I keep having these "She lives here now!" moments. They make me so happy.

On Friday evening we met Kristy and her family at Berryhill at Memorial City Mall. We ate on the patio and they had a guy singing and playing the guitar. It was a really nice evening and great to be with friends. Bonus: Kristy, Baby Annika and I made a mad dash to Francesca's before we left.

On Saturday morning I made breakfast tacos for the kids (which, sorry to brag, I have now perfected) while Curtis slept in a bit. Yes, it was Mother's Day weekend and perhaps I should have been sleeping in, but I was going out that night so I wanted to bless him.
That afternoon my mom arrived home from Nashville and we all went over to her house to welcome her. We were soooooo glad to have her home. Tapings are hard because there's not really time to talk on the phone. Mom works her tail off. So we had lots of catching up to do.
I got to spend Saturday evening with a few girlfriends as we celebrated Heather's birthday. It was such a treat. We ate at America's and I made Heather try tres leches cake for the first time. I don't think she hated it. Then we went to the Water Wall by Williams Tower, but as we were walking up to it they turned it off. Blast! We laughed so hard and tried to take some pictures anyway. I'm not sure they turned out, but Heather sent me these.
The birthday girl and me.
Me and Tiffany.
We spent the next couple of hours chit chatting at Empire Cafe over tea and coffee. We had a great time.
On Sunday morning we went to church. We stopped by a donut place and got the obligatory Mother's Day donuts and kolaches. During the second hour of church I got to work in a preschool room with four-year-olds. It was a really fun room of kids and teachers and I had a blast. The kids got to make stuff for their moms and it was sweet to see their excitement when they were picked up and gave their gifts.
Last year we went to an amazing brunch at the Omni Hotel on Mother's Day. This year I did not have the energy to plan something like that. I blame it on having a two-year-old. So we drove through McDonald's (just Donald's according to Annabeth) and you would have thought I'd given my kids a shopping spree at Toys R Us. They were thrilled. I pretty much went straight to bed after we got home and took a nice little Mother's Day nap. Hooray for moms!
Later my sister and Colin and my mom came over for a celebratory dinner. We provided garlic bread (the frozen variety - I worked hard) and drinks, my sister brought two casseroles and the best salad I've ever had in my life, and my mom brought a homemade pound cake. We ate until we were nearly miserable. I nearly rededicated my life, it was so good.
If you are surprised to see my man with a bottle of beer in front of him...well, that would be surprising. I got lucky and actually found IBC Root Beer at HEB for once. It was like finding buried treasure. Also, I love how there are four different beverage vessels in this picture.

I have no explanation for what is happening here. As for the outfit, I took off her pretty Sunday dress and was going to leave her in bloomers while we ate. But she absolutely freaked out and wanted a shirt, so I just grabbed a pajama top out of a laundry basket. The rubber band that had been in her hair was MIA. She was a mess but so funny.

I took this picture through the window after Annabeth locked all the adults in the back yard. Thank God Jackson was inside and unlocked it for us. To our shame, this was when it happened for the second time. By now Annabeth had added her brother's Crocs to her ensemble.

Here's Bibby consoling AB after she got in big trouble.
Here's Bibby consoling AB after she got in big trouble.
Lis and Colin gave mom and me both a huge bouquet of flowers. Colin actually picked them out. They are gorgeous and smell so good! Below them are some things the kids made for me at school.

Today has been a great day with the kids. I definitely feel energized in my role as a mother after such a sweet day of affirmation. Many thanks to my family!
What a sweet, relaxing Mother's Day! I have to say that I was excited to see Heather on your post. I miss reading her blog!
The root beer remark made me laugh. Just a few nights ago I was strolling my girls around while drinking a cream soda. I thought the same thing about myself and wondered what the neighbors were thinking.
I'm glad you had such a blessed weekend! :) I had a great one myself! I celebrated Mother's Day and my son celebrated his 2nd birthday on Mother's Day--double score in my book!
Please, please, please share the salad recipe! I'm all about new salads!
Prayers and blessings,
Happy Mother's Day, friend! You look soooo pretty in these pics. Love the one of you and Heather.
What a wonderful weekend! Your family is absolutely gorgeous, and I LOVE the obvious love you and your sister share for one another. I have one sister and reading this reminds me of her.... :)
Have you ever tried MAKING root beer? It's so funny -- my hubby has tried (several!) times and there is certainly a technique. Ha ha! The first few batches were pretty scary ;)
in His precious, unfailing love,
Melanie @ "Only A Breath"
I second Tigger's comment.... please share the salad recipe!!!!
Thank you sweet Amanda for sharing these pix!!! I love the very first one of Melissa in the playset with the coffee cup. :) LOVE IT!!!!
Your sweet momma was just so near and dear to my heart while she was in Nashville taping. I know this study will be a huge blessing to us all. May God give her abundant rest and peace this week.
I'm so glad your weekend and Mother's Day was beautiful. Have a wonderful week!
Be blessed!
What a great Mother's Day weekend, and the pictures are so fun! When we were little, we ended up at McDonald's one Mother's Day, and despite my momma's happiness/choice in being there, she still teases us about it and won't let us forget the "one Mother's Day we ate at McDonald's". :)
While you didn't have the energy to plan for a big brunch, we ended up canceling our brunch plans b/c I wasn't up for getting out of my PJs yesterday morning. I blame it on having a two-year old, too.
Sounds like a weekend of blessings! I'm not sure which recipe I want more: the breakfast tacos, the salad, the casseroles, or the pound cake your mom tweeted a photo of. I think the next book published by the Moore/Jones/Fitzpatrick ladies should be a cook book! Or at least a blog post dedicated to some of the delicious sounding recipes! Can't wait for the James series. Best to all of you!
loved our little adventures Saturday night. i think that must of been the 20th picture of the night because I look a little zoned. glad your mother's day was fun...you are a wonderful mama!
I love that you had a great mother's day and a weekend!!! I am so happy I got to be a small part of it!! Kristen looks great, not zoned at all! :) Love all the pics of your kids, loved our time together and love you sweet, sweet friend!!
So weird...I was with friends at the same Berryhill at Memorial City Mall Friday night with the same guy singing and playing guitar (Dy-Lan was his name). We must have JUST missed each other.
I got a much needed Mother's Day nap as well! Aren't they the best?! And you all look lovely, as usual, even AB in her...um, interesting outfit! The crocs were perfect! LOL!
Uh oh, looks like you'd better hide a key outside, now that AB has shown her proficiency in locking you out!! Would hate to have you need to call a locksmith to get back into your own house! :-)
What a fun weekend! And I need to hear more about how you perfected the breakfast taco.
You look so muchlike your momma!
I'm glad you feel energized and refreshed! Looks like a great weekend. Happy Mother's Day!
oh what a fun weekend!! and what a blessing to have such close and loving family - love the pictures, especially the first one where Annabeth is staring at Melissa - so precious - looks like she really loves her aunt
thanks for sharing :)
Recipe for that great salad, please??
Happy belated Mother's Day!
I just love Jackson's strawberry smile. Made my day. :)
Friend. I know this is a mothers day post but I HAVE to point our how great the mirror is in your living room. It is so fun and again Fabulous!
Happy Mother's Day! My two year old calls it "Donalds" too. Its just so cute.
1. Cute tops- very cute!!
2. My kids say Old MacDonald's
3. You just make me laugh- glad you had a great weekend!
Every holiday is better with family. Loved that you shared tours with us!
A great Mother's Day:)
LOVE the pictures! Lifted me today---especially the root beer---the minute I saw the bottles I assumed IBC!!
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