Seven Months Old

I originally bought that dress for Annabeth in yellow, but when I got it home I kept thinking about the blue one. I ended up exchanging it and I'm so glad I did. She was beautiful in it every time she wore it. I can't decide whether to put this or her Easter/dedication dress in a shadowbox. That is if I ever get around to doing one.
Eight Months Old

I had already done some 8 month pictures of Annabeth in this outfit and posted them on the other blog, but I did them over again today. I'd wanted her to wear black leggings with that skirt and hadn't found any yet. Now it's perfect. I could eat her up in this.
Annabeth, at eight months old...
-You eat yogurt and oatmeal for breakfast, a veggie and a fruit for lunch, and rice and a veggie for dinner. (My sister just added "veggie" to the list of words she hates.)
-You just learned to crawl. You're not fast, but you're all over the place with your creeping and rolling.
-You're starting to fight me during diaper changes. You try to crawl away.
-You were just weaned and now you LOVE your bottle. You drink Similac formula and you get three bottles a day. You get your first one of the day in the big pink chair.
-You like Gerber puffs and teething biscuits.
-You sometimes spurn the pureed food. I bet I don't have long.
-You like peas and carrots. You don't have much patience for green beans and pears. You love bananas!
-I've stopped putting headbands in your hair because your hair is too long. It's just long enough to hold a bow.
-You are absolutely beautiful.
-You love to be held and talked to.
-You love getting a bath in mommy's big tub. It's very brief and you only get 2 inches of water, but you get very excited about it. You like to splash the water with your hands.
-You would like to play with Jackson's cars.
-You like other people, but you prefer your mommy.
-You do pretty well in the church nursery.
-Your daddy calls you Beauty.
-You wear 6-9 or 6-12 month clothes.
-You wear size 3 Cruisers during the day and size 4 at night.
-You wake up between 7 and 8 in the morning.
-You nap from 9:30-11:30 and then from 1:00-3:00.
-You don't say anything yet, but you've started making a "b" sound. I'm working on "mama" with you, of course.
-You still think your brother is hilarious, even when he's trying to shoot you like a slingshot in your jumperoo.
-You are dearly loved by your family!
Precious, precious!!! I was able to do pigtails in the baby's hair the first time today!! :)
She is a doll.
What a beauty Annabeth is! I love her Big Pink Bear--such a great idea. Maybe on her 1 yr. post you could post all 12 in one post!
And I love your list of things she is doing at a certain age, and her likes and dislikes. I tho't I would never forget a single detail of our daughter and son's younger years! I'm learning to write things down NOW!
Blessings for a fun weekend.
Amanda, she is just so gorgeous.....and I think it's safe to say that she's managed to get as big as the bear...she's growing up so quick. But then again, don't have to tell you that, ha!
She is so adorable! I love both outfits, but that little skirt with the black leggings...oh my gosh! I can hardly stand her she is so cute!
I love that Jackson tries to "shoot her like a slingshot in her jumperoo." Such a big brother thing to do.
She is precious.
These pictures are GORGEOUS!!! That blue dress is beautiful for sure! What an angel! Her face is just radiant! Pretty soon big pink bear will just be "pink bear!!!"
Have a great weekend!
I can not believe how big she looks next to pink bear! Is it okay if I feel a little sad to see her looking so big? :) She does look beautiful in that blue dress!
She is a beautiful baby!!
How sweet! She is so beautiful!
"B" is for Bibby!!!! You're right though. She does love you best of all. Then Daddy. Then brother. THEN BIBBY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So sweet! She looks exactly like jackson! DOn't you think!? Just the girl version-so beautiful!
I see where your mom put that B is for Bibby.
I was already planning to say that evidently Mama Beth has been working hard on that sound!
Absolutely perfect in every way as Mary Poppins would say. Congrats Momma on your beatiful growing little girl. Aren't girls just divine?
That girl is seriously one of the top five prettiest babies I've ever seen! She IS beautiful!
I just love that blue dress.
I just showed Nate these pictures, and he got a big grin on his face...
She is darlin'
I LOVE LOVE LOVE that skirt, so cute! She looks adorable next to her pink bear!! Happy 8 months Annabeth!
Oh Amanda. She is so precious and beautiful. And I was thinking how much I liked that sweet little blue dress when you commented about buying the yellow one first. Good choice on going back and getting the blue!
She is SO ADORABLE I can't even believe it!!
Oh, Pink Bear and Baby Girl:) Love it:) I'm glad your chronicling the different stages with her on here. I think that parenting is overwhelming when you don't have a clue what you are doing, maybe even when you do have a clue what you are doing?:)
Help us, Lord.
Hey Amanda,
I think the LPM site and blog are down right now or are being worked on? Just letting you know...:)
She is just so precious Amanda. And great job on documenting all the "what's she doing" stuff because i'm not sure if I did. I remember nap time being my favorite! :)
Hope y'all had a great weekend!
I love these pics! Look at her in her cute little outfit! And precious smocked dress! I'm a little nervous about having to "dress" a little girl this winter...ah! The whole onesies thing has been so easy up until now!!! I'm taking notice of how you other mamas dress your little ones!!!
aw, she smiles so much! already beautiful and radiant in Jesus:)
Oh Amanda, the pictures of Annabeth are Great...especially the 8 months...just adorable.
I wanted to let you know that I found a site that turns your blog into a book, or at least they start the process, and then you can get it printed out at another site. The guy that offers it is a Christian,and the prices seem good. I thought I remembered you said you wanted to turn your blog into a book (I could be mistaken though). If interested just leave me know and I can get you the info.
I will be using the service soon for my blog.
Blessings, Kim
Loving the outfit...isn't it great to have a little girly girl!
i love these updates! melissa's little girl haven is 4 mo. now so it's fun to see into her future timeline when she might start doing some of these things! she is just beautiful, amanda!
Here is the website address to the blogger to book thing.
From there you can read the different options they have for making your blog a book.
Have a wonderful week with your family... Kim
She is so beautiful! I mean really...those eyes! :)
Amanda, she is gorgeous!!! You have a lot to be proud of! And I just love that you write these precious things about her. Something I wish I had done.
I love the rocking chair picture. She is a doll!
God bless!
Wow it seems like she was just born yesterday.
Love the picture of her in the blue chair and the one at the window. cute cute cute
I just started following your blog. I'm a stay-at-home-mom in Richmond, VA with one little one - a girl about to turn 1.
I love your pictures and the list that you are creating for Annabeth. I plan to steal the idea, so I'm just letting you know.
How far apart are your kiddies?
Blue dress was definitely a wise choice! She's stunning in it!!!
I've always thought Annabeth was beautiful, but these pictures DO. ME. IN. I can't stand it. Do strangers want to reach out for those cheeks on the street? TOO ADORABLE.
Hey Amanda,
We don't know eachother but I do enjoy reading your blog and picking up cute little mommy tips. I love Annabeth's crib bedding and am expecting another addition to our family in July. Can you give me some details, like what brand it is, etc. I can tell you have very good taste :)
Brooke Bidegain
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