Fort Dew Hickey

Roller slide

Hay ride to the pumpkin patch.

Looking for a pumpkin.

This is the best pose we could do.

Proud of our pumpkin!

I've never seen freeway ramps for goats.

Checking out the baby chickens.

In honor of Cupsy and Brother Chicken.

Rubber ducky races

Jackson's favorite part: the giant hay pile!

One of Jackson's nicknames is Turkey.

Munching some kettle corn on the way home.

We heard Curt and Jackson's song - George Strait's "The Best Day" - when we got in the car. So fitting!
What a perfect fall Saturday!
He is so cute and the pics of your hubs and J in the hay ~~ priceless!!
Have a Blessed Lord's day,
Oh my goodness he's growing up so fast!
How adorable! It looks like Jackson had a blast! We go to a farm here similar than that but yours looks even cooler.
New England Nights was AWESOME! Tell your mom she rocked the house!
That place looks so neat...wish we had something like it around here. I love the photos of Jackson and his daddy playing in the hay...super cute!
Oh Amanda...
Jackson is looking so very big and so handsome. The pictures are priceless and so much fun!!
Have a wonderful Sunday!
How fun! We just went to a farm last week and had a ball picking out pumpkins, potatoes, carrots and lots of other things. Jackson looks like he enjoyed every minute!
That does look like the best day. You did a GREAT job catching it on camera. :)
Oh my word. My fave pics were of the hay pile. So sweet!
I call my kids "turkeys" too. My aunt called me turkey growing up and I have passed on the turkey tradition. :)
Have a great Sunday,
oh Amanda, he is the most precious! Such a happy boy! Dewberry Farm IS amazing!
What a fun , fall day!! Jackson is so cute and has gotten so big. You took great pictures!!
Have a blessed Sunday. :)
Amanda - your little mister has got to be the cutest thing around!! One of those pictures captured his little personality so sweetly I could almost hear him giggling! He is adorable with a capital A!
Okay now, little momma - the pictures of you are cute but this grandmother is ready to see one that shows off your baby bump. GRIN!
Loved your birthday song on the LPM blog. Hope you had a good one!
May God bless you as richly as we are blessed by you sharing your life and family with us!
He is soooo cute! And growing up so fast. His looks are changing from baby to little boy. Thanks for sharing!
Looks like fun and Man Jackson is such a good looking boy, he looks so much bigger all of a sudden, maybe cause he is a big brother in training
Love the father-son pictures in the hay. Looks like a fun place and a beautiful day for it.
Jackson's face while eating the kettle corn... love it! It looks like he has a true passion for kettle corn. I'm so proud.
Um, excuse me, why does Jackson look like he's grown 2 years in 8 months?! I've got to get my hands on him before all his baby is gone! Got to come see y'all soon!
Cute pics!
This is completely random...but one of my dear friends from college just posted pictures of her family at Dewberry Farm on Facebook...and you are sitting right next to her on the hayride! Ha! (they were a couple with a little blonde hair boy). Small world!
Your boy is getting so big and so cute I must add. I LOVE the picture of him trying to smile while eating the kettle corn!
Thanks for taking the time to post all of those pictures for your friends out in blog land!
Angie xoxo
Wow- a goat ramp! Looks like fun... I wanna go. :)
What cute pictures! Looks like you all had a splendid time.
I am being brave (or crazy) and am venturing out with 18 autistic preschoolers to such a place on Thursday (pray for us...18 autistic preschoolers away from the routine of school...not very east to accomplish!). It is called Resendiz Fruit Barn and we go every year....we are looking forward to it! I don't look forward to loading or unloading all those car seats though! I feel like Jon and Kate in their show "Jon and Kate plus Eight"!
We are SO going there for Brea's birthday...thanks for the suggestion!
Awwwww....wish we lived in Houston! That beats our pumpkin patch to pieces.
That does look like a fun place! Jackson is at such a fun age for those kinds of outings. He is getting so big!
Those are great pictures! Our pumpkin patch was fun, but it doesn't look like it was quite that much fun. Almost makes me wish I lived in Houston.
You look SO good!!! I was needing the camera to be a little lower though so I can see that cute belly bump that is carrying that sweet baby GIRL! :-)
Looks like a VERY fun place. I love the rolling slide. I am imagining how much Jackson loved that.
Missing y'all like crazy!
The pictures in the hay are so adorable! They would be awesome in black and white with frames!
Isn't it such a blast to introduce him to new things? I love that part of mothering!
Thanks for your kind comments about our Farm. We do try to make it unique. Always love to hear that someone had a good time here at the Farm. Hope you make us a Family Tradition.
Larry Emerson
Farmer Dewberry
So precious! Thanks for sharing your fun fall days with us.
God bless you,
Rebecca in e.tx
Oh my word he is so adorable! Those eyes!!! What a fun day!
Great photos!
I didn't realize that Dew Hickey was an actual place. I thought it was the thing you say when you cannot figure out what the thing is you want..."Pass me that Dew Hickey please."
See how informative your blog is. :)
Jackson is so big....and handsome! Wish I could see your tummy. Miss you!
I just LOVE the pictures of Jackson and Curtis playing in the hay!!!
Jackson is just too cute! The pic of Jackson and Hubs in the hay is priceless! Frame it.
That looks like such a fun place! We are going to try and pick out some pumpkins this week. I can't wait. And Jackson looks like such a big boy! They need to slow down on the growing don't you think !
Wow! Amanda... Jackson is getting so big and tall. Time is fleeting. He is such a handsome little boy.
I enjoyed these pics, Little Momma. It did look like a perfect day:) Jackson is a little ham, isn't he?:)
Jackson is getting so big I can hardly stand it.
In fact, I can't. Tell him to stop growing THIS INSTANT.
Darlin' pictures of your men in the hay!
Looks like a wonderful family day - what a great memory you made. Love you!
How much fun! We are going with our MOPS group next week and I can't wait! :)
Wow! Jackson is growing up so fast! I couldn't believe that was him walking behind Curtis going into the buiding. What a big boy! HAD cute pajamas for little ones that say, "Who are you calling Turkey?". I can't find them online now, but they were in my local Kohl's store this week.
Thought Jackson might like them. :o)
If you need me to go to Kohl's just say the word...such a sacrifice!!
We went to Dewberry farm today. It was my sister, her three kids, oldest nephews girlfriend. My sisters brother in law and his wife their kids plus 3 friends. We had so much fun. My little niece, she is 2 1/2, had a blast. She loved the roller slide and the pillow. we did the pumkin stroll also, it was really neat. Thanks for sharing about this, it was because of you Amanda I really wanted to join the fun and wanted to go.
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