Today was picture day at MDO. His first school pictures! Exciting, right? I dressed Jackson in some blue linen shorts and a matching shirt and sweater vest. He was so preppy and so handsome. Impossibly cute in this mother's eyes. His daddy took him to school and I picked him up at the appropriate time. He still looked precious when I got there. In fact, he was sitting in a little chair eating a snack. His teacher told me he likes cheese. No kidding? Do you know his parents? I was so happy because I was just dying to see my son sit in a chair at a table and eat like a big boy. And then I overheard the director telling another mom that picture day is Thursday. All I could do is roll my my own self. So this is how it's going to be, huh? I'm going to be that mom who either forgets picture day or sends her kid, her SON, all dressed up a day early. Two things: I have to find another equally cute outfit for Thursday. There's no way he's wearing this one again because it will be so obvious (as if it wasn't already) that I got the day wrong. And, this is good news to all my friends and family, I'll also be getting a planner. Look out for the new organized me in April.
Thankfully I took a quick picture as my boys were leaving. He is not as big as he looks in this outfit.
Whatever outfit you find for Thursday, please make sure that it's that gorgeous shade of blue because OH MY WORD HIS EYES.
Sweet thing.
I have to agree with Boomama. Those eyes could stop traffic.
Actually, Amanda, it is much better to "doubly" prepared and sent them "cute" on the wrong day than to send them "grundgy" because you forgot it was picture day. Better to be "two" cute than not cute at all. Love your blog!!
It's so sad that you have to try to find an equally cute outfit for Thursday. That would stress me out. His first school pictures! So sweet!
hey go to Kohl's - cute stuff - He will look so cute - post another pic tomorrow!
I've been there...and continue to be. Day late, forget things, or whatever situation it might happens...our kids need to learn the true meaning of GRACE early. We can't be perfect (although we try).
I agree with Barbara. Since my son goes to his dad on Tuesday nights, that seems to always be the day that notices go home. I sent Ryan to school on picture day and it also happened to be a day that we started backing out of the driveway and I realized I had not combed his hair! Luckily in the pictures, you can't tell as it was just the back part and by that time it just looked like a cowlick. But I was so nervous to get those pictures! So, I too would rather send them dressed two days in a row than none at all. They may just think you found some really cute clothes at a good price! But I can promise you are not the only one that did not get the day right!
You could dress in a sloppy old t-shirt and he would still dazzle the camera.
Ahhh, school pictures. My daughter had her first ones at MOPS when she was 13 m/o, and she's reaching her arms out with this pained look of "pleeeeeeaaaase come pick me up!" Nice!
How precious is Jackson in his little sweater vest! Those big blue eyes!
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