Thursday, January 29, 2009

Thirty-Eight Weeks

Right now Curtis is grilling burgers for us on the back patio, the door is open and letting in the cool air, the sky is cloudless, my big white dog is happy and prancing around the yard, and my boy is scheming about how to get Daddy to let him play in the sandbox when Mommy said not tonight. It's been a fabulous day.

Jackson went to MDO this morning and I went to a nail salon, compliments of my sweet friend Missy. I got my toes painted in watermelon-pink glory and my feet rubbed until I could have almost cried from the relief. My nail technician was also apparently a martial artist, as she spent several minutes pounding my calves with her fists. It didn't hurt, but I had to hold back from laughing out loud at the sight of my VVP self getting pounded like a piece of meat.

After my pedi I went up to the LPM office for my baby lunch with all the girls. I can't tell you how happy my heart was. And not just about the cake. Although the cake was absolutely amazing. It looked like a wooden alphabet block. So stinking cute. I'd show you a picture, but it would reveal her name. Gasp! I know y'all hate me right now with the all the name lockdown nonsense. But it will all be over-slash-just-beginning in two weeks. (I'm 38 weeks today! Yeah!)

For lunch we had takeout from this really great tea room we all love. I had chicken salad on a croissant, pasta salad, fruit salad, and actual lettuce salad. After we chatted about everything under the sun, I got to open a few presents from my co-workers. I got some really fun pajamas from Pajama Gram and some cash to spend on my next trip to Babies R Us or maybe Banana Republic when I get my waist back. I also got a framed picture of the baby's name surrounded by the Bible verses that each of my co-workers had chosen as a prayer over her life. It's absolutely beautiful and so meaningful to me. The first verse says, "And after (insert Baby Girl's name) was born, she walked with God" (adapted from Gen. 5:22). I hate to say it, but I cried! I also do not want to leave out that Susan Kirby prayed over our lunch and over the baby and she specifically asked that Baby Girl would be a peaceful presence in our home. I amened that loudly. And I'm not ashamed.

Now I'll rewind to last night. We went to Wednesday night supper and Bible study at church and had a really great time. They did breakfast for dinner, which was super tasty. I did cheat and have waffles. Oh well. A bunch of our friends came and we enjoyed getting to visit with them. When it comes to relationships, I feel like we are some of the most blessed people on earth. Curtis taught on the six woes that Jesus brought down on the Pharisees in Luke 11. It was basically about self-righteousness and it was extremely convicting.

After we got home, I started freaking out that we weren't ready for this baby to come. I didn't know the exact location of the infant car seat and base. The guest room where my in-laws will stay had all kinds of junk in it, including Jackson's dismantled crib. The sheets on that bed were not clean. There were three baskets of laundry that needed to be folded. I hadn't tested out my new video camera that I got for Christmas and I wasn't sure if my regular camera battery was charged. None of the baby's clothes had been washed. I needed to put her new mattress on the bed and throw out Jackson's old one. My bags aren't packed for the hospital because it's hard when you still need all that junk every day.

I don't know, is that nesting? All of my nesting/obsessing sent my body into contraction mode. (Really, all it took was folding the laundry and picking up our room.) A little before midnight I collapsed in bed and pitifully begged Curt to rub my back. I was having some pretty strong contractions and my body was just hurting. They weren't super painful, but gripping, if you know what I mean. They went around to my back as well as my tummy and even made my legs hurt.

I didn't tell Curtis, but I laid in bed and counted the minutes between contractions until 1:00. They were coming every 10 minutes. At that point I gave Curtis a heads up. For the next two hours they were every 10 to 8 minutes, then between 7 and 4. Baby Girl knew something was going on because she was quite revved up in between each one. I'm supposed to call the doctor when they've been every 5-7 minutes, lasting 1 minute each, for an hour. Right before I hit that hour mark, the contractions started weakening and were just like the normal ones I have all day. I was honestly glad because I labored through the night with Jackson and was really, really out of it the next day from lack of sleep. I hope I get to labor during the day this time. Plus, I had cake to eat today. I mean, come on! Although I figured my co-workers would bring it to the hospital and we'd enjoy it there. Really though, I just had such a long list of things to do.

Mercifully, I fell asleep around three, next to my journal where I'd been recording the minutes in the dark. It's amazing how three hours can fly by when you've spent nine months waiting on a baby.


Haley said...

You just have a way of describing things and so does your sister and mother as a matter of fact! What a gift! Love it!! I'm am DIEING to know her name. Why are y'all keeping it a secret from the stalkish blog people??? haha...I guess I just answered my own question :-) I was just wondering if I missed something since I haven't read your blog for very long.

Heather said...

Can't wait to know the name. I'm sure it's beautiful! I remember praying for ours to have a peaceful presence and she does! Thank you Lord!

There's a give away on my blog you may be interested in!

Patty said...

What a sweet time with your co-workers! I love the verses they prayed over your baby girl.

You cracked me up about the cake. lol

I have been praying for a safe delivery and I will add to that for a daytime delivery. :)


debra parker said...

The expecting is so amazing...


praying for you.

Colored With Memories said...

oh wow! it sounds like you are getting REALLY close! can't wait to hear of her name...i'm sure it's gorgeous!

Nancy Mon said...

You looked absolutely fabulous last night. Roy told me he had dinner with you all and he really enjoyed himself.

I loved the breakfast for dinner last night! I didn't do waffles but strawberries and biscuits.

The Allens said...

That is nesting - and I'm doing it too!

Unknown said...

Oh have my pregnant self wanting chicken salad on a croissant with both past and fruit salad. I'll leave the lettuce for another day! hahaha



Mocha with Linda said...

Oh this brings back such (not so!) fun memories! I was so hoping I wouldn't lose the night's sleep in labor with my number 2. But I'm sure it will be much different and great and short for you.

The cake sounds darling. I'm so glad things settled down so you could enjoy today!

Lisa @ The Preacher's Wife said...

It's so fun reading about your experience...Makes me feel like I'm reliving it for myself (almost).

Many prayers to you sweet Amanda. What a magical time!

Missy said...

You've triggered my hormones, friend! That verse with baby girl's name did me in.

I CAN'T WAIT!!!!!! She will be here SO soon.

Rachel said...

Oh those jammies look a-mazingly comfortable! Yeah! Dying to see that cake; dying to know her name! And I agree with that prayer of Susan's! Amen! You just keep hanging in there - it will all come together in perfect time according to His perfect plan. And it sounds like your inlaws are just the kind to not even care what state your house is in. You're having a baby for crying out loud - everyone has tons of love/compassion for VVPG!! =) Thanks for keeping us updated; I'm just so excited for you!

3girlsmom said...

Oh, the nesting. I think it's God's way of either taking our minds off of how miserable we feel or putting us into labor. Either way = pure genius.
Can't wait to know her name. I had a dream about her the other night and I "heard" her name then. If it's the same, I'm gonna totally freak. Like whoa.
Love ya - have a great weekend!

Sister Lynn said...

I am praying for you Amanda as these last days and minutes pass before your Baby Girl makes her way into the big world.

love to you

Lauren said...

You are almost there! Reading your blog reminds me of all the details of how hard it is to be this pregnant! But there is a very bright upside, which is that you will be swaddling your little girl in something soft and pink in just no time. You are holding up so well, and you just remember that any woman who has carried a baby gets an upgrade to "superwoman."

Lauren said...

By the way, did the food come from Tea for Two? If so, you must try their tomato basil soup.

Gayle @ thewestiecrew said...

Oh sweet girl, you are so in the home stretch.

And yes, that is absolutely nesting. Just do what you can and try not to sweat the rest. (spoken from someone who was Armor-alling her tires during her nesting).

How many weeks were you when you went into labor with Jackson?

Fran said...

Oh Amanda..I can't wait for baby girl to come and completely melt your heart. My second one woke me up out of a dead wonderful sleep at 5:30 in the morning. He was born at 9:30. I hope she comes quickly for you.

I'm praying for you. I can't wait to get the news. Thanks for allowing us into your life. You are so precious to all of us. May God bless your family so much in these last days together as three.

Anonymous said...

I was the same with my second child - I had so much to do the last 10 days before her arrival. We had everything pretty much done, except for a mattress for the crib. My mom was like, "THAT BABY COULD COME AT ANY MINUTE!" Hey, they sleep in a bassinet for the first few weeks, right? But don't worry, we did have the mattress before we brought Baby Girl home.

I can't wait to hear the name. I SO understand why you're keeping it under wraps so to speak.

Praying for a wonderful last two weeks!


I cant wait to see her name! & i'm so jealous that you can open your backdoor!, ours unfortunately is almost covered in snow & ice. :)

p.s. do you know if my letter made it for your friend;s encouragement book.

creative gal said...

Loving hearing your baby story! Love the idea of the scriptures!

Heather said...

I hope you'll post a picture of that name frame after she is sounds so amazing! Hoping you get more sleep tonight and that baby girl stays put until you get your list (or at least most of it!) done! I am praying for you!

Marla Taviano said...

What a cute, fun post! Praying for you and little girl! I think you should name her Jackie. Or Jacksie. :)

Anonymous said...

Oooo I HATE the contractions like that! Mine did that last year around this time a ton! Especially when I got to my due date, I got to the where I tried everything to keep them going, including staying up late, really late, one night on the exercise ball playing Boggle... it didn't work.

Anyways, praying for a safe, swift, delivery of your sweet little girl... OH, if you have any extra girl names floating around with cool Hebrew or other such Biblical meanings that would compliment the name Selah (their 3 year old)... my girlfriend could use the help... (She's due late March...)

Karen said...

Be careful getting pedicures at the end of your pregnancy unless you want labor to start. I don't know if your tech. discussed this with you or not. The foot and leg massage can start contractions....I can't wait to see your baby girl. I am sure she is absolutely gorgeous.

Holly said...

So you got tenderized, huh? At least it felt good and came with pretty pink toes and was followed by cake!

I don't know if it's true, but I've heard there's some kind of pressure point in your foot somewhere that is supposed to send you into labor. It sounds like an old wives' tale to me.

Praying for this girl of yours!

Andreea said...

Oh my had an adventurous night! HOpefully tonight will be better for you. Can't wait to see the little princess' name. :) I'm sure it's beautiful! I don't know why but for the last couple of times I've responded to any of your posts I wanted to end with saying "Take care". :) Anyway, be blessed! I have been praying for you, and will continue to do so.

Moose Mama said...

I had to be induced with both of my daughters, and I never had one contraction till I was in the hospital. Then, I told them my back hurt and they said I was in labor. No one told me, it might be in my back!!!

I am so excited for you Amanda. I pray these last few days will be wonderful with baby girl on the inside. But will pale in comparison to baby girl on the outside.


Lauren said...

Pretty soon you'll hold that sweet baby in your arms! Glad you had such a good time at the baby lunch :) :)

Deidre said...

Not fair - I can't wait to know her name. I have all sorts of guesses, but am sure none of them are right :)

What a sweet, blessed time. Praying for you!!

Ashton said...

what a sweet prayer Susan prayed...sounds like a fun, full of love time with presents...BTW the 29th was my BD. Allison-52...:) or is it...:(

Mindy said...

Maybe your sweeet girl will make her entrance this weekend. How exciting!!
May God grant you peace and comfort while you wait.

Deborah said...

I've been praying for youall over the last several days and weeks and will absolutely continue.

With love,
Deborah from More Northern Lands than Texas. :)

Alana said...

I love reading your blog!!! Not too much longer...hang in there =).

Yolanda said...

You are simply blessed, and I know you know it and relish it.

Your loved much!

Michelle said...

I can not wait to meet her! I am going to Mansfield on the 9th, so I am praying that she comes before then!!! I know that these last two weeks are killer, but I will pray for patience! Oh my goodness.. you are about to have TWO chil'ren. Yeah!

Unknown said...

Wow, I can't believe you are so close...I will be praying for you guys...and girls!

Dionna said...

That placque for your baby girl sounds like the most special and precious thing. I would've cried. How meaningful and loving! Maybe you can show us once she gets here. :)
I kept our girls' names as surprises until they were born too. Didn't even tell my parents! It was so cool to announce my child in that way.
Sounds like your body is getting in gear for delivery. So exciting. She will come at the absolute perfect moment. I'm so excited for you. You will wonder how your family ever lived or was ever complete without her. :)

connorcolesmom said...

Oh I thought for sure the end of the post would say "and here we sit in the hospital waiting for her to get here!" :)
Then I remembered that with Cole my baby#2 I also had strong contractions after being very busy ans active during the day

And yes I think you might be nesting - she could come at anytime
Not like you need me to remind you :)

Can't wait to "meet" her :)

Mary said...

I hope you don't mind but I'm asking God if He would hold off on the delivery until AFTER Feb 6-7 when your mom is speaking in El Paso so she can be with you during L and D. Hang in there, Girlfriend, and don't forget the first word out of your mouth when you get to the hospital is EPIDURAL!

Stephanie said...

That is SO nesting! I bety you are having that baby soon! I labored through the night with both of my boys... I wonder if it has something to do with the gravitational pull of the moon? Or something hippie like that. :) I mean, as if it isn't hard work enough - but to try to labor and then push after NO SLEEP the night before? I'll pray that for you, that your contractions can start around 7 am after a good night's sleep!

Phillips Family said...

Glad you enjoyed your cake and Baby Girl held off labor for a bit longer. Your discussion of how a co-worker prayed the baby will be a "peaceful presence" in your home inspired my blog post today.

Best of wishes to your upcoming arrival!

kari said...

Can't wait to meet baby girl! so exciting!!! it's so fun the thoughts that go through your head with girls are so different with boys. today i was playing with elli and held all 13 pounds of her tiny body (5% in weight) in the air and thought, "hmmm..if you want to be a cheerleader, they're going to make you be the flyer. i don't know how this mommy feels about that." :)

soooooo excited for you!

Tara G. said...

We never shared names except in one instance and that was last spring before my husband's grandmother died. It was the last time he talked to her and he told her what it'd be if we had a girl. I like to think that she prayed over this great granddaughter before she went on to be with the Lord. ANYWAY...I love the suspense- good for you! I had contractions like that, got frustrated, and finally decided I was simply not going to waste my time counting- if it was the real deal, I'd wake up and know it, but boy howdy! I needed every ounce of energy I could get to make it through the next day with the other two!

Kiki said...

I remember counting minutes in between contractions too and trying to fall asleep because I did not want to get the boys up in the middle of the night to take them some where.

God worked it out perfectly and he will for you too.

Eliza said...

We didn't tell Noah's name until I was in the hospital having him! It was annoying to some, but so fun for my husband and I! I can't wait to hear the name.

I bought extra small travel size things and had the bag packed that was double, but my mind was a little more at ease. Plus, in the rush of things I was sure I wasn't forgetting something!

I think you are nesting...having two is a lot of fun!

Anonymous said...

Awesome! Maybe some long, yet irritating, labor at home will mean shorter labor at the hospital! Still praying for you VVPG....I can't wait to see your sweet BG.

Kelly @ Love Well said...

After the first few sentences (grilling burgers, in the backyard, nice afternoon, etc.), I glazed over. In January, I wish I lived in Texas.

So are you going to recount Jackson's birth story for us while you are waiting? From the sounds of it, you'd better get on it. That little girl could be an early bird.

FitzandMolly said...

Come to Bunko on Monday. We'll get that baby girl moving! Seriously though, we'll miss you and will be praying that all goes smoothly. much lerve!

Lindsee said...

Sounds like such a fun day and some very thoughtful gifts that would have had me in tears, too! I just love you LPM ladies. Such servant, Godly hearts. And it truly shines through!

You're almost there! I keep thinking of the conversation from Pappasitos about how you told us how crazy it is that y'all are going from first dating, to married, than a family of three. to a family of four! So exciting!

Praying you get MUCH rest in these last few weeks/days.

Rachel said...

Have you already had baby girl? We didn't get a post from you yesterday so I'm wondering! Yay!!

bethany said...

Sounds like all is moving along well for you! Getting so excited to meet your little princess! Can't believe that I've followed your pregnancy all along through your blog and the LPM awesome that we can be "involved" in each others lives via the internet!
Hugs and blessings to you today Amanda!

bethany said...

OH forgot to say...I LOVE your new blog design! It is so cute...gotta do something cutesy to mine!

R said...

we don't EVER reveal our babies' names, either, so i'm totally supportive!