Another reason I couldn't stay in a bad mood? My precious, adorable son flirted with me all day long. He started making eyes at me in his highchair this morning and continued to sweet talk me until I put him in his crib tonight. It certainly wasn't because I was looking like a cute young mom. It was an air-dried hair day gone bad. If he smiled at me once with big blinking eyes, he did it five thousand times. It was possibly my favorite day of motherhood. I need to remember that tomorrow when he is making a scene at Gymboree.
We spent our pest control exile at the mall. Get son slept in his stroller. HE SLEPT IN HIS STROLLER! For an hour! People, that has not happened in a year. God was having mercy on me. After he woke up we shared some pretzel sticks and bought Daddy a new hat from American Eagle that he looks really good in. Too bad he will not be caught dead in it outside this house.
Later we picked up Curtis and headed to a park. This park had sand instead of pebbles and we let Jackson go nuts in it. Curt buried Jackson's legs and made them look two feet long. I absolutely hate that I didn't have my camera. Jacks must have gotten a little sand in his mouth because he ralphed on his dad on the way to the car. I'm sure all the other parents were dying laughing at our naivete. They knew exactly what was coming when that fist inevitably made its way into the mouth.
Here's my little man in his new Nick and Nora sock monkey pajamas from Super Target. I went there for the first time last night and let me just say, it IS super. In my memories of that great, indeed super, experience, I am choosing to exclude the moment the cashier asked me to sign up for a Target card. When I said no, she replied, "Well if you do I get a $5 gift card." Really? Does my Crown financial peace mean that little to you? I'll stop now. Here's the boy.
He asked for the mohawk! I swear!

Love the pajammies. Super cute!
Good for you for getting a discount from the orkin man. It should've been free for all that waiting, but a discount is great too. :)
Had to giggle about daddy getting ralphed on too. Personally, I love to "share my wealth" whenever possible with my husband. Don't you agree?
Have a fun day!
How could a girl not melt with those eyes set on her? :))
And Super Target? Get out. I only have the 'One Hour Away and Never Have Time to Go' Target. And I do miss it so. Could you just touch some cool housewares for me the next time you are in? Thankssomuch. :)
What a light in those sweet little eyes! So glad for the gift God gave you at the you were smiling big!
I just got back from seeing Liz Curtis Higgs. She was taping for a couple of Bible studies...what a sweet-hearted lady and so very funny!
Now I'm "tared." :) Please come and see us when you come to Colorado...we can swap stories and share some good sweet tea. We have some good 'uns from the time I wrapped Chris in toilet paper for our Fall oct. 31st get together thingy(Lazarus come forth!). Some of our friends (now on staff for Campus Crusade came as the Fruit of the Spirit (an apple and a grape..hee hee). We were a hokey bunch!
Love ya,
I wanted to introduce myself, I found you through Debra over at "And By Faith...the Blog" (Who I found through the LPM Blog!)
I am Teri and I am new at blogging, so I really don't know the protocol! Anyway, Jackson is a doll. In the north we call his current hair-do a Fauxhawk! It looks great on him! I also have a son named Jackson, and we call him Jacks too. He is eight now. He has a big brother (PJ- 11) and a little sister (Zoe-5) so I am a busy mom.
I read your blog faithfully, you are so funny and I love your authenticity!
Good for you for standing up to the Orkin man.
Those pictures of Jackson are just about the sweetest. I love his little baby teeth.
Jackson is seriously so stinkin' cute. I can imagine how a horrible day could be turned into a great one with just one flirty look from his eyes.
And the bugs haven't started up here yet. Woo-hoo! We have about another month!
Oh my gosh...please say "ralphed on his dad" for me next time I see you. That is funny material.
Must get pic with J & A in their matching monkey pjs.
Woweee! That boy has some killer eyes! I'm glad you had the best day of mommyhood ever. Those are the ones that get us through the rest of them!
And seriously. If those red-shirted people ask me one more time if I want a Target gift card...! It would have been much more selfless of you to allow her the $5 gift card... but whatever... ;) LOL!
I just LOVE baby mohawks!
Okay! I have to laugh at the Target woman, my brother is a Financial Stewardship minister at a church in DFW and we both are very passionate about Crown Ministries. Anyway, the other day, I went shopping with he and his wife and the lady asked if we would like to sign up for a credit card and my brother proceeded to quote Proverbs 22:7, "The borrower is slave to the lender." She looked at us like we were nuts and quickly checked us out, she probably was scared of us. But what gets me is most do not take no for an answer, they keep hounding us. I am a big fan of Super Target...glad you were able to enjoy it inspite all the things that seemed to be coming your way yesterday!
You little boy is so adorable! I love the honesty of the Target employee!..Too bad the Orkin man wasn't so honest..."um, yes ma'am your appointment is for 10-12 but I won't be there for 7 hours after that. Please plan to be good and mad by the time I arrive. Thank you."
Guess what? There are very few bugs in Colorado :) :) :)
Driving home to Marshall, we hit Amarillo and the bugs begin to hit our truck again :( 'Don't miss them or fire ants at all.
Oh, and I'm about to make Uncle Wayne's Winter White Chili -- it's raining today and a bit chilly, so I tought I'd try it for the last hurrah before warm weather stays awhile...praying for your Fam.
goodness, jackson is looking so cute these days. the pajamas are so adorable & the mohawk too!
Oh he is TOO cute! I can't believe how big he is. We have to get together soon so I can get my hugs!Switch to ABC pest sister - we get to stay at home! Love u!
I am in need of forgiveness. I think I have stepped out of the boundary lines defined by blog etiquette itself. Forgive me! I think I was supposed to 'introduce' myself so as to not scare you. So...hello, I'm Shelly. Getting ready to graduate this Saturday from Georgia Tech (praise Him....seriously) and heading off to Wheaton or Gordon-Conwell in August. That's enough right? I hopped on your blog from a friend's friend friend friend friend...I lost track! But the posts crack me up....and what's not to love about Jackson's mohawk! Thank you!
He looks ADORABLE in those pj's!
But let's get down to business: Did you say this was your FIRST trip to Super Target? Really?????
Okay, now that the shock has worn off (only because I've spent at least a year of my life there), I have to tell you that if you want to maintain that CFP, you're going to have to run--not walk--away! That place will suck you down faster than Sam's. And I would know :)
He is TOO precious- I wish Sara could meet him, his is a hunk!! I am glad your experience went well... I too have a toddler that rarely sleeps in a stroller- that was SO a God thing, He is good in all things, even the small ones (to a mom, missing a nap isn't small)
Thanks for sharing, he is adorable. -jackie
come on, curt. wear the hat!
Oh my goodness, you southern girls are so brave to live amongst all those scary bugs! Why, just this afternoon I made my husband drive all the way home from work to take care of a spider for me! You'd think he would relish the opportunity to be my knight in shining armor, but not so much.
I think the Orkin man would be a very regular visitor to our home, should we ever live in Texas!
Also, cute pjs and even cuter little guy!
Also, one more thing. SUPER Target?
We don't have such a thing here in Seattle, and I love Target so much I could write the CEO a love poem.
I wonder what it has that makes it more super than a regular Target, which is pretty darn super?
I'll never get tired of seeing that adorable face! He's so cute.
Seriously, if he gets any cuter, I don't know what I'm going to do! Love you so...
Amanda, Don't you love Nick and Nora PJ's? Jackson looks so cute in them. Super Target rocks! Regular Target rocks! I can't go there too often cause I come home with all kinds of stuff.
Two things. One question and one comment.
1) Why won't Curt be caught dead in the hat outside of the house?
2) You can see the happiness in your little boys eyes! That is one content, loved and knows it little man!
Did you notice he lost his foot? That is so cute! Some of my favorite pics of my son are him at that age, fresh out of a bath, and in his jammies, curled up next to his Grandpa in his recliner (usually with his cousin on the other side). Love that smile! He definetly uses his whole face! And I have to add, I looked at Travis's picture and it is so cool! What an "Incredible" family!
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