I am a terrible person for making my child try on his winter warmies (my sister just cringed at that word) and then putting a camera in his face. I could not get one smile out of him. He also has pants, but I thought they might put him over the edge. All of this is in preparation for our Thanksgiving trip to Wyoming next week. Tomorrow our destination will have snow with a high of 37 degrees and a low of 17. Yesssss!

All the fluff made him get stuck when he was trying to climb the toy box.

Thanks for the shopping trip, BibbEE!
Oh MY GOODNESS! That's too cute. That could be your Christmas card photo!
Too Cute!!!! The first picture of Jackson reminds me of the Christmas classic "A Christmas Story." You know the one with Ralphie and his little brother. Well, Jackson looks like the little brother when his mom puts on his snow clothing and he can't put his arms down from all the padding. Both have the same expressions on their faces. Again, too cute.
Those are great, especially his expression in that first picture. He looks ready for a snowstorm! Love the boots, especially.
Jackson looks like he might want to take you down in that first picture. It made me laugh out loud.
That is stinkin' adorable. I have no idea when you'll get to use it in Texas. But I say -- anytime it gets below 65, put that outfit on!
He could not be any cuter! He will be smiling if there is snow around him this winter!
I absolutly love this.... do they make those boots in my size!!!
Jackson ROCKS my world....and so do you!
I have got to get Park those boots. Absolutely PRECIOUS! Worth every bit of torture for those pics:)
Oh my lands, Amanda! That is just TOO CUTE for words! My little guy is almost 14 months, and I'm really hoping that Gap has his size! And honestly, the pictures are just that much cuter without the pants!
those boots are the cutest thing ever! where did you get them?
Does it even get cold enough in TX to wear those?
But, he sure did look precious for his picture!
That is so cute! How ADORABLE! HE will be the cutest little man in Wyoming!
Love, Sarah TN
Oh Amanda! My first thought was of the little brother in "A Christmas Story" who is wrapped up so tight in his coat that his arms are straight out and he falls flat on his face in the snow!
But Jackson looks way too precious in his winter warmies....not really thrilled, but too precious!!!
The scratching his head pose is my favorite! Have a wonderful trip y'all!!
Praying for some FUN, lots of snow and cocoa, games and laughter.
I love the little legs with boots! And his perplexed facial expressions! He's too cute...with or without the matching pants!
I want those boots too! Did you get them at Gap? So super cute...I hope he doesn't feel one bit of that nasty cold weather! I am so glad to be here in Texas, where it is stil summer....my kids are literally running around in their swimsuits as I type this! Have fun!!
I am still laughing at the coat with no pants look - hehe
Have a great time on your trip!!
I can't believe in one week we leave for our Thanksgiving trip but it will be in the 80's where we are going!
I am having to pack bathing suits - ugh!!
God bless,
He is getting to be such a big boy.
And I know that you know that. So I will not speak of it any longer.
I have just chuckled out loud. Too funny. He's precious.
Yeah...he looks just thrilled. I don't know why kids and coats and anything that is supposed to keep them warm just don't go together.
I can't wait for you to show pictures of him in his darling little get-up with the snow in Wyoming.
Have a great trip. He'll love it!
Or, just be cold.
Oh, but he looks so precious! Someday he'll forgive you for it when his wife coos over his sweet little pictures.
He is so adorable! I love the toy box picture! You leave tomorrow for your Thanksgiving trip? ENJOY!
I giggled at these pictures! He'll be so cute in the snow...
too cute- wouldn't be NEARLY as cute if he had pants on...the no pants thing is PRECIOUS!!! I have the opposite prob. w/ Sara- she is OBSESSED with her jackets and wants to wear them ALL the time, even to sleep- even in the 80 degree weather here in Houston- oh 2 yr olds, they have a MIND of their OWN!! :)
He looks like the little boy from Christmas Story when he has to wear the pink bunny costume. He is adorable and I love the go fast hat!
Um, how cute is that 4th picture.
way way too cute.
Too cute!! Love his expressions (and the boots)
Oh my gosh. Hilarious, hilarious! Jackson's expressions are hysterical. LOL
okay. that made me laugh just looking at his little legs sticking out! cutie!
good shopping BibEE :)
no pants...too cute...i love that "i'm tolerating these pictures just for you mom" face
if he only knew what joy he brought the rest of us for surrendering to the camera...thanks for sharing
hope ya'll have an awesome Thanksgiving together with your family!
He is too stinking cute. I can't help but chuckle at the expression on his face though.
Oooh sweetie, I hope you remember to put pants on him next time you dress him in his "winter warmies"! ;)
I don't think I would have been smiling, either. Anything that keeps you from climbing a toy box is just wrong. I say all of this in a joking manner, of course.
He's so adorable and I can't wait to see the same pics. after Thanksgiving with snow all over his face!
Those pictures made me laugh. A lot. I live a couple of suburbs over from you, it is 85 degrees... Jackson, has the most puzzled look. Why are these women putting me in this hot.. hot.. outfit?? Why??
Girl, you make me laugh!
Oh my, those photos will really come in handy at a wedding reception some day!
I am picturing one of these photos showing up in a high school yearbook ad one day! What a face! (He is even cute with that little frown!)
He is SO darling!
Seriously, that is one cute kid! I love his hat. And his boots are so cute especially since he does not have his pants on! I hope you and your family have a glorious time in the cold part of the country and that Jackson needs every bit of his cute cold weather clothes. Blessings.
Thats sooo cute! Jackson is just too adorable!! My daughter has the exact same outfit from babyGap and I just took a few photos of her in it, too -- check out this link if you'd like; you may chuckle (;
He is so cute and I can't wait to see him in his outfit...Love you sweet friend...
Who needs pants??!!
What a cutie! Stay warm!
Oh i meant to say, my daughter has the same outfit of the GIRLS coat/hat. Haha, oops! {;
I can read those looks very well! He's thinkin..."Mom, what the heck are you doing? It's 85 stinkin degrees outside!?!?"
Love ya friend, have fun with jayk in "the hole"
Aunt Fitine
Amanda, Could he be any cuter?? Gap has got to see that picture...hands down the sweetest little boy! Your mom mentioned his new airplane obsession at Esther(did I mention that I am devestated that it is over? :( ) ...and how he likes to wave bye-bye to them. My middle baby is loving "Mr. Moon" right now, because Jesus lives there, right?!? :) Hope you are doing well! Would love to meet you some day soon!! Take care!
These may be some of the cutest pics EVER!!!!
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