Thursday, October 23, 2008

We're On Our Knees

Just about everyone I know is on their knees tonight for a friend named Kristi Walker. She is a 30-year-old wife and mother of three boys. Her youngest is only a week old. He was taken by c-section at 35 weeks because his sweet mommy was so sick. (He is doing fine, except for one kidney that is not working.) To make a long story short, Kristi has been diagnosed with stage four cancer that has spread throughout her entire body. It is a cancer that is very resistant to treatment. It is so aggressive that she may have only had it for two months. I can't even bring myself to type out the prognosis. Please pray for her. Kristi's husband is Chuck and her sons are Cade (4), Mason (2), and Zane (1 week). Her younger sister Amy is my very dear friend and she is pregnant with her first - a son. Please also lift up Amy.

This family is deeply connected with our community of believers in Houston and in Irving. Chuck and Kristi were youth interns at Houston's First Baptist under John Durham back in the day. They are very well known and loved by everyone there. When John Durham was called to First Baptist Irving, he took Chuck and Kristi (who were married by that time) with him as the youth pastors. Curt got to preach at their youth camp one summer and that is when we got to know the Walkers. They are a really fun, super godly, very much in love couple. In the summer of 2004 they moved to North Carolina, where Kristi's family is from. That is when Curt and I were called to Irving. We would have loved to minister alongside them rather than in their place, but God had another plan.

Shortly after, Kristi's younger sister Amy married an HFBC boy named Daniel Savage and they ended up being the high school youth pastors at our church in Irving. So we got to minister alongside Daniel and Amy for most of our time there. Eventually Daniel and Amy moved back to North Carolina, which now I'm so very thankful for. It blesses me that God brought their whole family together for a season before all this happened. And they have each other to lean on now in every way.

I prayed so hard for this family all week as emails and text messages were being sent out to the multitudes. Each day the news got worse and worse. Tonight, after hearing the latest, I am at the "groans that words cannot express" stage. I'm sure we all are. I feel like I could go throw up. Please, please lift up Kristi and her whole family. I cannot even imagine what they are feeling tonight. Thank you, friends.

"Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever." (Hebrews 13:8)

P.S. - I am going out of town for a couple of days and won't be able to get online.


jennyhope said...

Oh Amanda I am so praying. This makes me so sick. Going to my knees now over this.

Anonymous said...

so sad too... don't even know what to write.
my husband and chuck have been buddies since college.
it doesn't even seem real, does it?
praying for a miracle.

Mary R Snyder said...

Praying with you for this sweet family. Believing that God will heal her -- here and now or in Heaven.
Asking God for a special measure of grace and comfort for her dear husband, sister, and all the family.
Amanda, I'm praying for you as you walk this road with them. God give you the strength and wisdom to minister to them, and to also take care of yourself.

Lindsee said...

Jen was telling me about this this afternoon! Seriously awful! Praying over here.

Holly said...


I don't know if you read it, but I had a very real dream earlier this week, where I was in Kristi's position. I had the talks with my family...and felt the feelings of eagerness to see Jesus and concern for my family--what would they do without me. I know that is nothing in comparison...really, I do. Even so, I understand the feelings, because I truly thought my dream was real at the time and processed those feelings.

Praying and seeking God'd healing hand upon Kristi.


Becca said...

I felt like I could throw up when I heard this news last night too. Praying for Kristi and her precious family.

petrii said...

Oh Amanda, bless this dear one in Christ and her fam. Praying for her ~~ please keep us posted.

Blessings to you sweet girl,

Fran said...

Oh amanda...
You better believe I'm praying.

Kara Cain said...

I don't even know what to say. I will pray for her, the immediate family and the community.

The Writer Chic said...

Amanda, I will pray.

Joanne : The Simple Wife said...

Praying in Colorado too...

JenB said...

My best friend Ashleigh is friends with Kristy and goes to church with them. She emailed me about Kristy yesterday. She has been on my mind and in my prayers ever since. Imagine my surprise to read about your connection with her here! Small world.

Ashleigh said...

I don't know you...and this is the first time I have read your blog. I live in NC and go to church (Sunday School and MOPS) with sweet Kristy. I sent an email yesterday asking some of my friends to pray for her...and I got a link to your blog in return. Thanks for your post.

Holly said...

Continuing to pray for Kristi. Praying for God to work a miracle over her this day.

The Allens said...

Oh my! Thank you so much for letting people know so that more prayer warriors can join in!

Anonymous said...

We're praying for this dear family... words are sufficient but our Father is...

Jenna said...

Praying right now!

Anonymous said...

This hurts me for you. I'm praying this morning for their whole family. Know you are not alone in your prayers. Love, Annette

Jamey Lynne said...

This is heartbreaking, and I pray that their family will be comforted by the Prince of Peace... Our Savior has control and victory over cancer - in all circumstances, whether it goes the ways we would prefer or not. I pray that those little ones would be driven to the Cross for the rest of their lives as a result of this...

Anonymous said...

I will be praying!

Jen said...

Melissa....I have been reading the lproof blog for over a year now and ran across yours a couple months ago. Would you believe that I'm friends with Kristi's brother's girlfriend? Everyone here in Cary, NC is on their knees too. My mind goes to them more than I can say. I can't tell you how much it blessed me to have you put their situation so public!! Thank you so, so much!

Kelly said...

Oh I am so sorry to hear this. I can't even bring words to it. Praying for your friends today.

Kiki said...

Oh man, Amanda. I will definitely be praying for the Walkers. My eyes are spilling tears. I just can't imagine.

Ashley said...

I am lifting this family up. My heart aches for them. And for you as these are your friends going through this. And they are SO young!

connorcolesmom said...

Oh that makes me so sad
I will be praying for Kristi and her family
Have a great time with your mom this weekend!

Abby said...

Praying with you

KK said...

Prayers are being lifter from SA. Keep us posted.

Emmy said...

My heart just breaks for them... oh I am so sorry... I will lift up their whole family... have been face down all week praying for my precious friends husband, 33, who got a stage IV Metastatic Melanoma diagnosis last week... they are our new Young Life area directors, so precious and full of love for the Lord... like your friends they have given their lives to show high school kids the love of Jesus too!

I like how you said it... at the groans that words cannot express stage... my friend... your friend... her precious husband and children... Oh Lord Jesus wrap them all up in your arms! I ache for them.. Lord you are our HOPE!

"May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit." Romans 15:13

Michelle said...

I'm praying, too.

Kara Akins said...

Father, you are the strength of her life. You are a shield round about her. You sing over her because of your great love. You are love and love never fails. Lord, saturate her being with your presence. Make yourself known to all who gather around her. Guide them with your glory. She is precious to you. Not one breath, cell or symptom goes unnoticed by you. She is yours and you take care of your own. You are above reproach and she has not trusted in you in vain. You are her deliverer. You're Name will never change. Keep her in prefect peace. In Jesus Name we pray over her with the measure of faith you have given to us. Amen.

Kelly @ Love Well said...

Sick with you, Amanda. Praying for this dear sister in the Lord, that He would be mighty to work a huge miracle for His glory in her life. Please, sweet Jesus. We ask this because we believe You.

Lora said...

Oh LORD, Our Lord, How majestic is Your Name
Lord, we know Your glory, we believe Your Fame,
We beseech You Lord, we ask, we humbly plead,
Pour out Your mercy, Great God, on Kristi's very present need
Lord, You know Chuck, Cade, Mason and Zane,
You know Kristy, the diagnosis, and her body wracked with pain
So on You alone we call, to You alone we plead
Reveal Your glory Lord, in Kristi's life threatening need
Your blood, Your mercy, Your touch, we plead
Your healing touch is ALL her frail body needs
One touch Lord, one touch Lord is all she needs
So for Your mercy tonight God, we beg, groan and plead
And we lift Amy and the rest of the family before Your mighty heavenly throne
And ask, and plead for Kristi more time in and at her earthly home
We ask, we groan, we plead
As before YOU we lay this heart wrenching need
And we agree, You are the same yesterday, today and for every tomorrow
And for Your One Touch we plead in this earthly sorrow
In the Mighty, Healing, Glorious, All Surpassing Name,

Unknown said...

I have been on my knees for the Walkers since I heard yesterday. The verse that keeps coming to mind is that we must hold onto the hope we affirm that God CAN be trusted to keep his promises.

mariel said...

I, too, am in NC...if there is anything this community can do, please let me know ( are praying fervently!

bethany said...

Amanda...I know that you are out of town and wont get this comment until you return but I just wanted you to know that I am praying for Kristi, Chuck, Cade, Mason, and Zane as well as all of their family. I am praying for you too sweet sister! I don't understand how it is that God allows these things to hurts so much that yes, I can understand your "groans that words cannot express". I'm emphathizing with you and her whole family.

Lord, we don't understand why...we are feeble minded, emotional beings who love deeply and who hurt deeply. But you are ALMIGHTY God who is absolutely the same yesterday, today, and forever! You will do your PERFECT will in the life of sweet Kristi...give those who love her peace and strength in this most trying time. We love you Lord and we put our complete trust and faith in you! SHOW YOUR GLORY LORD, LET US SEE YOUR GLORY!

Anonymous said...


My heart was so heavy today over this. Know that someone you have never met in Indiana is tearing the roof off and lowering your friend to Jesus. I'm praying for Him to be HUGE on their behalf.

Because of Him,
Jamie in Indianapolis

The Ugly Beautiful said...

I am so sorry and I am praying so very hard!

Amy said...

Wow, Amanda...there are no words. A friend on facebook posted a link to your blog. I am a HFBC member also, friend of Tammie Head. I recently had my 4th baby girl, she is 8 months old, she had to have a 12 hour open heart surgery to survive at 10 days old, doing great now, so thankful! My heart sinks for this family as a new mom, as a mom period, please let me know if there is any way I can help this family. Are they in Houston?
Amy Smith, visit JacquelinesCarePage

katiegfromtennessee said...


I am definitely praying for Kristi and Amy. I know that when bad things happen to God's people, devastation is an easy choice. But, that is not the only choice...Lord, I pray that You would heal Kristi physically, and if not, that You would envelop her with a peace that only Your loving arms wrapped around her can bring. I pray that Kristi, and her children and her husband would love You no matter what-that they would cling tightly to You, knowing that in You is only Light. There is no darkness at all in You. Lord, I pray that Amy would have a heart peace regarding her own pregnancy. You know the plans You have for Your own. Plans to prosper us, not to harm us, to give us a hope and a future. We don't understand You, Lord, but we love You. Lord, give Kristi, her family, and Amy the grace to make it through each day, one at a time. I pray that nothing would keep their hearts from You. You are it. You are their source or healing. In Your Precious and Holy Name, Amen. So be it.


Tea Time With Melody said...

I came to your blog via my sis chachaneen's blog. I pray that GOD performs a miracle. My thoughts are with you and your friends family. I had developed a precancerous condition while pregnant with my first child which I lost as a result. My heart is with this family.

Carrie said...

Hi Amanda,

I found your blog a while ago and check it out from time to time and thought I would finally leave a comment. My heart breaks for your friend and her family. It is amazing to me that technology allows us to be able to hear about situations in other parts of the country that we otherwise wouldn't and so the body of Christ can respond on our knees even if we don't know the ones involved. I will be lifting this family up and will be asking that my dear sisters in Washington do the same.

Pat said...

I know that you are not online for a few days (no one is at this hour anyway but me). My heart just broke over the post about Kristi and her family. I just wanted to let you know that I am praying. Some things are just so hard. Thank you for telling us about this and allowing us to join your prayers for this young family.

Leyla said...

That is heart wrenching... My thoughts and prayers with Kristi and her family.

Lisa @ The Preacher's Wife said...

Praying for this dear family who is no doubt feeling so fragile... said...

they are in my prayers!

Debbie said...

I will be in prayer. My heart breaks just reading this.

Marla Taviano said...

Oh, Amanda. I'm so sorry! I'm praying for Kristi and her family right now!

One of my dear friends, a mom of 4 little ones, died a few years ago. Her battle with breast cancer was so short, so unexpected, so heartbreaking. Oh, I want Jesus to come!

Praying hard for everyone!!

Carolina Mama said...

Thank you for the prayers. The Walkers are in our church here. :) It is a blessing to know how God weaves all of the prayers and hearts together for this dear family. God Bless!

kari said...

we will pray. love, k

Finding Joy in the Journey said...

i stumbled across your blog, obviously a God thing...i don't know you but i know Him & i'll be praying.

Speaking Thru Me Ministries said...

oh friend - wow... i will lift this to the one that knows and can decifer my moans!! how terrible.. thanks for sharing so we can pray!! Love, Leigh

lavonda said...

I've prayed all weekend. Have you heard any more how they are? My heart aches for this family.

judy said...

I can't stop thinking about them and knowing their hearts are breaking.
We serve an awesome God. We can turn to Him and trust in HIM to take care of every situation.

Hebrews 4:16 ...'Let us therefore come boldy unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need.'

Many prayers will be going up to God's throne of grace for your friend and her family.

Marcy said...

My husband was one of Chuck's roommates from Baylor -- we have been praying for them since we heard the news and will continue to do so. May God's healing hand be upon Kristi!
-praying in VA

Anonymous said...

Thank you for your blog--if it hadn't been for you I would have never known about Kristi. She and I taught together when they lived in Houston. Another coworker of ours saw your blog and forwarded it to me. We are all praying for Kristi and her family. This is so hard to believe.

twinkle said...

Father, Your Word offers us hope in hopeless situations. Please grace this family as they hope in You. Surround this woman of faith with Your ministering angels as she battles the disease that wants to steal her future. Jesus, You are able to speak healing over her. I pray that You would destroy this killer and restore her health. Give us all the faith to believe until Your Will is made manifest. In Jesus Name. Amen.

Kara Akins said...

Please with long life satisfy her and show her your salvation. May your living Word stand guard over her. Also, Father, your WOrd says blessed is the person whose quiver is full of children. Blessed, not dying; blessed, not grieving; blessed, not burdened. Father, please shower her with this blessing and allow her and her family to enjoy and absorb every drop of goodness that comes when babies are born. Guard this good thing that has been deposited into their lives. Guard it with the power of Your Spirit, the power of your Name, the power of your Word, the power of your testimony. May the next report be saturated in your goodness and grace. We are asking, petitioning you for a good report. We are asking and petitioning you for these three children's mother. Weep with us right now and show yourslef strong. O, God of Wonders, show yourself strong and strengthen our faith by your great and awesome power. Your power does not fade and your ears are not dull. You hear us and we know that if you hear us we have what we ask of you. How many times you have answered us when we pray for a good parking place, a good meal or a desire of our hearts? If you will bend your ear and move your hand for something so little then with the same ears and same hand move for this big thing. Move for this momma. Move mightily for this family. Fight for her. Fight for her, Lord. Who is she? She is me, she is every child's mother.We cry out to you for her , as if we were crying out for ourselves. We know you thought of her with every lash of the whip. Every strip that you recieved was for our healing. We stand as one asking you to release the power of that moment for this great need. In the mighty, precious Name of Jesus. The Name above all names pelase strengthen her body to live a full life. Do not let her life be cut short. Let her live and declare your wonders. May she tell the next generation of your awesome power. Lord, give her body your ressurection power. Fill her with that power. How can we not ask in light of knowing who you are, Lord? In light of knowing your power and ability, kowing the things you do on behalf of mere people. O, that your Name would be praised once again for your awesome works in this day, in the midst of a generation that hasn't seen your wonders of old. Praise you for your unending power and your steadfast compassion that compels you to still move on our behalf.

Kara Akins said...

Lord, I want to take a moment to come and praise you for the good report you gave her. We praise you. We thank you. We humble ourselves before you b/c of your great mercies. We bend our knees and bow before you b/c of the grace you have extended in this time of need. Father, just as Esther asked the king to let the jews "do it again", we ask that you would do it again. We ask you for another good report. Give her another victory, Lord. Strengthen her body even more. Finish this good work that you have begun. And let us continue to praise your Name b/c you have compassion on all you have made and your compassion prompts you to move. We have a God that is willing to move!!! Thank you for who you are. Eyes on you, Jesus. Watching, waiting for you to move.

Pink said...


I ran into your blog from another blog, and to be honest I am not even sure how...but I think God had something to do with it. I am a two time breast cancer survivor and I pray daily that a cure is found SOON so that no one else has to go thru what so many have had to. I will be praying for your friend and her family. Does she have a blog,or is there a way that I could email her myself to share some encouragement? I did not find your blog until today, and it was to late to send a had written note.

Beth in NC said...

Hi Amanda. This is my first time to your blog. Carolina Mama shared your blog address with us when she asked for prayer for this family.

I am so sorry. God bless her family and children. This is horrible.

Praying for them.
