So happy to be at Biggies' house.

Pappaw, can I borrow your cane?

Jackson loves to play in the pebbles at the park.

My little walker.

Holy cow, Batman! It's a picture where they both look decent!

My loves.

Don't hate me because I'm wearing my veil in this picture. It looks good with a black tank top, doesn't it? I tried on my wedding dress, too. Give praise to God that it still fit. However, no tan + no updo + no professional makeup application = no pictures. Get a load of my mom's jasmine. They smell as good as they look.

Look at how beautiful you are in your veil. The dress still fits...awesome. All the pictures were wonderful.
wow check out the sunset behind you and jackson at the park...what an amazing artist we serve :) are tiny, and so beautiful in that picture :) i hope ms. curtis knows how lucky he is ;)
I have my wedding dress in our guest room closet. (My mom recently brought it to me) and my husband laughingly joked that it might not fit so to prove him wrong ....I came prancing in the living room while he was watching TV to show that it indeed fit! Veil and all! But I'm with you - without an updo and a tan and a manicure - it just didn't have the magic of that day! (BUT IT FIT!)
Okay - you're going to have to educate this Mississippi-born girl.
What is campechana?
I do apologize for my ignorance.
By the way - if I could still fit in my wedding dress, I'd be wearing it TO THE GROCERY STORE, so rock on, sister friend.
You look bee-u-ti-full all the time Amanda! So proud of you that your dress still go girl!
Can I confess something to you? I really miss those early Texas spring mornings :) Shhh...don't tell!
I also miss pretty and smells just right.
Again, you guys are heavy on my heart to pray. Will you give your Mom a hug for me? Wish I could do it myself! 'Found myself looking at the pretty commission Maggie folks are definately NOT fakes! May God continue to be HUGE for you all.
Love you in Him,
How sweet of God to give little moments of joy with family and fun in the midst of pain. Still praying.
That's the bittersweet side of funerals. On one hand, you mourn the physical loss of someone you love dearly. On the other hand, you get to spend time with others you love dearly and may not have seen in years.
That was certainly the case at my Aunt Susan's funeral last month. Seeing my cousins - and the new babies, now that we are all at that stage of life - was such a joy. Plus, I got to see my parents, sister and new nephew, which was a special treat, seeing as we normally live half a country apart.
Many family members commented that Susan would have loved seeing everyone in her home, laughing and talking and crying.
Continuing in prayers for you and your family.
(Great picture of you and Jackson, by the way! That's a keeper!)
So glad you are able to spend this time with your family. That sweet little boy is adorable. I love his little stance while he's walking. :)
And you are looking skinny minnie little lady! :) Gotta love the feeling of being able to get in your wedding dress.
Hugs, Michelle
It's great to have times of laughter even in the midst of tearful, emotional times. Build great memories with your family around. They are precious.
I always look forward to seeing your pictures. The one on your profile is the best!
love all the pictures! Your little one is adorable...and way too pretty to be a boy! Don't tell his daddy I said that!
I'm with Boomama, I don't know what campechana is!
So glad you're able to see family, even under sad circumstances. Your grandfather is dancing in heaven free from pain (and my dad surely welcomed him there!)
Much love and prayers to you sista!
Love the picture of you and Jackson and I'm with Boomama, if I thought my dress fit, I'd wear it 24/7. It's probably better that I just keep it tucked away in its heirloom box and tell myself that of course it still fits.
How much weight can a girl gain after 10 years and 1 baby?
you're so beautiful! i love the new picture with jackson and is it beckham? ok the comment from boomama about wearing her wedding dress to the grocery store made me laugh SO hard! i can just see her (ok i can't really, since i don't know what she looks like) struttin her stuff with pride down the aisles of the store. i'm glad you had sweet time with your family, i'm know that was an intentional gift from God!
So, so, so cute picture of you in red and Jackson in stripes! I'll have to try on my dress, but won't report about it, since it probably won't zip! Love your pics and y'all are in our prayers.
I have my wedding dress, but... it aint gonna happen! Loved the pictures!
Congrats! Your dress still fits!
Last year (after 10 yrs. of marriage and 2 babies), I tried my dress on after I had been dieting for months. It fit! And, I was so ecstatic, I kept it on until my husband got home for dinner. He cracked up when he walked in and saw me wearing my dress and viel and slicing cucumbers!
You two do look adorable!
craziness Amanda- I haven't even TOUGHT to try on my wedding dress- 2 years post baby!! Maybe I should do it soon before trying for another one!! :-) Glad God is giving you some AWESOME family time, cherish it... and cherish the memories of your grandpa as a a family. Glad the Houston weather is beign nice for you.
Love, Jackie
I love hearing about another mom's journey. I am a mother of two and my little Evan just turned One. He started walking last week and we are having a blast.
As for fitting into the dress...I was so excited that i fit into mine too. It is a huge relief to know that after two babies and weight that definitely went up-hehe-I am back to my pre baby size.
Hope to chat with you more-check out my blog. Lots of pics of my babies too.
Love all the pics of Jackson! He has the sweetest smile.... and my dress is all airtight at my mom's because you know someday I am going to have a little girl and I'M SURE she is going to want to wear my wedding dress... I can dream right? :)
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