Saturday, June 13, 2009

Happy Baby

It's always an adventure when Curt goes out of town. Not that he does that very much or anything. This time he went up to Irving to celebrate Pastor John's 40th birthday with some awesome guys that he doesn't see very much anymore. I was so happy for him to go because I do stuff with my friends all the time and he hardly ever does. But of course as the day approached I started dreading having the kids by myself.

I kept telling myself to be a big girl. I had a friend coming over Friday night to watch movies and eat Chinese food and a babysitter coming over on Saturday so I could shop for some anniversary, Father's Day, and birthday presents. The only real obstacle would be the grocery store and FedEx/Kinko's trip I needed to make.

Despite it being so hot and humid that my makeup was melting off and my hair curling, the errand run went very well. So well, in fact, that on the way home I was writing a blog post in my mind of how to set yourself up for grocery shopping success with your infant and three-year-old. It involved a unicorn pop and paying the sacker to help you to the car. I've never asked for that help before, but I decided that this summer, when it's so hot that even Satan is sweating as he sits on his throne on Houston's freeways, I will fork over a few bucks and let the teenage boy help me. (Y'all the heat index is already reaching and exceeding 100 degrees here. It's sick.)

But there has to be an equilibrium. The grocery store trip can't go that well without something else going wrong. Once I got all the groceries put away and had already doled out three different items that my son was requesting, I went to pluck poor Annabeth, who was patiently waiting in the living room, out of her infant carrier. And of course, OF COURSE there was slimy poo oozing out of her diaper and all up the back of her "Happy Baby" onesie. It was all over the car seat cover, which had to be stripped off and washed. I can't wait to put that thing back on. Lord help me.

Annabeth looks so cute in her Happy Baby Onesie, but every time she wears it she's either unusually fussy, gets a fever, or has a blow out. I considered tossing it when I saw how incredibly inundated with poop it was, but Annabeth's Aunt Melissa gave it to her. I just couldn't do it. So, Melissa, I want you to know that cleaned the poop for you. Because I love you so much. I want you to move home so I can train you how to have successful children-in-tow shopping trips and how to power wash poop-filled onesies with your kitchen sink sprayer. These are things you'll need to know one day when you're birthing me some nieces and nephews.

By the way, if you see me at the mall today and I look tired, there's a good reason for that. Jackson couldn't sleep last night and I let him sleep in the bed with me. He woke up all night long and talked to me in a loud voice as if he'd been wide awake for hours. Then at 6 am he alerted me to the fact that he'd wet the bed. My bed. My heavenly bed. That's when he got a shower and I abandoned the bed for the couch. It's only 9:49 but it feels like it should be noon.

Nevertheless, mall, here I come! And if I had a Happy Mommy onesie I'd be wearing it! Not really though.


PW said...

((((((((HUGS))))))))))) Hope you have a better ending of the day today, then its start.

Lauren said...

Amanda, seriously, I love your mommy stories..... because I know they're always told in great love, even in the midst of the blowouts and bed wetting!!!! Have a GREAT Saturday!

Big Mama said...

Bless your heart and bless your bed's heart or mattress protector or whatever.

Hope you survive the day.

Maybe you could get a Happy Mommy t-shirt.

Immeasurably More Mama said...

You always have a fun way of telling mommy stories. :) Enjoy your alone time at the mall and get yourself some caffeine!

Tasha said...

Whoa,am I actually the first comment?That is amazing.I love reading your blog.You are a great mommy!

Tara G. said...

There is an art to cleaning blow-outs, that's for sure. Being without your other half is so hard. We're up for a new assignment and the D word is circulating in our house again...reality, please go away.

Get something yummy to eat at the mall and enjoy!

bethany said...

Morning Amanda!
Hope that you have a relaxing trip shopping at the mall today! You are in definate need of it...:)
You miss your sister don't you?...can hear your longing for her to be nearby in your words.
Praying you have a great day!

Kelly said...

I love all your REAL stories of normal days of mommyhood - they make me happy to know I'm not the only one with sweaty shopping trips and poopy blowouts!

Missy said...

Retail works every time. :)

HappyascanB said...

You are so precious! Why is it that the men go away and our homes seem to just fall apart? We don't have kids yet, but every time my hubby's out of town, something strange happens and makes me feel like I'm so super dependent on him! Love the grocery shopping tips, and I laughed out loud to think that Annabeth is fussy anytime she is in her Happy Baby onesie!!!! Girl does NOT like being labeled, thankyouverymuch!

April said...

My favorite grocery shopping with a 2 year old and an infant story was when the cashier seemed offended that I'd put my baby carrier (with the baby in it) in the basket part of the cart! I was using the child seat part for my older daughter, so what was I supposed to do? I had fit the groceries around the carrier, so they did fit!

By the way, some stores will carry out your groceries for free! When I was shopping with little ones, those were the stores I tried to go to.

Rhonda said...

So many moms can echo your sentiments. Enjoy the alone time. All of my boys are finally asleep for naps so now it is time for a shower. Oh the prescious solitude of the shower! Gotta run BEFORE they wake up:)

Anonymous said...

Satan and his throne on Houston's freeways...that is priceless! And I have thrown away many poop filled outfits. Especially if we are on an outing. Maybe I will try the sink sprayer next time. Disinfecting poop from the sink can't be much different than raw chicken juice, right?

Marc and Charity said...

Funny how similar this post to my thoughts. 2 more sleeps till my hubs come back from his trip, I'm tired. I let the girls sleep with me last night, what the heck was I thinking?!? I got whacked my flying limbs, smacked in the face, rolled on, you name it. I need to go to bed now.

Shelly@Sweet Journey said...

I have an Aggie brother and sis-in-law who love to adorn our children in Aggie clothes. My youngest however must be destined for the other school--he pooped in those outfits every time! And I can totally relate to wetting the bed, I woke up to that lovely feeling this week also! Hang in there!

Monica said...

Oh, I think I'm having the same hubby is out of town too, actually down in Houston. We had a GREAT day yesterday and today started out nicely, but we somehow passed up the golden opportunity for naps at the Children's Museum and my two year old is having a meltdown as we speak. I may just join her!!! Wish I had a babysitter, or at least a nap!

We'll make it, I know we will...

Linsey said...

It is never boring and always an adventure!

Monica said...

Oh, by the way, I forgot...I found the couple of pounds you lost and would be happy to return them, if you're missing them!!!


Hi Amanda I just want to send hugs your way and May The Lord Bless You and give you an extra bounce in your step. Thanks for allowing us seista's to be a part of your life sorry about the blowouts and bed wetting Love you all Have a good day and a great weekend.

Angela said...

So funny...your stories always make me laugh out loud. I have not tried going to the grocery store with Ava yet but I can imagine trying so! I feel ya on the heat! Just think, my poor hubby works outside in this Houston heat....need to pray for him!ha

Have a great rest of your weekend!

Anonymous said...


I've been reading for a while and have never left a note. I found your blog through Sophie and have enjoyed reading your blog so much. My husband and I have a son who is almost 3 and another son who is 6 weeks old, so your Mama stories tickle me to death. And I appreciate the posts where you're honest about what it's like to feel tired and frustrated and just worn out, because we all have days like that, but (for whatever reason) admitting it is hard to do. I always want to say, THAN YOU! I'm not alone!! Because while most days are wonderful, like you said before, some days stink! :)

Here's hoping your mattress is okay and that the rest of your weekend is free of bed-wetting and blowouts!

Kelly @ Love Well said...

Teyla had a serial blow-out outfit, too. It was an adorable Minnie Mouse onesie with pink pants and a matching pink jacket with ears on the hood. (Of course.) It was like she knew I couldn't just throw that away.

May your bed be dry tonight and your mouth smiling.

Moose Mama said...

It's tough being a woman! Mmm-hmm.

Hugs coming your way!


Missy said...

It always seems like a really sweet, cuddly idea to sleep with the kids. It always turns out to be a majorly annoying, sleepless night for everyone but the kid.

Katie said...

Girl, after the day I had with my baby girl, I would so meet you at the mall for tea at Starbucks, a Chai Tea. Do the do extra shots of caffeine in those? I don't know but, I know how you feel.

KR said...

I put the diaper on wrong..or let's just say 'not fully containing all the male parts.' I was carrying my son into the store and looked down at the perfect circle of tee-tee all over my white t-shirt. There are no words for how humbling it is to walk through the aisles, head held high while smelling like tee on my tee.

Anonymous said...

"Satan is sweating as he sits on his throne on Houston's freeways."

That statement made my day. It's been a tough one, too, and you just cheered me right up. That's one of the funniest things I've heard in a very long time!

Candy Jones said...

I have never commented before on your blog but I love it. I was reading for a while before I realized you are "Beth Moore's daughter" : ) Anyway, I have a 5 yr old and new baby myself and that is what got me interested in your blog. I wondered if you could talk a little about how you got to the point of wanting to "devour" the word of God. I hav been a Christian for 31 years and so struggle with having that wonderful attitude of being in his word. If you have already addressed this then just direct me to the post. I want my relationship with Him to be more more and more. Thanks and love your encouraging stories.

Kelli said...

I hope you survive the rest of the weekend! :)

It's a good thing we didn't run into each other in the mall, because I may OR MAY NOT have been......
1. The mama who let her one year old walk SEVERAL lengths of the mall pushing the stroller to avoid a fit.
2. Guilty of my precious girly child putting her hands on the nasty mall floor a time or two. UGH the thought makes me shutter today.
3. And The mama who was chasing my child in Dillard's and knocked a mannequin's arm off with my behind causing it to SLIDE across the floor.

And on that note I am off to church for some morning revival! :)

Sunni at The Flying Mum said...

Just read all the posts I haven't read...and I'm all caught up, however, I will only be leaving one comment because Xavier just informed me we're cleaning the house right now. Shoot!

We can't WAIT to see y'all tomorrow! I'm calling you later to get directions to where we should go. About 3 weeks ago, Ava peed in my bed on our memory foam topper. I nearly lost my mind. Still not recovered from that. P.S. I have B's of doom too--they'll be happy to have a playdate with your's this week.

Keri said...

It is stories like that, when my boys were younger, that helped my sister's decision to remain childless. She LOVES being an Aunt and is really great at it, but diaper blow-outs, runny noses, temper tantrums.....not her thing.

This humidity is KILLING me.......feels like I should just put on floaties when I go outside cuz it's not much different than walking through a POOL! I kissed my Chi good-bye and am embracing my curls until October.

Brandy Thixton said...

Can't get any better than blowouts and bed wetting. :) Here's hoping for a peaceful shopping day tomorrow...

lori said...

Amanda you have to tell you dad he saved a little boy from big trouble. My best friend is Trying to potty train her boy. Well I had just told her what your dad said about the peeing thing. Well her diperless son was in the play room laughing and she went it and he said "wook ma I pee pee on my toys" Oh boys!!! But before she could get made Keith Moore and his wisdom ran through her mind..

Spicy Magnolia said...

And now I know that you can strip the car seat down to wash it!! Oh, there seriously needs to be a handbook on all that stuff for rookie mommas!

Thanks for helping me not feel so alone in all of the poopy messes and day-to-day mommy stuff. A couple of weeks ago, I had Brennan in his jumper to discover he had an explosion and it was dripping onto the floor where he was jumping all in it. Footprints of poop on my kitchen floor. Ick!

I hope you're resting well in a nice, clean, comfy bed!

Erica said...

I sure wish I would have known...Brian was out of town all weekend too and our fun times were equally balanced with not so good choices. We had a wet bed Friday night and a poopy swim suit incident today. Imagine that!

Nicole said...

Can I tell you how many times I have felt quite brave,loaded up my five (or even just a few) and got to the grocery store and asked, "What was I thinking???" Too many times I must say!

Funny story about my 3 year old that reminded me of Jackson's wall incident. I got up really early and stumbled into the bathroom without my glasses. I was quickly interrupted by my 3 year old son holding himself and telling me he had to tee tee. I jump up and as I yank his pull up off very high pressured tee tee goes EVERYWHERE..including my feet, the wall, magazines, etc. Remember, I do not have on my glasses and am half asleep so I stand there in complete shock! My husband finally yells from the bathroom, "Nicole, what are you doing? Put him on the toilet!" I snap out of it and set him down just in time for him to finish off with a few drops. It was totally not a good way to start the morning but you know they are just so darn cute at this age!!

katiegfromtennessee said...

Little Momma, you inspire me girl. The things the Lord empowers you to do-every mommy for that matter!! I'm in Melissa's boat, I need to know this too. I'm beginning to realize what's coming:) One thing is for sure, you will never say that your life is boring-ever again:) In His strength:)

Love in HIM,
