Friday, November 30, 2007

The Tour of Playgrounds

I loved these so much that they had to go on both blogs today.

This was the second out of three playgrounds we visited this week. Jackson is tired of our living room.

Honestly, sometimes I'd rather sit on the bench and visit with the other mommies.

But then I would miss this...

Life is good when you've got mulch in one hand and a Tonka truck in the other.

He kept hitting his head on that thing.


Will he go down?



Heather said...

Amanda! I absolutely LOVE these pictures. I am a fanatic about pictures and take way too many as my hubs says! That last one would be awesome in black in white and framed! Great shots!

Amy T said...

I love the one at the top of the slide, but that last one? You could eat him up he is so gorgeous! Glad y'all are enjoying the playgrounds. What fun!

Holly said...

Oh, what a cutie! My favorite is the one at the top of the slide.
Blessings on you and your family, Sister!

jennyhope said...

I left a comment on the LPM blog...but I saw a commercial for Uno attack while watching Go Diego Go! I thought you may want to put it on your Christmas list...:)

Cinde said...

Oh my gosh, he is so stinkin' cute. Do you not just want to gobble him up! As a mama to 2 boys, I know there is just something special about them. You keep sliding Jackson - I'm tryin' to get your Christmas stocking done. So many little time! But it's worth it for a precious one like you.

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to love on him at Christmas! :)

Aunt Lindsay

Debbie said...

Too cute! I haven't checked your blog in a few days so I'm getting caught up on all of the information and praises! Thanks for sharing

Dionna said...

Great shots. I just added some pics to my blog today, too. Hadn't done that in forever!

jen said...

Oh my goodness what cute cute pictures! I think that last one might be my favorite. :)

Hillary said...

So cute! The last one is my favorite! He's looking so much more like a little boy and less like a baby boy! Thanks for sharing the pics!

Anonymous said...

AJ, that last picture...oh my, i LOVE that look!

Amber said...

oh my goodness amanda!!!!! These pictures are SOOO GREAT! Seriously, life for a two year old boy cant get much better than playgrounds, mulch and tonka trucks!!!! yah for boys!

Lauren said...

I love the glee in his eyes. :) And that last one is too funny.

Darlene R. said...

How sweet! I love the last one. He is so cute.
I usually end up on the playground equipment too!

Shelley said...

OH Goodness! That last picture...when he's a teenager, that will be the "LOOK" that girls will swoon over!

Anonymous said...

Love the pictures at the playground, especially the last one...too cute! I have a random question for hubby and I have a 6 month old, and we are trying to decide how to do the Christmas thing...Santa, no Santa, etc...I'm curious how you and Curt do the Christmas thing with Jackson? Thanks...have a great weekend!

Stacey said...

busy little boy expressions are the best-especially the last one! my little man is the same way!!

Fran said...

Well, every single picture just made me smile!! And the last one with that darling eyebrow raised?!

Oh, I know I say this all the time, but I could just eat him up! So, I'm glad you got to laugh and play with that little guy.

Have a great weekend!

connorcolesmom said...

HA - that last picture cracks me up!!
I love days at the playground and the day will come when you get to sit on the bench and just talk and you know what - it is a sad day.
That is when you watch them run around all by themselves and you realize how FAST they are growing up. My oldest just turned 8 - what in the world!!! Time goes by fast. Enjoy that darlin little boy!!
Love ya,

MamaCass said...

These are great pictures! I love that last one. Jackson is such a sweet boy.

Erin Ward said...

He is just so precious.

The Schmidt Family said...

OH MY GOSH...I am in love with these pics! I love this sweet boy's face. I just want to hug my "nephew"... it has been too long girl! I love his laughing pics!!

Alicia said...

Sweet Jackson looks so much like Curtis in these pictures. Precious!

Anonymous said...

I came from Big Mama- that last one is a framer, with that raised eyebrow- too cute!

Anonymous said...

I have to agree with everyone else...loved that last pic especially! I was in a wonderful MOPS group but we don't have one in the town I live in now, I miss it a lot! I know what you mean about wishing you could spend a little time with the other Moms at the park. I'm still on swing duty but I'll be back on the slides soon enough when the baby starts walking!

Cindy-Still His Girl said...

Gorgeous photos!! What kind of camera do you use? I'm obsessively camera shopping lately.

Sweet, sweet boy.

Them Chandlers said...

Does Jackson love trucks?? If so, we need to get him and Reid together. Reid is absolutely crazy about trucks. Firetrucks, dump trucks, tractors, whatever...if it has wheels and makes loud noises, he loves it.

Erin said...

I wanted to add something to your Q&A about Santa - there's a great book by Noel Piper (John Piper's wife) called "Treasuring God in Our Traditions." It's about how their family "treasured God" during holiday traditions and in everyday life. It's really great and she addresses Santa in it. She basically says they didn't do Santa b/c they didn't want to confuse their kids with an omniscient man who only gives gifts if they are good, as compared to God who is omniscient and always gives good gifts! Also, the problem that could occur when kids find out Santa isn't real - will they question whether God is, too? I found it interesting. We have a two year old who will be three a month after Christmas, and we decided to not do Santa b/c of her book. We're not totally boycotting or making a big deal about it, but we're not giving gifts from Santa in our house. Our parents thought it was strange at first, but they understand our reasons behind it. Also, one thing I've really started to think about lately is that the world will teach our kids all kinds of things, but we want to teach them Truth. Sorry this was long - hope it helps give you food for thought and prayer about Christmas with your little guy!

Three Fold Cord said...

That face on the last picture tells all. He is up to something and he will not be stopped. You can tell just from the pics he has a mind of his own.
The Lord will give us all wisdom on how to train each one of our kids in the way they should go. Be encouraged you were hand picked for this little man and the Lord is pleased with how you are doing!!!!!!!!

Angie @ Flibbertigibberish said...

Oh man, that kid just loves life, doesn't he? What fun to be around such energy and joy. I can tell you're a tired mama at the end of the day. Me too, friend! Me too!

I love that last picture. "Okay mom, the first 52 pictures were enough!" Ha! It's a look I've seen just a time or two myself. ;)

Erin Ward said...

ok, so I know I already commented once... But I just needed to say that the laughing picture where he's looking straight into the camera needs to be entered into some sort of contest. It's just that cute.

Janelle and Ella said...

Sweet Jackson!! Ella can't stop yelling his name! :-)

Honeycutt Family said...

Jackson's facial expressions crack me up! And he has the sweetest smile!

Anonymous said...

I love the mulch in the hand. That is too cute!

Kay Altic said...

moone...jackson is so you guys and miss ya'll like crazy

R said...

I won't sit on the sidelines on the park benches either...

McClure Family said...

Amanda~He is so very precious! You can tell that he is one happy boy. You are doing a great job!

Christi said...

Oh my word - that last picture! What a doll!

Michelle said...

The last pic is ADORABLE! Love the face!