Monday, September 26, 2011

Chicago - Where It's Really Fall

When it rains, it pours, y'all. (Unless you're in the worst drought that your city has seen since the 1700's.) What I'm trying to say is that I've gone out of town two weekends in a row without my chil'run (as Annabeth says with a growl). That was so crazy, but I'm not leaving again until November.

Curtis and I flew to Chicago on Thursday, September 15, for a board meeting with As Our Own. We had all afternoon to walk around Michigan Avenue and do the things that tourists with just a few hours do. We missed out on the architecture tour but we'll be back next year and we'll prioritize it then.

I was told to get the Chicago Mix at Garrett's - cheddar and caramel. Whoa Nelly, I did not see myself liking that, but it was delish.

We woke up bright and early on Friday. I ordered breakfast for myself, which may be my favorite thing about traveling. It's such a treat for a mama whose mornings fly by at 90 mph.

Our board meeting was from 9-4 at Moody Church, which is a faithful supporter of As Our Own. The sanctuary is absolutely gorgeous.

We were really inspired hearing our friend Ralph talk about his vision for the ministry. It was also our first time to meet the other board members in person. They were wonderful!

After dinner, Ralph took us up to the top of the Hancock building for dessert. It was gorgeous up there. (If you've been there, maybe you can guess where I took this.)

We flew home on the first flight to Houston on Saturday morning. We wanted to leave enough time to rent a car and drive home if something weird happened with our flight. Sunday was only our second service at BCF, after all. (Again with the raining and pouring.)

Welcome back to Texas! This was on a very fast and busy freeway interchange in the middle of the city.

Here's the Sis enjoying the spoils of Chicago.

And the Sir, showing you his popcorn.

When they were all done, Jackson had eaten only the cheddar popcorn out of his bowl and Annabeth had eaten only the caramel out of hers.

I had been to Chicago a couple of times when Melissa was a student at Moody Bible Institute. This was Curt's first trip to the Windy City. He fell in love with it and said he wished that we had gone to grad school at Moody after he finished at Houston Baptist. That would have changed so much about our journey, but I couldn't help feeling the same way momentarily. It's such a great city. I'm glad we have a reason to go back on a regular basis.


Ashley Beth said...

This post makes me miss Chicago! I've attended a church service in that very sanctuary at Moody Church. So beautiful. And of course you are right, the cheddar & caramel mix at Garrett's is the BEST! Glad it was a good trip for you two, despite the whirlwind nature of it. :)

JustJess said...

Ok I have to ask--did you take the picture in the bathroom? I found when I was there last spring it was the best place for photos. Weird but true! Glad you enjoyed Chicago and thank you for all you do for As Our Own. I would have never heard about it without your support for the organization!

Amanda said...

Ding ding ding! We have a winner!

Sister Lynn said...

Yay for Lou Malnati's handsdown BEST Chicago pizza. And I agree the Chicago mix is oddly addicting!

I love the Windy City glad you will get to go there again and again!

S. Lynn

My Dear Gs... said...

Apparently the men's bathroom does NOT have the same kind of view! We were there a couple of years ago and my husband went to check out the view after I came back from the bathroom raving about it...on the men's side, it's just a wall!

Hilary said...

I have not toured Chicago but I have been in and out of there so many times traveling... and I live so close, perhaps one of these days I'll just go see it to see it!

So thankful for your participation in As Our Own. So thankful.


Jennifer said...

Chicago is where my hubby and I fell in love. We were on a mission trip with our church and he asked my parents on the trip for permission to date me. We would love to go back one day and see all the sites again!

JustJess said...

Yay! My random surplus of knowledge serves me well again:).

Anonymous said...

Seems like everybody has been to Chicago lately! We went this weekend and had a great time. We saw a very funny musical called "Murder for Two" (yes, musical) at the Shakespeare Theater on Navy Pier. It was a whodunnit and there were only two played the police officer and the other played the suspects (9 of them all on stage at the same time!). They both played piano too. So fun! There was a pretty good view from the bathrooms there, too, but not quite like the women's bathroom in the Hancock building!

Kelly @ Love Well said...

The bathroom? Seriously? That's hysterical.

I'm glad you had a good trip and a taste of the weather to come. (Fall will come to Texas this year. I'm almost positive. I think.)

My Dad graduated from Moody and is still active in on the alumni board. I love where I went to college (just wrote about that today, in fact), but every time I visit Moody, I get a pang too. Such a great school.

Dana said...

Such fun! I'm hoping to get to Chicago soon to visit my son Collin at Moody. I love Chicago!

happymcfamily said...

If I had glass tabletops, they would NOT be that clean. You so get mom points for that.

Anonymous said...

Ok, this might seem shallow after such a thoughtful post...but...where did you get your boots??? Love them!

Mrs. Smith said...

Garretts. Love, love, love. Did you get any Maltnatis? Their take on the Cobb salad is the greatest.

So glad you loved Chicago. My hometown!

Teresa said...

YUM!!! I love the Chi-town mix at Garrets. Delish- but totally didn't think I would like it either. :) Glad you had a wonderful time in an awesome city!!

Anonymous said...

I am a new follower! Great Blog! Definitely loved seeing all the pictures of Chicago...made me mant some Chicago-style pizza! ANd that church is gorgeous!

Allison said...

So fun! We went there about a year ago with my aunts and cousins andhad a great time. I hope you got to enjoy cooler temeratures.

Talley Family said...

We love the windy city! Pray you trip was a blessing all!

Talley Family said...

We love the windy city! Pray your trip was a blessing to all!

Sonya said...

Love Lou's! Yum!

Kristi said...

I am glad things are going so well for your new church! This ministry looks exciting as well. I have a totally unrelated questions and I hope it doesn't sound goes ;). You mentioned in a previous post about someone taking AnnaBeth's baby bedding and turning it into a quilt. I would love to try to do that (although I do not sew well, this should be good :) also! I was wondering if you saw it in a website where you got the idea? I am trying to figure out how to do it and need some ideas. I tried to google it and did not come up with anything helpful. Thank you!

Marla Taviano said...

Shoot! I'm too late for the prize!! I've taken pictures from that bathroom!!

I spent 10 days in Chicago the summer after my sophomore year of high school. My friend's parents own a candy store, and we went to the National Candy Convention (as awesome as it sounds!)

I love, love, love that you guys are on the board of As Our Own. Gabe and I were blown away by Ralph when he spoke at the Night of Hope here in C-bus awhile back.

Ingrid said...

Great photo's. The best thing about a weekend away from the children (apart from a weekend away with just the hubby) is you really miss them and can't wait to see them again. Looks like you had a great time. Always wanted to go to Chicago ... maybe next time I'm on US soil I'll get there.

Nancy Mon said...

LOve, love, love Chicago. Lived there as a child, don't remember much of that but Roy used to have business conferences there. I would go along with him. Lisa P and I had a great trip there too. You'll have to try Italian Village when you go back.

Lindsee said...

I love this! I've always wanted to visit the Windy City, and now I really want to! So happy y'all had the best time. : )

Anonymous said...

Capt. D's uncle brought us the same mix of popcorn from his trip on Labor Day. We still have some because it was such a big bag!

Tarah said...

That Hancock building photo brought back some memories for me! I went to the top for coffee/dessert with my sister once. Heights make me a little queasy sometimes and shortly after we were seated, I started getting a little dizzy and could swear that I could feel the building swaying. I was concerned that I was feeling nauseous, so I excused myself to the restroom hoping to quell my uneasiness. Yeah, that helped. I practically passed out just getting into the stall. Needless to say, we headed down pretty quick.

Traci said...

My daughter has a 7th grade Night at the Museum trip coming up in Nov so my husband and I are planning to get a hotel close by. Hotels are outrageous there! Can I ask where you stayed? I want to be safe and close to things, but $500 for a room chokes me up!!

Amanda said...

Traci, we stayed at the Westin River North, which had tons of business people. It was very nice. I don't know how much we paid but it was for sure not $500 a night.

Amy Hogan said...

So fun you got a little taste of Chi-town! I live in Wheaton and love getting in to the city often! Next time you come...I'd love to play hostess if you have time! Robyn(the hostest with the mostest from .mom - and I are friends from way back :)) So excited for your adventure of your new church- love hearing about how God is moving and leading ... thanks for sharing!

Just Keep Swimming said...

Oh Amanda! Chicago is only 4 hours from my house in Ohio and it's my favorite favorite place to visit. In the back of my mind, I hope to live there someday. So glad you got to visit and relieved you got 'Chicago mix' from Garrett's popcorn! Though that cheese coating gets EVERY.WHERE. !!!

Shellie Paparazzo said...

Never been to Chicago. I don't know if you're aware that you get to travel more than most people? Or maybe it's just the people I know who hardly ever get to leave the area where we live! I do have a feeling I would love the pizza in Chicago, though. My husband and I often have talked about travelling the country and trying all sorts of different pizza (he works part-time, on the side for a pizza place, so that's where our fascination with pizza comes from)from around the country and of course, no such trip involving pizza would be complete with out trying the famous Chicago deep dish!!!