Last night was great. My boy was asked to be one of the kids who recited a Bible verse on camera. This is his little clip that was shown during the program. He was a baboon. Ha! He was terribly cute. He told me he didn't want me or Bibby to look at him as a baboon though.

Here he is walking across the stage. He walked slowly and with a huge smile on his face. The people up close were laughing a bit because he was so darling.
Here he is with his sweet teacher.
The kids were presented with Bibles by the school director.
He clutched it in his arms like it was the greatest gift ever. I pray that when he is 18 and wearing an adult-sized cap and gown, he will know that the Word of God is the greatest gift ever.
Between this and the real thing he will become a man. What a thought.
These two are best friends.
We celebrated afterward with frozen yogurt. Some teenage girls wanted to take a picture with my mom because they had just finished Breaking Free. Jackson was like, "Why they wanna take a picture of you, Bibby?" It was so hilarious. He has never had a clue who his Bibby is, except that she is his grandma. My mom's face was priceless, but she didn't miss a beat. She said, "Because they heard I'm the grandma of a preschool graduate!" He loved it. My mom is so great with my kids.
Happy mini graduation day, Jackson! Mommy and Daddy are so proud of you, buddy!
He is one handsome little guy! It sure goes fast, doesn't it? My little guy is one year younger- I can't imagine that we have one more year left and he will be going to kindergarten. Time needs to slow down a little... :)
If I had run into you guys he would have asked, "Why is that girl hugging you and crying Bibby?" Hahaha! He really is such a doll. I know you guys are so proud of him.
How precious! Love your mom's answer.
Congrats Jackson on graduating!!!
What a sweetheart! My "little" boy graduates from middle school tomorrow night! Yikes! I will have a high school student next fall. Wow.
Congrats, Jackson! I hope you enjoy Kindergarten next year. :)
How fun, congrats to him!
It is almost surreal to see just how well known your mom is. When I see her, I think "There's my old VBS teacher, it's Amanda's mom!" :)
so precious! congrats to Jackson!! you should be so very proud! I love what your mom told him about why they wanted a picture :) You can sure see the love in your family and how much he really loves her alot! Blessings to you all!!
Congratulations, Jackson!
Amanda, you (and C) are doing an amazing job. Just wanted to say you are an awesome Mom (always with a capital M)!! Pray for grace and peace all over you as you continue this journey with you kids. Love you deeply.
What your mom said to Jackson, precious. Made me cry.Congrats on your graduate!
What a great answer from your Mom! That's all he will care about :)
He is the cutest Amanda!!
My 'baby' graduates from kindergarten next Thursday. I cry when I think about it. Ugh!
this is precious, and I love the story!
I love that she said that! So cute!
And I bet that, at the end of the day, your mom would rather be known as the grandma of a preschool graduate than any other title. :)
I can't believe Jackson is going to start school this fall. Does this mean a really cool backpack and lunchbox?!? Those are the best!
So sweet! I am always so blessed to read your blog and also how your mom makes investing in her family a priority. Congrats on having a preschool graduate!
Precious! :)
Congrats, Jackson and congrats Mama! Love the cap and gown and the whole bit. How great that he could go to a preschool that puts our God first. Very cool. So fun to read your blog/ the LPM blog and watch him grow up!
This is just so sweet, Amanda!!!!!
That is precious and I love what your mom answered him. I think I remember you writing something about that a while ago that your mom wanted them to know her as grandma and not as that lady that was on the road all the time. I think she is accomplishing that just perfectly and she should have it no other way!
He really, truly is one of the cutest little boys ever. His personality is written all over his face, and I love it. Congratulations, Jackson Jones!!
I just love your blog. Even though some days you feel like you are complaining or rambling, it just blesses my heart. My boy will be 20 this summer and I feel like I get to relive some of those days through your blog. You are such a great mom- even on days when you don't feel like it! I love you for your transparency and constantly striving toward bringing up your kids in a godly way. Even though we don't always feel godly doing it! You are precious.
i do not even know why but i just got all teary at that post. . .bless my heart. . .
It flies by! Our oldest will be a freshman in highschool in the fall! It does not even seem possible!!
That is just too cute! Congratulations to you all! And may the next chapter of Jackson's life be filled heavily with the Lord.
I have been so emotional lately, and you're statement about how the Word of God is greatest gift ever put me right over the edge. How deep that resonates!
He is just too cute! Definitely a moment you will never forget.
What great shots! Jackson, you look great! Congrats!
Last night was out last night in Bible Study and we finished Jesus: The One and Only with a passover was awesome.
Anyway your mom told a story about her nanny I belive who every night would read the WORD OF GOD as she fell asleep, as if over her. Hallelujah!
I look at that pic of Jackson and his Bibby...what plans GOD has for him, Im excited for you guys.
We miss you guys terribly! Tell Jackson that Aunt Lindsay is so proud of him and knows he'll be a great kindergartener!
What an awesome preschool graduation gift! And of course, Jackson is and did look so adorable. I remember when my (now 14 year old) graduated from kindergarten. I was happy and excited for her big day. Totally unprepared as I turned around and saw her walk down the aisle in her little paper graduation cap and totally started to cry. :)
I hope my grandkids love me as much as yours love their Bibby. Not only that - I hope my kids love and usher me in my grandkids's lives just as much as you do with your mom.
Congrats to your little man! Reading this brings back memories of the graduation we used to plan when I taught pre-school. Being his teacher would have been so fun.
I love the way your mom replied to Jackson about the girls taking photos.
I can't believe that I'm going to be doing this too next week! These babies are growing up :(
My daughter had her preschool graduation today. *tears* with you! You are so blessed between your sweet boy, the word of the Lord, and your sweet mama. Be still my heart when you said that between now and the real one he will become a man. What a hard truth for a mom. Congrats to your family and Jackson!
Oh my,that's Orange Leaf! We just got an Orange Leaf and oh boy am I obsessed with it!
Your mom is so great!
These are the moments that our life as mothers are ALL about...priceless!
Angela just got jealous about the frozen yogurt, because the frozen yogurt place we just got here isn't open yet. Now, she's being funny! She's asking me why they want me to leave my comment. Can't I keep it? Anyway, she came in here and asking me what I was reading, and I said, "Amanda's blog." And she said, "I want to read. I like Amanda." I asked her if she even knew who Amanda is, and she said, "No, but she sounds nice." So funny! She figured out what the connection was when she saw "bibby." I think it's great that your mom said that! I would have been at a loss as to what to say, but your mom never has that problem from what I can tell!
I LOVE Jackson's precious smile in all of these pictures. He is so proud. He makes me smile. :)
I actually wanted to comment on your post below. I read this earlier today and it's stuck with my all day -
Jeremiah 17:5 - "Cursed is the one who trusts in man, who depends on flesh for his strength..."
and then
Jeremiah 17:7 - "But blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in him. He will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of dought and never fails to bear fruit.
I pray you have a peaceful evening resting in Christ!
What an awesome comeback your mom had to his sweet question! His smile was precious walking across the stage!
Happy Graduation to Jackson! I am so excited for him! He is so grown up!!!
Oh Amanda...he is just darling! Congrats on this very important "first!"
I have been very sentimental this week as my oldest starts high school next year. Its the weirdest feeling! Soak it all in, friend. These kiddos are the biggest blessing aren't they?
You are one great momma!
That is such a sweet story about your mom's comment to the girls wanting a picture with her. Y'all are so sweet to share your lives with so many. Praying that the Lord will confirm so many things as you follow Him during these days of church planting. I am sure you have plenty to blog about with your precious children around, but I wonder if you would---if you ever had a chance---maybe share some specific things your mom did or did not do that really influenced you for Christ while you lived under her roof. I want to be genuine and truly sold out for the Lord, and I want my kids to see it and want it, too...I hope you have a great weekend celebrating the beginning of your Summer break!
Kristy Dorminy
Congratulations little man! You're so handsome in your cap & gown! Priceless memories!
Love your Mom's answer, too! sure wish I had known her when mine were little! Have a fun summer!
Blessings to you! Your posts are so heartwarming. Thank you for sharing.
Blessings to each of you.
Your stories and pictures are so heart warming. It takes me back to when mine wore their cap & gown at that age some 20 years ago.
Thank you!
So sweet...
Loved the best friend pic! My mom was my oldest son's very best friend and playmate. At five he was saying "grandma, we'll be best friends forever." He is now 17, a Junior in HS. This past February, he sent my mom a text about how much he loved her, how he appreciated her constant love, support and prayer. Mom said, and I agree, no greater gift. So... you have that to look forward to. I LOVE that Beth is just Bibby.
My mother in law is very well known in our community, and my mom is quiet and more of a home-body. Both very Godly women. My youngest son told my mom, "gramma, I'm glad you don't have any friends, my nonna is famous and people always want to talk to her. So....way to go Bibby!
Ours is coming up this Friday - I'm so emotional already. Heaven help me - how will we ever survive this motherhood ride??
Aw,graduation day for little Jackson! He was a cutie:) Love the pictures, and the stories:)
He is so precious. What an adorable kindergartner he will make! You are doing a great job mama raising your chi-rens! :)
hi amanda...I happened upon your blog through another mommy blog. I just love yours! I also love your writings about God. God has done such wonderful things in my life too. I feel so blessed to have found your blog. Something has been calling me to attend a beth M class @ my church but for some reason I kept avoiding it. Until I saw this lady in your picture! What a small world. I feel like this is the Big Man telling me to quit procrastinating and take her class! Thank you for such inspirational blogs!
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