Tuesday, March 29, 2011

A Crutch For My Writer's Block

I've been leaving my camera out on the counter - partly because of laziness and partly because it's handy for wacky and/or adorable moments. So tonight I give you photos. They're not brilliant but they're going to help me write some sentences.

This is Annabeth eating her first sprinkled cake donut.

This is Jackson with a milk mustache.

Here's another one of his marvelous 5-year-old facial expressions. Pretty impressive sentences so far, huh?

This just makes me laugh.

The Sir begged me to take a picture of him and then he did this. It takes intensive coaching to get him to smile normally.

My dear Fitzes. I will get in trouble for posting this but I don't care because I'm just so HAPPY to have them around!

These are two of my dear friends, Angela and Alicia. They were our college students when we worked at First Irving. We got to spend last weekend with them and it was so great.

Later that night I found three people on their iPhones/Droids/Blackberries in my living room.

Here's Annabeth enjoying some books. Notice how large her hair is. My mom had fixed it last.

Today was picture day for Annabeth at MDO. *High five for remembering.* Notice that Annabeth is using one of Jackson's hand-me-down Cars sippy cups. I always wonder if her teachers feel sorry for her when I send the boyish cups to school.

I got a phone call at 1:43 from the school saying, "This is not an emergency, but Jackson bit through his lip." He had a little accident on the playground. Bless his heart. He was pretty unsettled because of the drama of losing his front tooth a couple of months ago, so I picked him up early. Thank God there doesn't seem to be any damage to his teeth. We got a vanilla shake and I let him do pretty much anything he wanted after that. Movies, Wii, Jello and snuggling on the couch were in order. By the way, it looks much worse in person.

This is the cute red bench my hubby bought me on our last date night. It was even his idea. I had joked with him about forgetting to get me the one thing I wanted for Valentine's Day, which was a Snuggie. (Walgreen's was sold out, y'all.) That guilt trip obviously served me well. Thank you, Homegoods, for this wonderful purchase and for the $30 discount for a missing screw.

The tree in our front yard is just now losing it's leaves. It's so weird. There are new leaves budding next to old ones that are getting ready to fall off. (So apparently this is called a Live Oak and it is named that because the leaves never go dormant. Hooray for Wikipedia and knowledge!)

This is an outfit my mom bought Annabeth. I probably would not have picked this out, but I'm so glad my mom did because I nearly fell over from how cute she was in it. And she was thrilled to wear her pink bow. By the way, the first thing she said to me this morning was that she needed a bow in her hair. I believe I have succeeded thus far as a mother.


Life Is Crazy Beautiful said...

Your family is beautiful! I know what it means to have sisters close in geography :) Looks like you recorded some precious memories. The little things can be some of the best! Lisa

Angela said...

My Walgreens has one! I can grab you one and even use my discount! I think I may need to try one....they seem to be a big hit!

Ava asked for her bow the other day too! My hard work is finally paying off! Laughing.....

R said...

She asked. For a bow. Yes, ma'am, you have most definitely succeeded as a (texas) mom! Now what's your secret? I'm a bowhead-at-heart Texas mom whose girls run screaming from me at the mere suggestion of a bow! I think I may need a support group. Southern Mamas Whose Daughters Refuse to Wear Bows. Both of my girls began bow rejection at about 18 mos.

Amanda said...

R, you have my deepest sympathy.

Melody Joy King said...

Love all the pics...that caption about your Mom having done Annabeth's "big hair' last literally made me laugh out loud! You have a lovely family. Many blessings to you and yours!:0)

Melody Joy King said...

PS~ My husband just got me a Snuggie @ Kohl's this week for $3...:0)

Anonymous said...

this is a great post full of funny stuff-
my fav being "hooray for wikipedia and knowledge"
I need that on a tshirt or bumper sticker or something:)

(and high five back at ya for remembering picture day... SUCCESS! I'm ALWAYS the mom who forgets pic days or theme days, snack day, etc. :)

Angie said...

Thanks for sharing your cute family and kudos to The Hubs for the super cute bench! Love me some HomeGoods!

mommysince02 said...

And I have FAILED! :-)
My princess rips off - quite undaintily - any bow I try to put on her. And I try often now that God has blessed me with a girl! I committed the highest of hair sins by letting her "talk" me into actually cutting her hair! (Momma hah-cup Nana toooo?) The boys were getting their momma-discount buzz and she wanted in on the action. My baby looks like something (bad) out of the 50's. Think semi-straight short bangs and then semi-straight line about chin length. It's awful.
ANYWAY - Annabeth looks smashing and I am hoping to get Julianna's locks growing like mad using herbals or something. At least she loves her snuggie! May you find one soon - they are fun to run 'tandem' with your little injury guy on your lap! His lip looks tough - may it heal ever-so-quickly!

Jennifer said...

I can't get my 5yo or 3yo, for that matter, boys to take a normal picture for anything. There is always lots of tongue-sticking-out and other random faces.

Anonymous said...

I am going through "bow training" right now with my 13 month old. We have a long way to go before she asks for one but oh, what a glorious day that will be!!! Congrats on your accomplishment! :-)

AnnieBlogs said...

I love that you horray-ed knowledge. Made my night.

Tara G. said...

My daughter has the hand-me-down Cars sippy cups, too. Why invest in more when the money can go toward bows?! :) Sweet pictures!!

Rhonda said...

Wonderful pictures:)

Lauren said...

Having sisters around is the best :)

Katie said...

Thank you for sharing your blessings with us! What a great idea to start the day. :) We call our bows boats.

Lisa said...

Ah, bows. My almost-nine-year-old daughter had quite the enviable bow collection. The Lord blessed us with two boys after her -- only He knew that our bank account couldn't withstand my bow obsession. Thanks so much for sharing slices of your life with us all. You have helped bring out the girl in this mama, and the mama in this girl. :~)

Patty said...

I enjoyed looking at your pictures and both of your children are so cute. I hope Jackson is feeling better.

I am so happy you posted a picture of your tree. I have 2 in my back yard and I had no clue what kind they were and one of the two trees is doing the same thing you described. One thing I dislike about the tree, the birds love to hide in those trees and if you walk under one and scare the birds, it's not a pretty sight. ;)

Jennifer said...

Beautiful picture and beautiful family!! And I LOVE the red bench.

Vicki Courtney said...

I cannot believe how big the kids are getting! I hear that happens! Loved, loved the pics! And AB's hair! Oh my -- she is the recipient of the great "hair blessing." Is it shallow that I am already praying this for any future granddaughters who may be a part of my future? Please tell that sweet sister of yours "hi" for me! It seems I heard she was back home. Your mama must be THRILLED! Love you all bunches! :)

Missy said...

Go for the Slanket! I was skeptical about Snuggies, until I read your mom's post on them a while back and discovered that they make fleece ones - aka the Slanket. It is wonderful. I don't know how I ever lived without it. Ok slight hyperbole....slight.

Smelling Coffee said...

I agree... you are training your daughter up in the way she should go! Keep up the good work. :-)


Missy June said...

Love, Love, love the red bench - score for you and your man. Your children are darling, too of course!

Missy June said...

Love, Love, love the red bench - score for you and your man. Your children are darling, too of course!

Shelli Littleton said...

Amanda ... the second picture down of Jackson reminds me of the movie Tangled, where he is giving the "smolder" look!! Love your bench ... been trying to find solid wood rocking chairs for my back porch ... hard to find anymore. Made so thin now. And I lost my five pounds! Yahoo! Thanks for your tips!!

Kristen said...

Love it. I spied N in the background of a picture. haha.
Oh, and at least your boy doesn't ride around in pink cars and get a pink towel at bath time. Need to man-up the household over here.

bethany said...

Jacksons lip looks like it hurts! Poor littlguy. Annabeth is just too cute. Can't wait to see your mama this weekend in fresno.

Sarah said...

NEVER apologize for posting pics of your beautiful family. They always make me smile. You don't ever need (as far as I'm concerned and I know it doesn't matter what I think!) to have an eloquent theological argument or deep spiritual lesson in order to post---just sharing your life with us is more than inspiring and encouraging. :) Thank you for sharing your beautiful fam pics with us.

Sarah said...

P.S. YES! You have succeeded as a mother on the bow request alone! Knowing me, if I ever have the baby girl I've longed for, she'll be the kind that can't STAND for anything to be in her hair! :)

Lauren said...

Amanda, your kids are just simply beautiful!!!!!

IncenseAndMyrrh said...

absolutely love your blog. so glad to find it! ~ Christa

JayCee said...

Love all the pix!!
In that last pic she really looks like you a lot!
Thanks for sharing.....

Marilyn in Mississippi said...

I love all your photos Amanda ! Kinda makes me feel like I live next door. ha Keep that camera sitting out so you can always snap those "Kodak moments" !

Marilyn...in Mississippi

AKat said...

Love the red bench and AB's outfits and bows! She's really growing up so fast, Jackson is, too. Gosh, I hate that he had the lip incident and another tooth scare. Poor kid. And poor momma!

the Swaffords said...

PLEASE tell me that you did not ask for a Snuggie for Valentines??? I am so disappointed in you. :)

Dionna said...

I got my daughter a zebra snuggie for valentines day at Wal-Mart. I don't remember if they had a red one or not - but maybe you could check??? They were near the comforters. :)

LOVE that Annabeth loves her bows.

MEGAN said...

Annabeth's hair looks STUNNING in the picture where your mom styled it. It's like movie star hair...in a good way : ) And, how has your daughter not had a donut yet??? And, finally, I'm reading So Long, Insecurity right now, and WOW. I know you posted about it awhile ago, but I didn't buy into the hype about the book. I never considered myself as being 'that insecure,' but holy smokes, my eyes have opened, and I'm thankin' your mama for writing a book with so much wisdom and power.

Erin Ward said...

Love the pictures! This is my favorite kind of post. :)
And poor Jacks - that looks painful!

The Johnsons said...

I think the same thing about B's sunday school teachers when he has Liz's old pink and purple sippy cups. If it doesn't bother him, it doesn't bother me! And Liz would be thrilled with a Lightning McQueen cup!

Kelli said...

That red bench is so happy. :)

We are progressing in the bow department, she doesn't ask but she doesn't refuse either!

Big applause for remembering picture day... BIG ONE ;)

Molly said...

Jackson looks like John Travolta in that one!

connorcolesmom said...

I love that AB has donut in her hair :)
The Fitzs are just as handsome and beautiful as ever - I know you LOVE having your sister home :)
That brings me delight for you!!
And the pic of everyone on the sofa with their smartphones makes me LOL!!!
Have a great week sweek Amanda!

Kirkd said...

I enjoy your blogging no matter the theme! :)

Anonymous said...

Your kids are super cute. I love the outfit your mother picked out for your daughter. It is so special to have a mother who enjoys those kinds of things. I feel blessed that my mother is the same way.

Lynn @whispersfromwildwood said...

So that's what's going on with some of our trees! They never lost all their leaves either - and I didn't know why. What's weird, is I did't notice that last year (we've only been there a couple of years).

I enjoyed the pics :)

Heather's House said...

OH.MY.GOODNESS I love your red bench! I need it. :) And I love the pics of your adorable kids, too. :O)

Amy T said...

My son is 12 and still makes faces when I take pictures. So good luck with that! lol

Missy said...

Um, that lip looks pretty bad actually. YIKES. Poor baby. Poor little gorgeous lady killer. Please keep the Jones boy away from the Dollahon girls, mkay?

Altho any Dollahon would be thrilled to upgrade to the ease of Jones so perhaps I should rethink.

Spicy Magnolia said...

I read this post when it first published and had several fun comments to make about it (well, at least I thought they were fun). :) But now that I'm finally getting around to posting a comment, I'm at a loss as to what I was going to write!

But one thing I didn't forget, especially after your last two posts: I love "watching" you as a mommy, Amanda. You are a great Momma and an example to me in many ways. I'm thankful for you!