Thursday, November 01, 2007

Little Golfer

*Updated at the bottom*

Jackson has been in a TERRIBLE mood this entire week. So yesterday was pretty much a beating. At least he was terribly cute in his costume.

1,2,3 go!

The ring pop bought us 15 tantrum-free minutes.

My two golfers.

Photo op with Janelle and Ella.

I'm so glad we caught the limp biscuit move on camera. That's what I will remember about his second Halloween.

*I have gotten a couple of comments about my ability to be "cool" and "smile" in that last picture. I need y'all to know that I was very grumpy the whole night and I did not hold back from telling everyone what a bad mood my child had been in for three days. The only reason I'm smiling is because I'd just eaten the best Frito pie since eighth grade. As we walked home, I told Curt that if I hadn't liked my outfit so much, that night would not have been worth it!


Deidre said...

Amanda, you are the coolest mom ever if you are smiling during that last picture :) Very patient, you are. I love the costumes - very cute!

Anonymous said...

Those are the fun days. The amazing battle of the wills. How can they be soooo cute and soooo irritating, all at the same time?!

Speaking Thru Me Ministries said...

and look at your sweet smile as he throws it - what a momma you are!! I am not kidding!!!


Lauren said...

OH MY GOSH I LOVE THE GOLFER COSTUME!! I am going to have to remember that for next year!

Tiffani said...

Oh. My. Gosh. I am dying...Jackson is TOO cute! Tiger Woods better watch out! Love the pictures!

Kevin and Christie said...

Wow...I am the first to comment! He is so cute!! I hope you had a great halloween!!


Holly said...

Even with a limp biscuit, you look beautiful!

How did the reception go with haystack deliveries?

Our second and third years with Tabor were like that...but this year was without incident and much fun (I put up pics, if you;d like to see!).
Love and prayers,

Big Mama said...

Okay, seeing Jackson makes me totally want to take up golf. So cute.

And I'm sorry, but is Ella dressed as a Jazzercise instructor? That may be the funniest thing ever.

Allison said...

Oh my goodness, he's so handsome!

Three Fold Cord said...

Want to eat teh little booger up!! He is too cute in that costume. Great choice momma!!

Anonymous said...

That is the cutest costume ever! I can totally relate with the "limp biscuit" move- my daughter is very good at it. :)

Hillary said...

Too cute! I love the golfer costume! He looks the part! Great choice! And his little friend is precious in her aerobics outfit! Love it!

Serah said...

That's the cutest little costume! I've never seen one before. Brady had a meltdown last night, too, when we had to leave the miniture golf course they set up at Trunk or Treat.

Happy November!

kittyhox said...

Glad I'm not the only one with a toddler going through a "difficult" phase. Maybe they are getting this stuff out of the way and will be angelic two year olds.

I can dream, can't I?

Wow, what a cute outfit idea! The hat is the best part. Adorable!

Jenny said...

I just showed this picture to my husband (who is an avid golfer). He said "when we have little boys, that is what they will be. every. year". He is PRECIOUS!

jen said...

What a cute costume! Looks like all our kids had a "moment" last night. :)

connorcolesmom said...

Oh those pictures are so cute. I would never have guessed that Jackson was in a bad mood to look at his sweet face. Oh and you are just a smiling as he throws his fit - were you just dying on the inside :)
Gotta love those fits!
Have a great Thursday :)

a boy a girl and a pug said...

I am so loving that golfer costume!

AbbyLane said...

ahhhh so that's where that move comes from...i've experienced it just a few times in my nannying days...i have a sweetheart though, so he really only does it when we're out in public (of course) and he wants to walk around on some dirty floor after no-doubt yanking his shoes and socks off long before we left the car.

hope your weekend is tantrum free :)

Cindy-Still His Girl said...

I might take up golf if I could look half as cute as that little guy! I love the photo of him running with the pumpkin bucket on the sidewalk. Captures his age perfectly! (As does the limp biscuit move). I know those days can be incredibly exhausting. They don't last forever, though- take heart! ;) Praying today you feel the arms of the One who gently leads those that have (fit-throwing) young.

debra parker said...

I am loving the costumes...

Some serious love.

Michelle said...

I LERVE Jackson's outfit...totally worth man-handling a toddler to get a couple good pictures. Just to sympathize with you..I was not in the best mood either, and if you look on my blog, that is why half my face is cropped out. I just look annoyed in the full picture.

jamie b said...

I love your 50's costume as well as Jackson's golfer one. My son is going through the limp biscuit phase too and it drives me crazy! The worst is when you go to pick him up and he goes limp on you. I'm afraid I'll drop him one day!

Glad to see you smiling through it :)

Anonymous said...

Yup. This is motherhood. What a blessing. Take if from Grandmamitz, years from now you won't remember his limp biscuits. You'll desire that cuddly boy to hug and kiss but he'll be a teen boy/man and not in the slightest mood to be kissed by mom. :)

Longmeadow Mama said...

My heart goes out to you. This is the 2nd Halloween in a row my little guy was completely out of sorts and spoiled the festivities. And the 2nd Halloween in a row an adorable costume has gone to waste because he refuses to wear it! At least this year he wore part of the outfit long enough to get one good picture! The joys of parenthood!
Hang in there, Amanda! And take comfort in knowing your family looked absolutely adorable all dressed up in your costumes.
Kelli in Ohio

Krystal said...

You did look absolutly picture perfect and beautiful last night! Maybe Jackson is going to play pro-baseball one day and he just wanted to practice with the hot dog! :) Motherhood is promised not to be easy but totally worth it! I think you told me that! :) Love you!

Kelly said...

The golfer costume is precious and so original!!!

Anonymous said...


He may be trying his Mama's patience, but he is the cutest thing.

Sunni at The Flying Mum said...

Y'all all look adorable!

I just banged my head on my desk because Jackson is DARLING in that golfer outfit.

And you are quite the smashing 50's gal! Love it!

Anonymous said...

You both looked adorable!!!

Joshy has been in a funk lately too! I always get a great report out of the church nursery learders every week but last Sunday I was told that Josh had to go in time- out for hitting babies on the head! I was shocked!

Anonymous said...

It is that dern stomach bug causing him to be so grumpy. My son, Jacob, who is 15 months, was grumpy for a week plus after having it. I hope he gets back to his happy self soon.

Anonymous said...

It is that dern stomach bug causing him to be so grumpy. My son, Jacob, who is 15 months, was grumpy for a week plus after having it. I hope he gets back to his happy self soon.

ocean mommy said...

I promise, it gets better!! It really does. :) You are a great mom and Jackson is blessed that God picked you to be his mommy.

Love the outfits.


Fran said...

You crack me up Amanda!! "The best frito pie since the eighth grade!!" made me grin from ear to ear. Why can food make things all good again?!

That little stinker is still just the cutest thing...I know you wanna pinch him but we just wanna squeeze him!! Hang in there good momma. You'll be amazed at how much he grows and changes this next year. Wonder what he'll want to be next Halloween??

Thanks for sharing. Here's to better, funner days!! :)

Heather said...

Jackson looked adorable, if even he wasn't acting it! I don't know what it is, but my 4 yr. old also "acts out" every year during this's probably all the parties, sweets and exitement about dressing up. My 11 month old was just a perfect angel last night, but my 4 yr. old almost had to go home early with Dad and miss out on all the fun! As my Mom always says, "This, too, shall pass!"

Little Steps Of Faith said...

what a cute little golfer:)

I should have gone out last night to the youth thing at church, but I felt too old...

Have a great day girlie:)

Erin Ward said...

Oh man Amanda, he's just so cute I could eat him up.

Praise and Coffee said...

Amanda! I think you both look adorable!! He is so cute in that outfit and I thought that picture of you was very pretty!


Janelle and Ella said...

"limp biscuit move" You are cracking me up!! Y'all were absolutely adorable!! And the frito pie was worthy of a giant high five.

Stephanie Kay said...

3 days of grumping? Have you checked for new teeth? I'm only saying that cause I'm right there myself and it's been way more than 3 days!!

Cute costumes by the way. = )

Steph V said...

LOL!!! Amanda, JD wore the exact same outfit!! That is hilarious! A playgroup buddie of mine reads your blog and informed me once she saw JD's pictures! Too funny...he looks precious even throwing the fit!

boomama said...

Well, he's the cutest bad mood golfer I've ever seen.

And big props to Janelle and Ella - MY WORD that's funny. And eerily similar to a picture they showed of your mama at Deeper Still.... :-)

Darlene R. said...

Oh, the memories of the limp biscuit stages! I can understand your grumpiness.

Darlene R. said...

My husband wants to know what Frito pie is. He says anything with the words "Frito" and "Pie" in it has to be good! lol

Honeycutt Family said...

All of us Mommies can totally relate to the "Terrible Twos" and how frustrating toddlers can be sometimes. I love your honesty and truth.7 Thanks for sharing the good, the bad, and the ugly!

Anonymous said...

That is the cutest costume ever! Jackson is adorable as always....most handsome golfer I've ever seen! I sympathize with your day. My 3 yr old has been testing me all week. Bless their hearts, bless our hearts!

Sarah TN

A Place For Ministry Wives/A Place For Me said...

I LOVE the originality of that costume. He is, by far, the cutest little golfer ever!

Kristin said...

You guys are all so cute and creative with your costumes! He looks so cute and so happy. I am trying to think if I have ever seen Jackson without a smile on his face. He has got me fooled. I would never have imagined that he was a grumpy little golfer.

Aunt_Nette said...

He looks like a mini Payne Stewart.

Heather said...

Love the pics! The little golfer is cute as pie!

Stacey said...

i can't wait to steal this costume idea for next year!! hang in there-we are just loving 3's (sarcastic!!)

Dionna said...

Do share the Frito Pie recipe! We eat a great frito-chili salad - I'd love to see what is different or similiar about your pie!
Sorry you had a bummer of week - this too shall pass.

Vicki Courtney said...

That outfit is a classic. It kind of reminds me of the knicker outfit I put on Ryan for Easter when he was four. I wrote about hubby's snarky, yet prophetic comment in Your Boy when he said that Ryan was going to be angry someday when he saw the pictures, documenting years of fashion abuse. At least Jackson's was for "dress-up" purposes, so you're probably off the hook. And trust me, the pictures come in handy. I keep threatening to post one as my facebook profile picture if he's not nice.

Sorry he's been a grump lately. Hope you're all on the mend now!

Anonymous said...

He IS adorable! All the outfits were very cute.

I remember the war of the wills!
I agree with what someone said earlier, remember...."this too, shall pass". Stay strong and firm momma!

Enjoy your weekend and I hope little man gets happy for you SOON!!!

Jaclyn said...

ok-he is adorable and you are just beautiful!! Thanks for posting the precious pics!

Shelly said...

Lol! I'm loving your 'updated' comment.

And I'm actually considering wanting to wear the leggings that Janelle and Ella are sporting! :)

Courtney O. said...

seriously cute golfer and aerobics girl costumes!!!

Lisa @ The Preacher's Wife said...

Frito pie will fix the worst of moods...:)

Every one of your crew looked adorable...


Little Steps Of Faith said...

I find it funny everyone knows what the Limp Biscuit move is. LOL:)

Little Steps Of Faith said...

Psalms of Ascent is one mentioned it:)

Brittani's Holding Little Hands said...

Do you know how hard I laughed at the "limp biscuit" comment? And all this time I thought my Park had invented that move!

BTW-LOVE his costume

Bev Brandon @ The Fray said...

thanks for posting the comment about compiling a list of songs from LPM of the siestas had already compiled one and e-mailed it to me...i thought the websites that told me where to go to hear the music were really helpful but i am also the person who just crashed my computer...busy downloading off ITunes over here...she also wanted to know if anyone else wanted the list---she could post it on her blog or e-mail it or whatever...I'll tell her to leave a comment to you on LPM blog in case anyone else wanted the list or however you want to handle it... what absolutely adorable pictures of the Limp Biscuit Move...kinda reminds me of manna...and I would think you are being fed with manna Untouched by humand hands...

Michelle said...

Love the one with the ring Pop! Ella looks like she is about to snag it! And I think Janelle and ella's outfits are to die for! not to mention yours and your golfing men!