Wednesday, September 10, 2008

What About Ike?

Well, peeps, it certainly is exciting to live in Houston during hurricane season. Ike could very well send his nastiness our way but it will be late in the game before we will know for sure. So what to do? My parents have been planning all along to go to the ranch this weekend and we have decided to join them. We are going in our own car but we'll be under the same roof once we get there. I am dreading the possibly awful traffic we will encounter on the way, but the ranch itself will be fun. We are not in an evacuation zone since we are about an hour from the water and we shouldn't have flooding. Our area could get some awful, awful wind though. If you know me well at all you know I am NOT a fan of wind. We are boarding up the huge windows in the back of the house tomorrow morning and then we will head out. I don't expect to be back online until we get home. If the hurricane doesn't come here, we will probably return on Sunday. My cell is still a Dallas-area number so hopefully if the Houston numbers jam up, mine will still work. So that's the plan, Stan! Thanks in advance for your prayers and HUGE thanks to y'all for supporting the Rescue Center in Haiti. God bless every one of you who gave and who have been praying. You guys are incredible. I just love the body of Christ! Take care everyone and I'll be in touch in a few days.


FaceforGrace said...

I will certainly be praying for you guys. We just got power restored after 5 days out with Gustav. It was horrible- but could have been much worse. Be safe.

Mel @ Studio MCA Designs said...

I will be praying for safe and speedy travels. Have a fun get away with your family! BTW, I posted about your effort to get donations for Haiti and linked up to your blog. I hope it goes well beyond your goal.

Anonymous said...

Have a safe trip and a wonderful time at the ranch!

Patty said...

I have had you all in my thoughts and prayers and I have prayed for your protection and that God would protect your homes.

Have a safe trip to the ranch!!


Lindsee Lou said...

Oh funny, I just blogged about Ike, too! Hope y'all have a great time at the ranch. We're hunkering down here with our triscuits and tuna. Oh joy!


Anonymous said...

So glad you're heading out--this Fl girl once spent 12 hours in our closet under the stairs during Hurricane Jeanne. Of course, my husband snored while I was convinced every creak of the house was a tornado. NOT marriage enhancing. Enjoy the ranch.

Shelley said...

Oh sweetie, I'll be adding y'all to our prayers tonight. I'm glad you have some place to go, "just in case." Good luck with that drive tomorrow. (Hint) Put a training potty in the car. It can be a life saver!

Anonymous said...

Spending time at the ranch sounds like a better prospect than being in the storm. Praying for y'all during hurricane season!

Profbaugh said...

It's times like this I'm glad I live in the midwest. Know that I'm praying for my Texas Siestas and Miestas. Enjoy your time together with family. And may the LORD bless you with little traffic and complete cell service.

Hang tight!

Anonymous said...

Praying for everyone in Ike's path. God bless you as you take care of your family!!

Nancy Mon said...

I'll be praying for a safe journey for all of y'all. We are planning to ride it out here.

Melinda said...

Praying for you - at least it's a good excuse for a family get together (as if you needed one!)


Anonymous said...

Praying, Amanda! Had you all on my heart last night when Houston was mentioned. Be safe and enjoy the ranch!


Jody said...

I will be praying for you all!

Kelly said...

I'm glad ya'll have decided to leave. I'm praying for ya'll - and everyone in that area.

Fran said...

Absolutely praying!

Jennifer said...

Stay safe! I am not liking Ike. I even blogged about it last night too.

Amy Beth @ Ministry So Fabulous! said...

Be careful, girl. Love you.

connorcolesmom said...

Oh Amanda!
I will be praying for all of you!
I pray that you enjoy the ranch and that God will give you many delights while you are there :)

Unknown said...

My thoughts and prayers have been with you since they said Ike might head your way. I'm glad y'all are going to away and not going to weather the storm there. I pray God will take the strength out of Ike like he did Gustav! *big hugs to all of you* (I imagine there might be some great blogging moments and pictures to be had. ;-)!)

Catrina said...

Safe travels! Don't forget your snake boots, right?! :)

LeighAnne said...


I will be praying for your precious family. I am so glad you have somewhere safe to go! Ya'll be careful and have fun on the ranch!!


Dionna said...

Be safe, Amanda.

3girlsmom said...

Be safe, be wind-free, be cell-phone enabled, and have fun at the Ranch. Praying dear ole Ike is less of a problem than he's threatening to be.

MamaCass said...

Ya'll keep safe and enjoy your weekend away. Rodney is in Houston right now for work so I am praying he will be able to leave before the storm hits!

Big Mama said...

Be safe. And if y'all find yourselves stuck in San Antonio, just know that we have plenty of Sour Patch Kids and chips and salsa at my house.

bethany said...

Take lots of praise music with you for your will help you keep your mind focused while traveling and off of worrying about the traffic...Praying for you!

Praise and Coffee said...

I've been thinking about all of you at LPM. My prayers are with you!

Kevin and Christie said...

We will be praying for you too! Enjoy your time at the time you can come stay in our "safe" room away from the winds! Hehe..

Grace said...

Will be praying for all of you on the coast. It will be so nice when hurricane season is over!! I hope Jackson does well on the trip. Hopefully there will be lots of things for him to "find" along the way. :o)

Three Fold Cord said...

Thinking and praying for you guys. Thank goodness you are still aways from your due date. You can settle in and wait for it to pass and not worry about going into labor. Of course I would think of that because I just had my little one.
Anyway, love you guys and have a wonderful family getaway. I look forward to the great convos that we will here about when you get back.

valerie said...

My prayers are with you and all of those affected by Ike.
Be safe!

creative gal said...

I will be praying for you and your family! Enjoy the Ranch, but be safe!

Anonymous said...

Oh, Amanda...I certainly can't imagine the traffic! My Daddy is headed home from Corpus as well to head back to San Antonio, so I'm praying for you all both as you head out of the coastal area! We're holding ground here in Austin to see what happens. Peace of the Lord be with you!

Lesleigh said...

Please be safe. You and your entire family will be in my prayers. I live in East Texas and we are supposed to some of Ike this weekend. Yikes!! So, I can only imagine how it is like for y'all down along the coast.
Take care!!

Kelly @ Love Well said...

I can't believe you're leaving. Who's going to give us minute-by-minute updates on the WIND, THE HORRIBLE WIND?

:-) Have fun at the ranch.

Emmy said...

Will be praying sweet Amanda!

Lisa said...

I'll say a prayer for you. Hope you have a safe trip and that Ike fizzles out. I'll be glad when hurricane season is over.

Anonymous said...

Praying for all of your safety.

HisGeorgiaPeach said...

I pray for y'all every time I see Ike's projected path (which tends to be a lot since I just love the Weather Channel!). Y'all have a safe trip. :)


Lisa @ The Preacher's Wife said...

Well Amanda,

Your darlin' family has hopefully already reached the ranch. I watched many newscasts about the Houston area today and thought about you and Lindsee and my other bloggy Texan friends the entire time. I hope you beet that gosh awful traffic.

Hunkering down with you in spirit..


Darlene R. said...

Hope you all had a safe trip to the ranch today.

I will be praying for you and your family!

Anonymous said...


Praying that God will protect you & your family at the ranch. Enjoy the quality time with your parents as well. Hope your house is safe from Ike.

katiegfromtennessee said...

Good! Yea! I really am glad you decided to go with your 'rents:) I just talked to me older sis in Fort Worth and it's just clouds and rain there. The remnants of Ike might shift up and over towards my part of the country. We need rain anyway (somewhat of a drought here:) Anyway! Love ya'll!

Isaiah 38:20 (AMP)
"The Lord is ready to save (deliver) me; therefore we will sing my songs with [my] stringed instruments all the days of our lives in the house of the Lord."

Gayle @ thewestiecrew said...

Been praying for you guys since last night. Stay safe, dear ones.

Anonymous said...

wow, looking at the coverage on foxnews and the weather channel, I'm praying your ranch is way inland. and that your homes aren't damaged when you return.

lifting up everyone out that way!

Heather said...

Praying for you guys as well as all of our other Houston / Woodland friends

Smelling Coffee said...

Amanda, this is not on the subject of Ike (although, I'm praying for all of you all in your area about that). This is about Potty
Training. I don't know if you read Rocks in My Dryer, but in case you don't, she had a great post today about potty training. I thought of you, and thought you might be encouraged by it.

Praying for all of you...