(The patio. No, that's not us.)

(The guacamole. It's huge.)

Well, you could want more room on the table. Things were a little crowded since we had to keep everything out of the babies' reach that we didn't want to tumble to the ground. Jackson began banging the table with his hands. And then. And then the container of ranch dressing that came with Sunni's taco salad, that was forced dangerously close to the edge of the table, took a tumble. Don't feel sorry for the ranch dressing container. It did not smack the concrete with great force and shatter into pieces. No, a certain beloved Coach purse caught it's fall. What is more, it was not even mine. It Sunni's beautiful khaki signature with red leather trim COACH purse. Not one of those small ones like I have either. The mothership of all gorgeous Coach bags it was. When she got it, I believe for her birthday, you should have heard all the carrying on we did. It elicited praises to God from our lips. It is fabulous in every sense of the word.
Help. Me. Lord. Our groans reached into the heavens. The Coach. The ranch was within and without. Every side sustained damage from the mayonnaise-based goop. We wiped it all off and there were some large, sad dark spots that I'm not sure have disappeared or not. Sunni was incredibly gracious about the whole thing. She never for a moment let me blame Jackson, and therefore myself. But still, in my heart I know. Thankfully we were only a mile away from a Coach store and professional cleaning supplies were easily accessible. The purse practically had an ambulance ride to the Coach E.R. It was a good thing because in a couple hours, all that mayo was gonna be lethal.
I groaned aloud throughout the end of your story...I have never owned a Coach purse, but I feel for you all. So sorry :(
The guac sounds delicious!
Have a great weekend, Sister!
Love in Him,
Oh, I was mourning that Coach bag, but thank heavens professional help was available.
My one year old is and absolutely genius at getting into that which should not gotten into. He is just faster than his poor mama sometimes. And now he's CLIMBING. Arg!
Lord, help us.
"The purse practically had an ambulance ride to the Coach E.R." I'm still laughing over that one.
And I say 'right on' for a bigger table too girl, regardless of a babies reach :)
that hurts my heart.
I'm having a moment of silence for the Coach purse. I pray that the professional assistance was able to rid it of the evil ranch dressing.
I'm almost sure that a blessing from God is not a 'saved' COACH handbag. Sad, really.
Lunch with you two and guacamole would be the most fun ever...
Oh my word I could weep at the sight of that guacamole.
And I'm just thankful you didn't need the jaws of life to get the Coach bag out of the Ranch. And praying that Sunni was able to cast out the mayonnaise stains.
You know, I'm almost sure they seat women with children at smaller tables so they can be entertained. I'm sorry for the bag, ooooch... :(
Now that is cringe-worthy....I hope for your sweet self her bag came clean! And if it didn't, I know she still loves ya! :)
And oh my heck..that guacamole? I am drooling...
Have a better! weekend!
so very sad. i hope full healing comes to the purse :)
I agree with Big Mama! (... a moment of silence!) The Guac does look amazing and I want a taste of it right now!!! One day you will laugh about this!
Hope you are having a great weekend!
And the messes continue to get worse. Believe me I know. I get so nervous when Tobey is around anything expensive, fragile, or delicate. Just think, it could have been ketchup =)
The guacamole looks delish!
That was so hard to read. In my mind, I could see the bottle falling and landing...ok I can't even say it. My Coach bag maybe smaller than say a mothership, but it is so wonderful. The smell. The look. I must stop or I will need therapy to deal with such a tragedy.
Thankfully you had guacamole as some sort of consolation for the whole experience.
Thanks for your anniversary wishes and sympathy! However, as I read these posts, I am ready to throw down all those fellow Texans who are drooling over your guac! Try living in Iowa, where they charge extra for chips and salsa...a tragedy almost (almost) worse than a Ranch-dressed handbag...
It WAS most definately 100% NOT Jackson's fault! And...crisis averted...the Coach brand fabric cleaner was heaven-sent.
I bet your friend will leave the Coach for dates with her hubby and find a cheap diaper bag from Target eventually... at least that was what I did.
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