brother! :)

Oh and about the flushable wipes...we call them "kid wipes" around here and they are a MUST have! Great for my five year old as she doesn't need any help from me any more going to the bathroom and I don't have any stain removal to do later....ya know what I mean??!

Happy pottytraining!

KateVonGlahn said...

Hi! Found your blog through a friend. It's nice to find other mothers with small children. This poop and pee in the potty thing definately throws them for a loop! And there is certainly no shame in praying about it either. I have prayed for many a crazy thing at nights when I am so tired that I think I could just die!

Darlene R. said...

Oh Amanda, I remember the days! Bless your heart!

I'm always fearful when I ask forgiveness for my lack of patience. I just know that there will be something right around the corner, usually my kids, that will test me again!

Melinda said...

I'm SO reminded of my potty-training efforts with daughter #1, whilst pregnant with daughter #2. There was a huge sense of urgency to "get 'er done" that seems to grow with the rate of my belly! What I found is that my little darling was only going to advance to this next level on her own terms - not mine. Frustrating to say the least, but I will encourage you in that she is quite successful in this area as a senior in college. :o)

Hang in there little mama.


BethAnne said...

My boys were very hard to train (might be that their mother had no clue). I did learn a couple of things in potty training them that might be of help to you. #1 Never go to a public toilet that flushes itself while you are potty training. It scared my oldest so bad he refused to use a public toilet until he was 6. He is 7 now and still says "Dont let it flush until I get out the door!" Who knew that an automatic toilet could cause permanent trauma?
# If a child who is beginning to poop is constipated the first time they poop in the potty, it might hinder the rest of the potty training experience. My youngest refuse to poop in the potty because the first time he did, it hurt and he never forgot that. He is 4 and sometimes he is still scared.

Those are just a couple of things I wish I had known before starting the wonderful journey we call potty training.....would be nice if they came already trained, huh?

BethAnne said...

My boys were very hard to train (might be that their mother had no clue). I did learn a couple of things in potty training them that might be of help to you. #1 Never go to a public toilet that flushes itself while you are potty training. It scared my oldest so bad he refused to use a public toilet until he was 6. He is 7 now and still says "Dont let it flush until I get out the door!" Who knew that an automatic toilet could cause permanent trauma?
# If a child who is beginning to poop is constipated the first time they poop in the potty, it might hinder the rest of the potty training experience. My youngest refuse to poop in the potty because the first time he did, it hurt and he never forgot that. He is 4 and sometimes he is still scared.

Those are just a couple of things I wish I had known before starting the wonderful journey we call potty training.....would be nice if they came already trained, huh?

Tara said...

Hang in there! It will happen!!! I had one friend whose child had the same fear of going poo-poo in the potty...They did 2 things that really seemed to work! (1) They would dump her poo poo from the diaper into the potty and wave bye-bye. Somehow teaching her that the pooh's place was in the potty helped! (2) They made a POOH chart (with Pooh Bear on it), and she would earn 2 stickers to go on the pooh chart every time she went. If she went in her diaper, they took a sticker away. She was working toward a toy that she really wanted, and they purchased the toy and had it sitting next to the pooh chart (but out of reach). That way she could visibly see what she could have once she filled up the chart.

Hope this helps! Hang in there!!!!

Sarah said...

You are so funny! We had a good potty training weekend as well and did make our first #2 delivery. #2 accidents are the worst. My 2-year old will be 3 in Oct so he is quite a bit older than your little mister. So sweet that he's saying his prayers.

AugsburgDaisy said...

Lord, please let this post be a blessing. My son took until 3.5 years to poop regularly in the potty. He was potty trained in every other regard. During that 2.5 - 3.5 year, he was pretty much always constipated even with a prescription to counteract his absolute refusal to poop. I prayed, and prayed and prayed. Matthew 15:17!!! Trust God. It WILL happen. My mom also taught him a little trick. When sitting on the potty, she would have him reach his hands high in the sky and count to 5. At 5 he would pull his hands down and pull his torso down while yelling, "Jeronimo!" Somehow, that helped. And after that first time, his first exclamation was, "Praise God!" And then he thanked God for making his body. What a JOY! I pray that this won't be your road, but know that you're not alone!

connorcolesmom said...

HeHe - I so remember those days
We gave our little ones raisins and prunes and anything that would loosen the BM
It helps b/c it is "softer" when it comes out - Ok sorry for all the potty talk :)
I know what you are going through and I will be praying
Love ya

Anonymous said...

Poor thing! (you, not Jackson! ) I had two out of four children with poopy stage fright as well. The only hope is to catch them in the act and get them there. My son was well past 3 when we finally managed to get it in the potty and he never looked back. With my 2.5 yr old daughter, she'd hold it for days....easily going 4 days without going at all. I went and bought some prunes and she blissfully ate them, unaware of what I was getting at! It did work us much more opportunity to work on her anxiety! ;) She is doing great now though, with nary an accident! Although she still occasionally right before the big moment tenses up and says, "I scared of poopoo!" Scary stuff, that.

one of four said...

You don't have to post this, but I have NO idea how to email this to you.

My daughter, our first child, took a year and a half to potty train. She became so constipated that we had to stop. My son, our second was so easy because we knew what we were doing. (We did the nekked thing and it worked like a charm.)

This seems horrible now, but we put mineral oil in my daughter's milk so that she could not hold her number 2. (This was after a year of not trying to potty train because it messed her up so badly.) And it worked. She went twice while on that stuff and then she "knew" how to do it.

I'm not suggesting anything, just telling you what we did.

Anonymous said...

You do not need to appologize for sharing potty stories. This is the good stuff that is always good for a laugh. I love it. Blessings to you sweet sister. Tiffany For His Glory!

Ben and Kristen said...

I am right with you on the potty training thing, and it is so frustrating!!! I have been too nervous to try the nakedness, but may have to resort to it soon. Good luck!

Rachel said...

Hi sister AJ! Gosh, I've been there. We tried at a little over 2 and just got nowhere. We ended up waiting until a little after 3 and had great success! I am sure the LORD hears you and will provide wisdom. I will be praying for NO "going" issues - because that's just horrible on anybody! So glad you all were protected from Gustav! lovingly, rachel

Patty said...

Bless your heart!

I think potty training was the most frustrating thing with my boys. My first child was close to 3 before he mastered it and my youngest was a lot quicker. I finally decided to leave thier big boy underwear, although my mother-in-law called them big boy panties and somehow that isn't right, anyway, I left their big boy underwear on all day and they did good but it is the poop thing that gets them. One night my youngest had his diaper on after wearing his underwear all day, and I saw him get up in the middle of the night and take his diaper off and poop in his toilet. I guess he decided he was done with the diaper. I know that doesn't offer any advice but this too shall pass, I promise!! :))
Praying with you !!

Britany said...


I wrote a way-too-long post a few days ago about potty training, then decided you surely had plenty of people offering you advice on the topic and thus, didn't need mine! But when I read this post, I just had to comment. I'm the mom of 3 boys, the youngest is 3 and just recently potty trained. I had exactly the same issue that you are dealing with. For my 3rd, we used this method: and while it's not for everybody, it worked like a charm for us. However, we struggled with the poo-poo issue and he ended up going like FOUR DAYS at one point. And even with the diaper, he wouldn't go. He was in pain, pointing to his midsection, and I thought I would die of guilt. He did have a couple of accidents but with mine, the secret ended up being "alone time". As soon as we left him alone, he would go. At first in his underwear, but after a few hundred reminders prior to letting him go play alone in his room, he finally did it. He went all by himself to the potty and called me to tell me he had gone poo-poo. I had shown him a special finger puppet (now dubbed "poo-poo boy") which he would get as a reward. Not to mention a few hundred gummy bears (actually 3). I hope this isn't too long but I had to share.

Lisa Pierre said...

perfect labor day post

Dionna said...

That's so great that he's doing well on going potty. He'll get the hang of the "other" yes - it takes boatloads of patience! I'm sure you're not but make sure he doesn't feel "pressure" - or he'll get stressed. And then you'll get stressed. :)Even if he only learns to go potty now that's heaps of progress. Yes??? :)

Immeasurably More Mama said...

I read this post early in the morning and it brought a smile to my face. I love the humorous way you write about ordinary things like potty training! Thanks for the laugh!

bethany said...

Sounds like an interesting labor day for the Jones's!
I was hoping that my niece would choose to arrive this labor day but she did not. My sister in laws dues date is actually Thursday so this waiting is getting harder to do each day! Can only imagine how hard it is for her...she said that she is pretty much over pregnancy now and is ready to move on to delivery! We'll see if she is still saying that in the midst of her pain!!!

Mel @ Studio MCA Designs said...

Sounds like you are doing great! At least he doing something consistantly in the potty. I encourage you in patience, and not to let it become a battle of control between the two of you. I trust by reading your blog that you are mindful of the this. Focus on the successes with high reward and praise. Both of mine, went poopy in the potty consistantly after the first success because they realized that they did not have to have that mess smeared on their behinds anymore. I think the challenge is getting them to sit long enough to relax and get the job done. So, as terrible as it may sound, the TV with my son's favorite show on in the bathroom is what worked for him. At 9 y/o, he still likes to watch TV while he poops, or play his PSP. lol I will pray for y'all when I think of you today. =)

Deidre said...

I hope Jackson gets comfortable with it soon - as much as I hope my little one does. It's painful to watch how 'frightened' she is of going. It's been a nightmare. We, too, are PRAYING with her daily about it. Hang in there - I keep hearing it WILL happen soon. We can only hope....

Angie said...

After getting 4 kids (3 of whom are boys) through potty training I have NO ADVICE whatsoever for anyone. We just survived it with lots of prayer and gritting and gnashing of teeth. I can happily say that all of them use the potty now and even wipe themselves (now that one took a LONG time!!)....but it had nothing to do with our parental potty training skills.

I thought of you this a.m. and your pregnant self as I was cleaning chicken juice from the bottom of my fridge that had leaked out overnight (long story). I just remember you saying how much you dislike raw chicken... did I make that up...and it made me think of you. :-)

Hang in there!

Kelly @ Love Well said...

Oh my friend. Training for Number Two is the hardest. I second the idea of bribery: Skittles for him, M&Ms for you.

And if you need directions on how to get poo-poo out of underwear, let me know. I'm a black-belt. Sigh.

Holly said...

Memories in the making! Hee hee! Wish I'd had that saying for the cookbook--even though I don;t quite get it. I can be a bit slow at times...

Praying for your boy's training! This too shall pass :)

Kristen said...

Oh wow - our lives are revolving around poop too these days. How glamorous! Praying for you guys!

Unknown said...

My boys would not do #2 on a baby took purchasing a toilet seat topper that fits on the big potty for them to do it! I told my sister about this too and her daughter was trained in a day. I don't get the reasoning but maybe it will help?

Anonymous said...

Amanda, you are too cute.

Just a bit of advice from a mother of three, the oldest is 13, then almost 8, and a sweet 5 year old who will be starting Kindergarten tomorrow (sob!). Been there, done that.

A trick I learned on the last one (he was the stubbornest when it came to the poops) from a friend whose sister is a pediatrician: When the poop in the pants happens (and it will, oh, it will...) you just give the same type of mild reprimand you would normally give (just the disappointed "Oh dear, look what you've done!) and then off to the shower. But here's the thing: it's NOT warm. Not icey painful cold, but not pleasantly "bath time fun!" warm either. My son would NOT give up pooping his pants, until I finally learned this trick.

I'm serious: only TWO cold showers and that kid never pooped his pants again. I guess the nice warm bath after the "accident" was not the motivation he needed.

So, you can give it a try. The friend I heard about it from whose sister is a pediatrician ran it past her sister, and she didn't think it would be harmful.

So there you go.

Have a great day!! :)

Kelli said...

Oh goodness, I am not looking forward to potty training! Keep up the hard work!

And what was the deal with the love bugs this weekend? They were EVERYWHERE?!?!

Nicole - Life in Progress said...

Your last paragraph made me smile since it's exactly what happened to me. There I was thinking "Oh, I have this darling firstborn girl - she's a smart kids - potty training will be a breeze!"

Yeah, not so much! God really used the whole experience to remind me that things don't always happen in my time.

Fortunately (for you and me) it's easier the second time around. I'll start training my youngest in a couple months, and I'm MUCH more relaxed about it. Hopefully, no more Mommy-meltdowns where I cry "Why, why won't you poop in the potty?" Should be a refreshing change!

Anonymous said...


This is off topic, but I just wanted to send a thank you your way. My husband and I attend the same church as you and Curtis. I was so excited to hear him preach while Pastor Greg was on sabatical. My husband really enjoyed it. When I told him that Curtis was going to be leading a bible study on Tuesday night he was really interested to go. I have been praying for something like this for him for a while. I was wondering if you guys have thought about moving his class into the santuary since it will be finished?
Send a thanks to your husband for entering into the much needed ministry for men. My husband liked him so much he even bought Curtis' book. This is huge because my husband has not been doing a quiet time since we married almost 4 years ago, and now he is waking up early to go through Curtis' book. I hope you understand how much of an answered prayer that is to me.
Thanks so much,
Candy Smith

Nancy Mon said...

When my sister in law was potty training my niece, she would do ok with the tee tee, but the first time she did the poo thing in her little potty, she ran out of the bathroom screaming, snakes...snakes....

Thought you might enjoy the laugh. I can only give liter box advice, no potty training.

Carrie said...

Fiber One bars are awesome in helping my son poop. I tell him they are special food to help him go and it must be a mental thing because 5 minutes after he eats them, he runs to the potty! He was over 3 when he was trained so I feel your pain. Hope everything comes out ok! :)

Addie said...

I feel ya! I just finished this with my third child, and I still have days where I think, "Is it really possible that getting a child to poop is not my main priority today???" It'll happen, the naked thing worked for us but only after a couple of days, and of course bribery of Barbie dolls and bubble gum.

Prayin' for Poo!

Marla Taviano said...

CRACK me up!

Wanda said...

Hang in there, sister! It will be over in a snap!
My oldest, a boy.....was very cooperative and easy to p.t. My next lil darlin.....well, this chic had her own plan. She would NOT go in the potty for anything. My only hope for her? Was her big brother....she would go every time he took her to the potty chair.
My last sweet babe? She was an easy one too.
Maybe it's just the personality of the child!
Don't feel the "failure" thing. It's not you!
It's just his timing!
GOOD LUCK! Little naked man!

Anonymous said...

i think it helps to remember that at some point EVERYONE gets potty it will indeed happen! hang in there! one thing we did with my son (who also had a hard time going poo in the potty--he got soooo constipated it was awful)--we let him go in a diaper for awhile. he would wear underwear all day and then when he needed to go he would ask for a diaper. eventually it just transitioned to the potty (with no more tummy aches)

Heather said...

We had the same problem but it came after 4 days! What helped then and even now sometimes was for him to sit on there with a book, toy, etc. and/or for me to talk and distract him. Once he goes once, you'll be good!

Bethany said...

I do believe potty training has been, thus far, my least favorite part of parenting. I feel for you!

(And I pray that God doesn't spend *too* much time working on your patience! =)

Anonymous said...

Though I love a nekkid beehind, I am in no way ready for the potty training. I mean, I'm potty trained. I am just not ready to potty train the Wog. ;-)

The Wootens said...

Sounds just like life at our house right now! You've so encouraged me that I'm not alone in my potty training misery! This Avon lady is mailing you some goodies to cheer you up! I'll send them to Living Proof's post office box since it's the only address I have...look for them within a week.


Anonymous said...

I have a 2 1/2 yr old daughter and we are going through some of these same struggles. Our saving grace is that one night at church our friends little girl had to go too-too while in my care. After spending 30 minutes in the bathroom with all three of us - my daughter decided she wanted to be just like her 3 yr old friend. So now it is a funny when she has to go that she talks about her friend, etc. So, that might be something to try. We also went strickly to the old school training pants - this is a pain but seemed to work much better b/c when we would go back to the pull ups she'd go every time. So, for our church outings I'd put the panties on & then the pullup over -the nursery workers thought it was funny but now we can go to church accident free! I love your blog - it is great! tj

Kiki said...

We got the book Everybody Poops. It seemed to help. I don't look forward to doing it a second time around, I don't think I handled it graciously the first time.

JayCee said...

Great labor day post!

Our grandson and also a nephew were both a lot later when they finally got it. Everyone has their own pace. Don't sweat will eventually happen.

My mom used to tell me just to let it come when the child is ready, otherwise, it's the parent who is trained, not the child.

Anonymous said...

i still want to be the babysitter but not "your" babysitter as i said but Jackson's babysitter!!!

Unknown said...

"I see Christmas with no cakes a bakin'," which is an old saying passed down in my mom's family. Don't think too hard about it. I really don't know what most of those Arkansas sayings mean. I just say them.

HA HA HA HA I love it!

Profbaugh said...

Oh my Amanda!! Hang in there. He will learn, really, I promise!! This is the period in your life you will always remember (and have stories galore to boot). I feel your frustration!! Know y'all are in my prayers.

Hoping for #2,

twinkle said...

Never heard THAT Arkansas saying and I'm not dwelling on it. But it is funny!
Wish I had all the advice you've gotten when I was frustrated potty training my first daughter. Believe it or not, it was during this time that I first actually heard the Voice. Of God. He said. JUST LOVE HER. Well, He had my attention and I calmed down. Soon it was all over and done!

Jeanne said...

This cracked me up!!! I hope your little man is able to "drop the kids off at the pool" pretty soon!

Missy said...

Oh my. LOVE this post. You make me laugh! Do we get to throw you a party once this phase is done???!!!

Gayle @ thewestiecrew said...

I totally forget what deep wisdom I was going to offer you because now I am just picturing Peter pulling John's finger.

I feel the need to repent or something... :D

GratefulinGA said...

Bless your heart! I never heard of this nekked method until about 3years ago when my brother and family arrived from New York City. These relations ARE stereotypical New Yorkers and regularly poke fun of all things southern. They no more arrived when they stripped my nephew down stating,
'We're potty training, you don't mind do you?'.

Dumbfounded, we said nothing.

The little fellar ran inside and out, taking advantage of every hither region of the yard...our neighbors watched with jaws dropped open.

Again, we had never heard of such a 'thang', but apparently it was all the rage in New York.

Um....and to think they thought Georgians were outdoors-ey?

Good luck, my prayers are with ya'll!

Anonymous said...

I have potty-trained my 4 kids and they all refused to go poo on the potty after they were pee-pee trained. My 2nd child, my only son, had the hardest time. We had to turn to Mirolax, enemas, and lots of other difficult tactics after trying a high fiber diet. Then, he started squatting on the carpet to go and it just got worse from there . . . so by the 3rd child, I just told her that she can go poo in the potty OR ask for a pull-up, but poo goes in potty or pull-up NOT panties or carpet. I was so afraid we would go through the months of horrible constipation that we had with my son. After several months of choosing the pull-up to poo in, she transitioned to the potty on her own. I did the same thing with the 4th one and it was much more relaxing. I don't think the kids were trying to be defiant, they were just afraid. Just an idea . . . best of luck and my prayers are with you.

valerie said...

I remember my son would pee pee in the potty, but would not poop. I'd see him squatting down making that little face like he was about to poop and I'd say "Come on....let's go to the potty!" and he'd have no part of it. I couldn't understand what he was afraid of.
An older lady told me (I have no idea if it's true) that I shouldn't even try to potty train unless he'd cut his two year molar teeth. ???
Just hang in there. Maybe your next one will be a little girl. My little girl was trained at 18 months! It was a breeze.

MamaCass said...

You have much more patience than me. We gave up a while back after Tobey peed on the couch and then brought his poopy to me and dropped it into my hand. So he will be one of those three year olds who is still wearing a diaper. I think we may be trying the nekked thing very soon (and locking ourselves in the bathroom).